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Re: Same .m file: different results with different versions of Octave

From: Søren Hauberg
Subject: Re: Same .m file: different results with different versions of Octave
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 11:05:20 -0700

man, 19 04 2010 kl. 10:46 -0700, skrev Thomas D. Dean:
>, libstdc++ (43802).

In this report you have:

        sinh (arg) = inf + inf * i
        cosh (arg) = inf + inf * i
        s/c         = nan + nan * i   (should be 1 + 0 * i)

(note that s = sinh (arg) and c = cosh (arg))

I don't understand why

  (inf + inf * i) / (inf + inf * i)

should equal

  1 + 0 * i.

I can understand why the 'tanh' call should give this result, but once
you actually evaluate 'sinh' and 'cosh' and perform the division
manually I don't see why you should get 1.

Could you elaborate on this?


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