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[VCDImager] GNU VCDImager 0.7.1 [unstable] is available

From: Herbert Valerio Riedel
Subject: [VCDImager] GNU VCDImager 0.7.1 [unstable] is available
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 22:57:01 +0200


well... the .0 release has a successor :-)

if there's something that doesn't work, please report... and remember,
it's not even beta yet ;-), i.e. 'vcddebug' your .bin files before
burning 'em!!

ps: If you've created some cool PBC effect (or have some interesting
(S)VCDs done with other programs... are there even commercial (S)VCDs
which feature menus?), e.g. a 'scanning' playlist, which plays only
small fragments of a film, or have found some interesting use for the
'auto pause'-feature... then send me the xml file, so I can put it on
the webpage in the upcomming XML example section...  (the same applies
for interesting still mpegs, usefull as generic splash screen, maybe
images for telling the user to change the CD... whatever...)

version 0.7.1 (unstable/development)

* fixed broken entry id resolving
* read support for NRG images added
* support for rejected PBC items implemented
* replaced vcdrip by vcddebug
* added (previously) missing IO error detection for output in vcdxrip
* minor cleanups

get the sources and binaries:

Herbert Valerio Riedel       /    Phone: (EUROPE) +43-1-58801-18840
Email: address@hidden       /    Finger address@hidden for GnuPG Public Key
GnuPG Key Fingerprint: 7BB9 2D6C D485 CE64 4748  5F65 4981 E064 883F 4142

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