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Re: [Help-liquidwar6] Getting ready for 0.0.8beta

From: Kasper Hviid
Subject: Re: [Help-liquidwar6] Getting ready for 0.0.8beta
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 19:42:41 +0100

2009/10/25 Christian Mauduit <address@hidden>

I'm currently brainstorming on "what should be done or not for 0.0.8beta".

The idea is of course to put a maximum of stuff in it (I've been coding
like mad lately so believe me, there's some meat) but at the same time I
*absolutely* want to have something released in November 2009.

So, we are talking about an actual deadline! I don't think I will have the new cursors ready for that, but I should have the fine-tuned level xml files ready. There is also the floating HUD settings.

I agree that those meta-layer png's are a must have for 0.0.8beta -- whatever it is. I am quite curious!

Am I wrong, or are there a slight delay when before each sound is played?

I'll leave 0.0.8 and look a bit further into the future ...  There are of course a lot of things which *could* be done - a cooler menu, that wave effect and color shifting. But the important thing is to get the games basic components up and running. Make the game as playable as possible with the smallest effort.

Potential ticket: replace moves per sec with something like "the whole level should be walkable in X seconds regardless of fighter size" in hints.xml, and to let it be possible for the player to adjust the games requirements so it fits his hardware. (we already have the ticket "Offer a way to disable memory-greedy features")

More important: music! I don't think I can be of much help here, but if someone want to create a specific LW6 soundtrack, I have a vision of some really fast-paced, rhythmic music, to fit with the fast-paced gameplay. I think it is important that the music and the gameplay work together. Maybe some 'world music', like in the game Endorfun. Balkan maybe? Personly, I'm a bit hooked on Deep Forest. Here is some berimbau:
Or the music could be inspired by ancient arcade games:

 - Kasper

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