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Any idea what triggers this linking error?

From: William Payne
Subject: Any idea what triggers this linking error?
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 12:55:28 +0200

Hello, using GCC 3.4.2 (actually g++) and I'm having trouble with a small 
C++ program. It triggers this linking error:

g++ binary_to_decimal.o handle_command_line.o 
main.o -L/usr/local/gcc-3.4.2/lib/ -o binary_to_decimal.exe
In function `_ZNSt12_Vector_baseISsSaISsEED2Ev':
/usr/include/c++/3.3.3/bits/stl_vector.h: undefined reference to 
`std::__default_alloc_template<(bool)1, (int)0>::deallocate(void*, 

I can't find what in my code triggers this and I'm not very familiar with 
the gnu tools yet. Anyone have any tips that might lead me in the right 

/ WP 

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