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Vectorising circle drawing

From: soren
Subject: Vectorising circle drawing
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 13:38:57 +0200
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.2-RC1)

Hi All,
I have a matrix 'cr' where each row contains the center and radius of a circle. Now, I want to draw these circles in a image. Currently, I do this by looping over each row, and then I draw the circle. This is however a bit slow, so I was wondering if I was missing some cool trick to vectorise this code:

  num_circles = rows (data);
  [XX, YY] = meshgrid (1:columns (I), 1:rows (I));
  for k = 1:num_circles
    C = (XX - cr (k, 2)).^2 + (YY - cr (k, 1)).^2 <= cr (k, 3).^2;
    mask (C) = 1;

where 'I' is a matrix of the same size as the matrix 'mask'.

Any thoughts?


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