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Is a gnu object file like an other compiler object file

From: Giulio Guarnone
Subject: Is a gnu object file like an other compiler object file
Date: Fri, 09 Dec 2005 15:46:16 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (Windows/20050716)

Hi to all,

I've a simple question, maybe silly but I'm not very fond with this topics (I generally use only a compiler).

I've a static library (not open source) implementing a protocol. I don't know with what compiler was compiled, I know only that is the Linux version, so I try to link it with my program but I always fail.
In my gcc string I use other linux opensource libraries without any problem.

What kind of problem could it be ?

Could the library be compiled with a non-gnu compiler ?

I've used the "ar xv <library>.a" to obtain *.o files and then I've create both a static and a dynamic library but the result library didn't work.

Any idea ?


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