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[help-serveez] DNS Coserver weirdness

From: Andreas Rottmann
Subject: [help-serveez] DNS Coserver weirdness
Date: 29 Dec 2002 15:16:23 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2


In my server instance initializer I try to connect to peers using
coserver_dns calls (this is exactly what the gnutella server does,
too). This works fine normally, but I get problems when running my
server in GDB:

[2002/12/29 14:56:35] notice: starting internal dns coserver
[2002/12/29 14:56:35] debug: coserver pipes: 6-13
[2002/12/29 14:56:35] debug: coserver pipes: 6-15
[2002/12/29 14:56:35] debug: coserver process id is 28079
[2002/12/29 14:56:35] notice: initializing all server instances
[2002/12/29 14:56:35] notice: dstw: ID is 818082ca1e695eeb
[2002/12/29 14:56:35] notice: dstw: enqueuing manu
[2002/12/29 14:56:35] notice: entering server loop
[2002/12/29 14:56:35] error: exception on receiving pipe 14 
[2002/12/29 14:56:35] debug: scheduling socket id 5 for shutdown
[2002/12/29 14:56:35] error: exception on sending pipe 13 
[2002/12/29 14:56:35] debug: shutting down socket id 5
[2002/12/29 14:56:35] debug: dns: killing coserver pid 28079
[2002/12/29 14:56:35] debug: pipe (14-13) disconnected
[2002/12/29 14:56:38] notice: starting internal dns coserver
[2002/12/29 14:56:38] debug: coserver process id is 28080
[2002/12/29 14:56:38] debug: coserver pipes: 6-15

The 'dstw: ' messages come from my client, the 'enqueing manu' message
is made directly before using the DNS coserver. I first figured that the
coserver isn't started up fast enough, so it gets killed and restarted
because of the too-early request... 

However, I then moved the coserver calls into the server notify
function, which waited for two seconds before trying to use DNS the
first time, and I got the same results... DNS coserver being killed
and restarted, not returing any result.

Thanks for any help,
Andreas Rottmann         | address@hidden        | address@hidden | 
address@hidden | GnuPG Key:
Fingerprint              | DFB4 4EB4 78A4 5EEE 6219  F228 F92F CFC5 01FD 5B62

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