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From: Wonkoo Kim
Subject: multiplot
Date: Tue, 03 Feb 98 11:10:15 -0500

I'm using Octave 2.0.9 for OS/2 (Patchlevel 2.09-b03).  

I want a few plots on a page, and the number of graphs per plot
is not fixed but depends on data set.  This variable number of graph 
in a plot works well for one plot mode.  An example code would be

  hold on
  for k = 2 : ncols+1
      gplot phi using 1:k with lines
  hold off

where phi is my function data set in which column 1 has x values,
the other 'ncols' columns have function values. (You may consider 
them as 'ncols' channels of signals.)  I want to plot them together 
in a plot.  This number 'ncols' is determined by input data file.
There was no problem in ploting until I tried multiplot.

In multiplot, plot sizes and ranges were different between gplot's in 
the above loops.  The resulting plot was completely messed up with 
misaligned several axes, ticks, numbers, lines.

Thus, to get well-aligned (i.e. perfectly overlapped) graph axes, I 
wanted to set xrange and yrange before the above code like

  gset xrange [xmin:xmax]
  gset yrange [ymin:ymax]

where the range variables are determined by data set.  However,
passing range with variables seems not possible.

Could you suggest any other better way?
(I know the above loop generates multiple 'plot' commands rather than
just one plot command like "plot data using 1:2 w l, using 1:3 w l, 
...", but I couldn't find a good solution.)

Another quick question:  How do I clear plot in multiplot mode?
I get accumulated plots unless I close gnuplot window, even after 
clearplot.  Single plot mode works fine, though.


// Wonkoo Kim (address@hidden)

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