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Re: axis font sizes

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: axis font sizes
Date: Sun, 02 Nov 2008 09:52:00 -0500

I checked Nabble and found this thread ...

If you'd like the change the default font to Arial you may get that effect by adding the line below to your ~/.octaverc file.

  set (0, "defaulttextfontname", "Arial");

As I'm running the developers sources 3.1.51+, I cannot verify this works for 3.0.1, 3.0.2, or 3.0.3.


On Nov 2, 2008, at 9:30 AM, Francis Poulin wrote:

Hello Ben,

I contacted the fink users and they said that they didn't do anything special to modify the program. Also, they don't know the program so they cannot advise me on the details.

My question can be rephrased as follows:

Suppose I want to choose the fonts of the axis label to be something different than the default, how do I do that in octave? I presume there must be a command like


or something like that. What i wrote above doesn't exist but if I had a list of all the different properties that can be set that would be helpful.

Thanks for your time,

On 20-Oct-08, at 7:39 AM, Ben Abbott wrote:

I recommend you look help on the Fink maillist.

Be sure to tell them your OS version, your fink version, and the specifics regarding your error.

But before asking try

fink selfupdate
fink scanpackages
fink index
fink update-all


On Oct 20, 2008, at 7:27 AM, Francis Poulin <address@hidden> wrote:

I'm running 3.0.1 that I installed using fink on my mac. Just now I tried configuring 3.0.3, the stable version which for some reason, fink doesn't install, but I got exit 77. I have a pretty generic mac OS X system but I don't know if there's an easy fix to this or other errors that might arise.

I tried the function you suggested and it didn't change the number labels on the axis. Any other suggestions?


On 19-Oct-08, at 8:50 PM, Ben Abbott wrote:

On Oct 19, 2008, at 8:08 PM, Francis Poulin wrote:

I recently figured out how to change the font of the x,y labels and
the title using something like

set (0, 'defaulttextfontname', '/Library/Fonts/Arial');

where I have a file called Arial.ttf in the above mentioned directory.

When I export the figure as a png those fonts look great but the axis fonts still look awful. Is there a similar command that will change
the axis font and size?

Also, while were at it, where can someone find a list  of figure
properties that someone can alter with set?

What version of Octave are you running?

Recently, a patch was added to the developers sources which allows the axes font to respect the axes font properties.

Depending upon the version you are running it may be possible to either apply the patch directly, or to modify it to work with yours.

The change was to __axis_label__.m


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