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Please Help: rcs57 for WIN32 following symbolic links

From: Graham, Blake
Subject: Please Help: rcs57 for WIN32 following symbolic links
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 00:15:55 -0600

As per the instructions adding a RCS file with the first
line containing the path name to the actual RCS directory
works OK!

Although I use the BASH shell under the WIN32 environment,
and it supports a "ln -s" command.  The "ln -s" command
creates a file also, but with the following line:


Using the this pseudo "ln -s" command is much preferred
because it allows bash users to treat the RCS as if it
were a real directory.  This is imperative if one uses
bash scripts to work with RCS directories.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

Blake Graham
EFW DEU Lead Systems Engineer
email: address@hidden   Wk:817/234-6634   Fax:817/234-6700

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