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[Help-SnakeCharmer] You won't lose with this one

From: behold
Subject: [Help-SnakeCharmer] You won't lose with this one
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 22:15:17 -0700

H o t st ock alerrt - This one is still climbing the stcok charts alerrt --  
Breaking makret n e w s report --- VG YI. P K

Compaany namme: Visoin Enegry Gruop Inc. 
Lookup: V GYI. P K
Current Pricce: $.75
Expected: steadily climb for the top

Breaking N e w s:  

Announcement by Visio n Energ y G roup: Negotiations Completed on Low BTU Gas 
Property in Central Valley, CA

Los Angeles --(Busi ness w ire)--Aug. 31, 2006--Pursuant to an agreement of 
July 2005 between Vis ion E nergy G roup (Pink Sheets: VGY I) and Valley 
Production Inc., the seasoned Oil & Gas Production Group from Bakersfield, CA, 
Vis ion Ene rgy G roup has concluded negotiations to jointly process low 
quality natural gas from two existing wells. A recent third party analysis of 
these wells gave a remaining reserve in the three production zones of almost 4 
billion cubic feet of gas. This will give the project a production life of 10 
years at the modest production rate of one million cubic feet per day. Further 
reserves of gas are anticipated in the surrounding leases after a geophysics 
and drilling program have been completed.

The gas, which will be upgraded using Visioon Energyy Grroup's proprietary 
technology and know-how, will be so ld as premium grade gas into the statewide 
pipeline grid. The estimated capital c ost of the project is $2.0 million and 
will be targeted to be in production within seven months.

Valley Production has among its principals and technical staff such notables of 
the industry as Jeff Smith and Ed LeLousis of Bakersfield, Calif. This 
production-oriented team will steer Vis ion Ener gy Gr oup, Inc. into the 
selection of other suitable projects in the San Joaquin Valley, manage and 
operate the properties and share in the cas h benefi ts on a structured 
incentive plan.
Visio n E nergy Grou p, Inc. will beneefit from owning such projects directly 
or indirectly and by employing their proprietary technology to either liquefy 
or clean up stranded and/or flared gas from properties that can be acquired at 
co sts below the normal marke t pr ice. Visiion Eneergy Grooup, Inc. is aware 
that significant reserves of low BTU gas exist in the San Joaquin Valley that 
can be processed into high quality gas by their systems and readily sold into 
the pipeline grid.

About Vision Energy Corp.

Visi on Ener gy Corp. offers an efficient, patented technology to generate 
electricity at substantial savings by using the wasted energy dissipated when 
high pressure gas pipelines are let down in pressure for local consumption. Up 
to 70% of electricity generated when using this system is produced without 
combustion of any fossil fuel and therefore no harmful atmospheric emissions. 
Thermal efficiency can exceed 100% by taking advantage of both let down energy 
and primary turbine waste heat (exhaust ).

Watch this sto ck go higher and higer

Any of the above statements with respect to the future predications or 
goals and events may be seen as only Forward Looking and nothing else. 
All information inside this email pertaining to any sort of fniancial 
advice need to be understood as information and not advice. None of the 
information above can be constructed as any sort of financiial advice. This is 
a paid a dvertisement.

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