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Re: Using the target of a pattern rule as a prerequisite

From: Noel Yap
Subject: Re: Using the target of a pattern rule as a prerequisite
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 2004 11:07:03 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.5 (Windows/20040212)

Paul D. Smith wrote:

Sure, and if people never made mistakes in programming then programs
would never have bugs :).

There's a difference between mistakes and not thinking about consequences.

I think David's point is that the build system should be as robust and
reliable as possible _IN THE FACE OF_ incorrect decisions made by the
developers.  The tradeoff here is between safety and performance (as is
so often the case).  I think each group will need to make that decision
for themselves... and it may well change over time.

I think my point is completely being missed.  Let's say we have:

# bar/Foo.H

struct Foo
        char c;

# baz/Foo.H

struct Foo
        long c;

This is surely unsafe (ie will likely cause memory corruption somewhere) and only the decision 
not to allow "#include <Foo.H>" will resolve the situation.

Sometimes this behavior is impossible to obtain with third-party code.
Sure, you could ensure that all your uses of headers put in the extra
directory, but you can't force the 3rd party headers to always use this
format internally!  Unless, of course, you change all their headers.

IMHO, sometimes that's what's needed.  For example, we recently changed a third-party's header 
file from a #include <> to a #include "" so that it included the correct header 

I agree, though, that sometimes it's not worth it.

Nevertheless, I think this is a good setup and the one we use here: we
have a rule that each component gets one entry in the global include
directory.  If they export only one header file, they can use their
entry for a file directly.  If they export >1 header, they have to use
their one entry for a subdirectory to contain the headers, and follow
the #include method you mention above.

This sounds like a good way to balance all the forces involved.


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