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ncload.m in Octcdf

From: Yi HanSoo
Subject: ncload.m in Octcdf
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2006 10:24:58 +0900

Hi Octave users
I am using the Octave-forge 2.1.73 for Window with Octcdf.
I want to use the ncload function from the Mexcdf on Octave
but I don't know how to implement it into Octcdf toolbox.
Could anyone shed a light to a newbie?
I just place it in the octcdf directory and try but failed,
Here the ncload is called from another function called gluemnc
and the error message is below; 
octave:23> gluemnc('state','0000000000')
error: `netcdf' undefined near line 23 column 5
error: evaluating assignment _expression_ near line 23, column 3
error: called from `ncload' in file `/usr/share/octave/site/m/octave-forge/octcdf/ncload.m'
error: evaluating assignment _expression_ near line 22, column 9
error: called from `gluemnc' in file `/MITgcm/nat_box/gluemnc.m'
Lee HanSoo

Ph.D student
Research Center for Fluvial and Coastal Disasters,
Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University,
Gokasho, Uji-si, Kyoto, Japan

Attachment: ncload.m
Description: Binary data

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