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about "plot"

From: tom wang
Subject: about "plot"
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 18:26:36 +0800 (CST)

I can't use plot to get graph.


When I type
octave:7> t = 0:0.1:6.3;
octave:8> plot (t,cos(t),"-;cos(t);",t,sin(t),"+3;sin(t);")
Octave respond
sh: line 1: gnuplot: command not found
warning: in /usr/share/octave/2.1.73/m/plot/__pltopt__.m near line 121, column 7:
warning: connection to external plotter (pid = 12456) lost --
warning: please try your plot command(s) again
warning: broken pipe -- some output may be lost
sh: line 1: gnuplot: command not found
sh: line 1: gnuplot: command not found
warning: broken pipe -- some output may be lost


octave:3> t = 0:0.1:6.3;
octave:4>  plot(cos(t))
sh: line 1: gnuplot: command not found
warning: broken pipe -- some output may be lost
sh: line 1: gnuplot: command not found
warning: broken pipe -- some output may be lost
sh: line 1: gnuplot: command not found
sh: line 1: gnuplot: command not found
warning: broken pipe -- some output may be lost

I don't know why.

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