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[Help-sweater] Tired with your poor health?

From: Gross R. Irritate
Subject: [Help-sweater] Tired with your poor health?
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 17:53:59 -0700

Are you insecure about your sexual prowess? Having problems in keeping it up? Pop a pill of Viagra. It can make you a legend in her own mind!!

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Because of your majestys interest, I said, fumbling in my pocket, I carefully kept this specimen, carrying it across the countless light years to reach its logical resting place, your highnesss collection. A loud and positive no. I actually whistled a bit as I threaded the big truck through the service roads. If you broadcast on one frequency you get a strong return signal on all frequencies, as if the radio waves had been squeezed out thin and bounced right back. . With the pressure on I returned to my sluggish native land for a period of rest. A spare key rattled into the basket of the pneumo and I let myself out. This was foolish since my brain and larynx are armored and in my midsectionThat I know well, George, but your little two-way radio is in the top of your pointed head and I dont want you reporting to your friends just yet.

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