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Re: [Help-nano] Gradual slowdown with syntax highlighting

From: Jordi Mallach
Subject: Re: [Help-nano] Gradual slowdown with syntax highlighting
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 13:06:38 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

Hi Ian,

On Sun, Jun 15, 2003 at 01:11:05PM -0700, Ian Clarke wrote:
> I have noticed that while editing emails using syntax highlighting (as 
> supplied in the sample.nanorc file), after a few minutes of editing an 
> email, I start to notice a delay before each keypress.  The longer I 
> keep going, the longer this delay gets.  Eventually I need to quit and 
> restart nano to get back to a normal speed.  I am convinced that the 
> problem is with nano, not with my internet connection or processor 
> speed.  This only started to occur after I recompiled with 
> --enable-all and started to use syntax highlighting.

We've had massive memory leaks in the syntax code before. We had a case
where my 256Mbs would be exhausted just paging up and down nano.c 2
times or so, but afawk, these problems were solved before the 1.2
release. My guess is that there are still issues. Can you monitor your
memory usage while you use nano normally? If you can use some checker
like valgrind, it'll hopefully show some useful info.

Jordi Mallach PĂ©rez  --  Debian developer
address@hidden     address@hidden
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