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Concurrent gnutls_record_send and gnutls_record_recv

From: Sam Varshavchik
Subject: Concurrent gnutls_record_send and gnutls_record_recv
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 19:29:53 -0500

I want my application to be able to read/write from a TLS session concurrently, which requires non-blocking socket transport, and I am trying to figure out how to use the API correctly. I see that the documentation indicates the gnutls is thread safe; but does that mean that one thread can be using gnutls_record_send() while another thread be using gnutls_record_recv() at the same time? That's one approach that I am considering. If not, and I have to multiplex a single thread between reading and writing, I am trying to figure out how to use the API correctly. So far, I have:

* If there's something waiting to be written, call gnutls_record_send. If gnutls_record_send returned GNUTLS_E_INTERRUPTED or GNUTLS_E_AGAIN, call gnutls_record_get_direction(), and note its return value. If gnutls_record_send wrote something, and there's more left to write, take it from the top.

* Call gnutls_record_recv. If something was read, process the read data, and take it from the top again. If gnutls_record_recv came back with GNUTLS_E_INTERRUPTED or GNUTLS_E_AGAIN, call gnutls_record_get_direction(), combine its return value with the return value after gnutls_record_send() (if applicable), computing the corresponding combination of POLLIN and POLLOUT, then call poll() to wait for the required I/O state.

Also, in an established TLS session, after the handshake completes, if gnutls_record_recv() or gnutls_record_send() returns GNUTLS_E_INTERRUPTED or GNUTLS_E_AGAIN, will gnutls_record_get_direction() always return 0 after gnutls_record_recv and 1 after gnutls_record_send(), or are there situations where gnutls_record_recv() would need to write to the underlying transport, and gnutls_record_send() would need to read from the underlying transport, and how would that be squared away with the application's simultaneous usage of gnutls_record_send() and gnutls_record_recv()? If, say, after gnutls_record_recv() returns GNUTLS_E_AGAIN or GNUTLS_E_INTERRUPTED, and gnutls_record_get_direction returns 1 (indicating write I/O is required), must I subsequently call gnutls_record_recv() again, after I/O is available, and calling gnutls gnutls_record_send() (as my I/O loop does) would mess things up?

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