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Help using the SNACC compiler

From: Vikaas BV
Subject: Help using the SNACC compiler
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 15:41:10 +0530


I am trying to use the snacc compiler.  As such it is getting compiled, but 
during compilation, the following error keeps getting generated

makedepend: warning:  src/hash.cpp (reading inc/asn-config.h, line 94): 
cannot find include file "iostream.h"
        not in inc/iostream.h
        not in ../iostream.h
        not in /usr/lib/g++-include/iostream.h
        not in /usr/local/include/iostream.h
        not in /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.96/include/iostream.h
        not in /usr/local/lib/gcc-include/iostream.h
        not in /usr/include/iostream.h
        not in /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.96/include/iostream.h
makedepend: warning:  src/hash.cpp (reading inc/asn-config.h, line 141): 
cannot find include file "strstream.h"
        not in inc/strstream.h
        not in ../strstream.h
        not in /usr/lib/g++-include/strstream.h
        not in /usr/local/include/strstream.h
        not in /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.96/include/strstream.h
        not in /usr/local/lib/gcc-include/strstream.h
        not in /usr/include/strstream.h

I tried a locate and found that the file does exist on the system.  However, 
the compiler being used for compilation is gcc and not g++ and so the files 
are not by default included in the include path.  When I check out the make 
file, there seems to be a setting for c++ compiler also.  However, it does 
not seem to be using it.

Ultimately, I found that the SNACC compiler program does get generated 
eventhough the above errors are detected.  But, I could not get the example 
programs to compile.  The example program also seems to be generating a 
similar message for fstream.h.

Can anyone help me out on this.

Thanking you,

locate strstream.h

gcc - 2.96

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