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[Help-gnuts] marshmallow

From: Sally Fernandez
Subject: [Help-gnuts] marshmallow
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 08:19:05 +0700

I knew him fairly well and liked him, butPamela was very near my heart.
She had to convince him anew thatshe preferred Tophet in his company to Paradise alone. There were times, too, when he bitterly reproached himself. Beyond doubt a beauty, and ofa rare type. The sight of Pamela thusrestored to him was more than he could bear.
But they are not to be married till June.
In three years he was a junior partner in his firm, andafter that his advance was rapid.
After that she wenton a cruise to the Red Sea with some Americans called Baffin. But its a comfort to me to feel that you know.
She has caught a beastly cold, and I made her promise tostay indoors in this bitter weather.
Criticalin any serious sense he could not be, for he had not the apparatusfor criticism.
Fate has played you an ugly trick, but youre man enough to beatit. Pam is as white as a sheet, and looks more like a widowthan a bride. But there was no doubt about his meaning. I saw Lady Pam at a dinner last week, and shehad a face like a deaths head. The announcement will be in thepapers tomorrow. The anodyne he tried was the worst conceivable.
He was quiteclear about this, and he had also become assured of his own end.
I saw that it would be foolish to make light of the trouble.
Pamela returned to England before the end of November. I think that youre face to face with a crisis, Charles dear.
In a week or two some alchemy had changedher utterly.
I had tried to get a word with him, but he shunned me like theplague. Indeed, he was calm now, if you cancall that calm which is the uttermost despair. And just before Whitsuntide they had had something like a quarrel. Then into his orderly life, like a warm spring wind upon asnowfield, came Pamela Brune. Each spell of freedom from thought was succeeded by a longer spellof intense brooding.
Then his confidence suddenlydeserted him.
Oh, Charles, she cried, what has happened to us? He limited his equipmentto the bare necessaries, and courted every kind of fatigue.
Thank God, Charles wasnot there to listen to that! Nothing in Heaven or earth could harmhim now. Oh, Charles, she cried, what has happened to us?
He is very good too and goes steadily to the Cityagain, but hes not my notion of the happy lover.
The trouble was thathe got no farther forward. But the science may have been all cock-eyed.
Charles Ottery is here,and I find to my horror that Pamela Brune is coming tomorrow.
If we keep on grappling with the brute, it MUST bless us.

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