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Re: MPI octave with hyperthreading?

From: Javier Fernandez Baldomero
Subject: Re: MPI octave with hyperthreading?
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 09:43:05 +0200
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Shai Ayal wrote:

Hi all,

I have a hyper threading Intel CPU. Linux treats it as a 2 processor smp machine. Will I gain anything by using MPI octave to run 2 things in parallel ?

No,I don't think so. LAM/MPI is a message-passing mechanism, most useful for distributed-memory systems (clusters and multicomputers). For shared-memory (multiprocessors), LAM/MPI works, but nothing is said about performance :-)

For SMP machines, many applications will suffer from memory contention. That is, your code accesses memory on particular instants of time. When you parallelize your application and run it as 2 processes (probably 2 copies of the same parallel code, ie, an SPMD code), each process tries to access memory exactly at the same time -> memory contention. The parallel code won't run faster than the sequential one, it gets memory-speed-limited. I have tested it and that's what happens to the MPITB "Pi" demo code in a cluster of Athlon biprocessors.

If I correctly understood multi-threading, your (single) CPU will try to switch threads looking for CPU instructions not requiring the currently used functional units/pipelines in the processor. So 2 copies of the same SPMD code won't help the CPU to find new instructions, they'll be exactly the same instructions in the original thread. Additionally, it seems you have to use special compiler switches ?!?

Of course, a parallel MPI application consisting of 2 different codes/processes that access memory at totally disparate moments, will probably benefit from an hyperthreaded CPU. But that's not the typical Octave-MPITB application.


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