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Re: [Help-smalltalk] Hello...

From: Lyndon Tremblay
Subject: Re: [Help-smalltalk] Hello...
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 09:17:31 +0800

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Pupeno" <address@hidden>
To: <address@hidden>
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 6:08 AM
Subject: [Help-smalltalk] Hello...

Hash: SHA1

>Hello (gnu-)smalltalkers.
>I'll start presenting myself, my name is Pupeno (well, my official name is
>José Pablo Ezequiel Fernández) and I'm currently located in Buenos Aires,

Hello =)

>I was recently introduced by Federico Heinz to the power of smalltalk (yes,
>little secure world built arround C++ crashed, and crashed hard!). He did
>in Squeak, but in the look for freer alternatives, I reached, obviusly,
>gnu-smalltalk and I've been studing it for a couple of days.
>I've read almost all the tutorial at
> and I've
>found a comple of things that didn't work as expected or that didn't even

>One speciall thing I'm intresting in is:
>Smalltalk snapshot: ''
>which didn't work:
>$ gst
>GNU Smalltalk ready

>st> Smalltalk snapshot: '' !
>Object: SystemDictionary new: 512 "<0x402dc818>" error: did not understand

>can you tell me how to do it ?

It is now ObjectMemory>>#snapshot[:]

>I'm still having trouble understanding the concept of image, world and all
>that... if anybody know of a good on-line document about it, I will
>appretiate it a lot (I'm in the hunt of a copy of the blue box, no luck

Is the "blue book" as I recall.

The concept of images takes some getting used to, but playing with Squeak
helped me out there. (ChangeSets, ImageSegment, versions, etc)

>- -- 
>Pupeno: address@hidden -

>PS: Smalltalk inspired me a lot of ideas... my goal is the desktop, but
>generaly, an easier to use environment, even for servers... I'll post my
>ideas latter as they mature.

Great, I'm sure we'd love to hear them.

>Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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