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Re: GNU Make: check if a file or directory exists

From: Jim
Subject: Re: GNU Make: check if a file or directory exists
Date: Fri, 05 May 2006 15:44:25 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060308)

Paul D. Smith wrote:
%% Jim <address@hidden> writes:

j> Is there a way I can check myself for the existence of a file or j> directory in make and provide specific error message for my users?

  j> For example if the user calls:
  j>     make build_vxworks

  j> I would like a message that says:
j> You have not generated source code for any vxworks targets. Please j> ... blah blah blah ...

There are really lots of ways to do this, depending on exactly what you
want to do... which isn't well-defined above.

But, for example:

  $(if $(wildcard $(SRCS)),,$(fatal You have not generated source code...))

Thanks your example is just what i need to see ... no further questions ...


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