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Re: fixed points piecewise-linear fitting

From: Martin Helm
Subject: Re: fixed points piecewise-linear fitting
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 01:42:18 +0100
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I want to add my poor man's solution for least squares fit of the
piecewise polynomials
returns the node values as first argument (makes only sense for the
piecewise linear case) and the function values at all nodes as second
Simplistic but fast.

function [y, yy] = ppfit2(x, xf, yf, method)
  a = zeros (length (xf), length (x));
  for ii = 1:length (x)
    p = zeros (length (x), 1);
    p(ii) = 1;
    a(:, ii) = interp1 (x(:), p, xf(:), method);
  y = a\yf(:);
  if (nargout==2)
    yy = interp1 (x(:), y, xf(:), method);

%! clf
%! x = [0 1 2 3];
%! xf = linspace(0, 3, 1000);
%! yf = xf.^3 + rand(size(xf))*2.5;
%! plot (xf, yf, "y-")
%! hold on
%! [y, yy] = ppfit2(x,xf,yf, "linear");
%! plot (xf, yy, "r-")
%! [y, yy] = ppfit2(x,xf,yf, "cubic");
%! plot (xf, yy, "g-")
%! [y, yy] = ppfit2(x,xf,yf, "spline");
%! plot (xf, yy, "b-")

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