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plot with multiple axis

From: Steven N Harp
Subject: plot with multiple axis
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 15:21:26 -0400 (EDT)

I am trying to create plots with either multiple x or y axis. I can do 
it in pure gnuplot, but have not been able to do it in octave.

In gnuplot

set ytics nomirror
set y2tics 
plot x, x*x axis x1y2

and this gives me the plot I want

in octave

x = -10:10;
gset ytics nomirror
gset xrange[-10:10]
gset yrange [-10:10]
hold on
gset y2tics
gset x2range[-10:10]
gset y2range [0:100]

hold off

This gets me close, however the yaxis and/or scale is not changed so
while the tic marks are correct the plot is not. I would appreciate
any pointers or sugggestions.

                        Steven Harp, address@hidden     
        Applied Research Laboratory/The Pennsylvania State University
                        Office  (814) - 865 - 3021
                        Fax     (814) - 863 - 7841

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