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Re: Problem with MOC-related (Qt) objects

From: Cesar Crusius
Subject: Re: Problem with MOC-related (Qt) objects
Date: Mon, 22 May 2006 15:39:28 -0700
User-agent: KMail/1.9.1

On Monday 22 May 2006 11:36, Paul D. Smith wrote:
> %% Cesar Crusius <address@hidden> writes:
>   cc> The third rule never seems to make into GNU Make (running with -p
>   cc> doesn't show it at all). Any clues? I read and reread section 10.8
>   cc> from my printed manual and I am still at loss at why doesn't this
>   cc> work.
> Please always remember to include information on the version of GNU make
> are you using.
> Using GNU make 3.81, I see all three rules.
> Using earlier versions, any pattern rule where the directory does not
> exist when the makefile is parsed will be discarded.

Ah, thanks. Sorry I forgot to mention it was 3.80. That explains it. 
Unfortunatly I can't upgrade the company's computers, but a little hack will 
take care of it.


- Cesar

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