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Re: Bugs in my code, help!!

From: Paul Pluzhnikov
Subject: Re: Bugs in my code, help!!
Date: Sat, 04 Feb 2006 09:49:49 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) XEmacs/21.4 (Jumbo Shrimp, linux)

"Al-Burak" <> writes:

> This is not a question where the source code is important,

Yes, it is. You saying it isn't doesn't make it so.

> This is a bug, obviously, and I will eventually find the bug; however
> my question is, does anyone here know a better way to find this kind of
> errors than to go line by line looking for the bug?

The *trivial* way to find this bug is as follows:
assuming 'g++ -c -I...' is the command that fails, do

  g++ -E -I... > Person.ii

Now open 'Person.ii' in your editor, and search for 'class Person'.

There can not be more than one definition, i.e. 'class Person { ... };'

> Is there a
> parameter in GCC that I can use so that the compiler is more specific,

G++ is usually already specific enough, e.g.

$ cat
class Person { int x; };
class Person { int x; };

$ g++ -c error: redefinition of `class Person' error: previous definition of `class Person'

Here g++ tells me that I've redefined 'class Person' on line 2,
and where the previous definition is.

> or become more elaborate in what/where the error is?

In the future, you'll do well to at least post the error message
you are getting. You may also wish to read this:

In order to understand recursion you must first understand recursion.
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