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Re: large sparse matrix

From: Carlo de Falco
Subject: Re: large sparse matrix
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 20:03:25 +0200

On 31 Aug 2009, at 17:23, dbateman wrote:

Its not a bug.. Trying to factorize a sparse random matrix invariably
results in a dense factorization... You need some structure in the original
sparse matrix that the factorization can use to keep the factorization
sparse... A 20e3-by-20e3 dense matrix is much larger than both the 32bit
limit of 2Gvalues and 4GB..

Try using some of the test matrices from the Florida University sparse
matrix collection instead as these matrices are derived from real problems and have structure that the factorization can use to keep the matrix sparse.


Thanks for the quick answer!
I understand now that the matrix I used in the previous email was not a good example... Though, the matrix that produced the problem in the first place comes from a Galerkin discretization of Stokes' equation, so it does have a very precise structure, it is essentially of the form

[A B' 0; B 0 E'; 0 E 0]

where A and B are banded, E is a row vector and A is SPD.
Also, I tried to save the matix and rhs and solve the system in matlab and it worked fine on the same hardware. I find this particularly puzzling as I thought that both matlab aand Octave ultimately rely on
SuiteSparse for solving Sparse linear systems...


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