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Re: Same script for octave/matlab

From: A. Scottedward Hodel
Subject: Re: Same script for octave/matlab
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 14:11:41 -0500

>From: [deleted]
>To: Ketil Froyn <address@hidden>
>Subject: Re: Same script for octave/matlab
>Date: Thu, Oct 7, 1999, 1:50 PM

> but your browser has a search function, hasn't it?
>> I looked through some of the 1999 archive, but didn't find
>> anything.

My browser has a search function.  However, a search for the words
"octave print" yielded the source to the octave_print_internal
c++ code, the home page to Octave Communications, Inc., and hand bells
music for "Christ the Lord is Risen Today."  The print function queson is
not listed in  The 1999, 1998
archives only have a note indicating that a solution was posted in the past,
and the word "print" doesn't appear in the octave-sources archive.

With results like this, a question to help-octave is appropriate.

[Sorry, Ketil, I couldn't find it either, but it would be easy
for you to write one, provided you're not using multiplot features.  There
IS some discusion in the 1998-1999 help-octave archives about printing
with multiplot.]

A S Hodel Assoc. Prof. Dept Elect Eng, Auburn Univ,AL  36849-5201
On leave at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (256) 544-1426
Address until 15 Mar 2000:Mail Code TD-55, MSFC, Alabama, 35812

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