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Substring function (GMSL)

From: Michael Ludwig
Subject: Substring function (GMSL)
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2012 11:58:11 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21+52 (c26dbc7021f4) (2011-07-01)

VPATH = 01-eins 02-zwei 03-drei 11-elf

What could I do to transform the VPATH input list
such as to obtain the following output list?

EXEN = eins.exe zwei.exe drei.exe elf.exe

(Strip the leading number and add the suffix.)

==== Solution ==== GNU Make Standard Library

Okay, I did some more googling and found a solution
involving the *map* and *substr* functions from GMSL:

include D:/Opt/MakeGMSL/gmsl

dir2exe = $(call substr,$1,4,99).exe

EXEN = $(call map,dir2exe,$(VPATH))

I didn't know about GMSL before. Considered useful.
No further questions for today, just posting for the
archives. Thanks.


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