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saving octave session

From: Victor Kareem
Subject: saving octave session
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 02:00:40 -0600

On 12-Nov-2003, Victor Kareem <address@hidden> wrote:

| 1. I am trying to find a way to save my octave session into a file, it this | possible? The only thing I was able to do is save a particular value using | "save -ascii filename value." This works fine, but i want to save an entire
| session. I try using the "fprintf" but it is not working. If someone can
| actually show me an example of the fprintf, i will appreciate it. I know it
| goes something like fprintf(fid, template). I dont know what fid is and i
| dont know exactly what is meant by template.
| 2. Is their a way to use MEX function that captures a matlab screen with
| octave and store information in a file?
| 3.Has anyone been able to successfully interface a visual basic 6 Gui with
| octave using a shell function. I was able to call octave and pass it my
| .mfile, but it exits just as fast as it came on. I know this had already
| been discussed at
| ""; but am working | with octave on window platform and it has cygwin embedded. So my path is not
| set like those in the example.
| I ll really appreciate any help
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