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GNUPlot flicker Problem

From: albert treblataf
Subject: GNUPlot flicker Problem
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2003 10:19:14 -0800 (PST)

I'm running an mfile that displays graphs on the gnuplot. The problem is, that every time I run the mfile, the plot display first flickers through all previous plots before displaying the current plot. However If I type the same command that is in the mfile directly at the prompt, it displays the plot without first flickering through all previous plots. The eventual idea is to have the mfile loop through my data and display each plot for two seconds before displaying the next. As I have over 100 plots to display, it would be tiresome to type at the command line. At the moment, after 10 or 11 plots the whole plot display is just a mass of flickering lines.  Anyone else have this problem?
I'm using Octave-2.1.42-windows-atlas.exe downloaded from the source forge website.
any help will be gratefully received.

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