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default write-history file after reading history file

From: E. Joshua Rigler
Subject: default write-history file after reading history file
Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 10:21:06 -0600

Something very basic, but important to me, changed when I started using Octave on my new Mac. 

Previously, running Octave 3.4.2 on RH Linux, if I read a saved history file ("history -r ./file.hist"), the default save file was changed from ~/.octave_hist to ./file.hist. I could then simply exit, without calling "history -w ./file.hist", and my accumulated history would still be saved to file.hist.

Now, running Octave 3.6.4 on OsX (installed via Fink), if I read a saved history file, do stuff, then exit, my accumulated history simply gets appended to the default ~/.octave_hist file.

Assuming this is NOT a bug, is there any way to control this behavior in Octave that I am not aware of, or possibly an entry in the ~/.inputrc file?


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