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documentation ChangeLog gpl.texinfo using_gnuhu...

From: Thomas Schwinge
Subject: documentation ChangeLog gpl.texinfo using_gnuhu...
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 2010 07:52:20 +0000

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/hurdextras
Module name:    documentation
Changes by:     Thomas Schwinge <tschwinge>     10/09/04 07:52:20

Removed files:
        .              : ChangeLog gpl.texinfo using_gnuhurd.texi 

Log message:
        Remove; the master copy has been in the main Hurd web pages repository 
for a long time.


Index: ChangeLog
RCS file: ChangeLog
diff -N ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog   31 Jan 2003 18:25:48 -0000      1.12
+++ /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-2003-01-31  James A. Morrison  <address@hidden>
-       * using_gnuhurd.texi (Configuring): -c creates files not translators.
-         Add comment about multiple network cards.
-       * using_gnuhurd.texi (Top): Remove the extra copying section.
-       * using_gnuhurd.texi: Fix some minor spacing issues.
-2003-01-30    <address@hidden>
-       * using_gnuhurd.texi: Applied James Morrison's patch containing minor 
-       fixes.
-2003-01-25    <address@hidden>
-       * using_gnuhurd.texi (Debugging with GDB): Completed the section.
-       (The info pages): Changed the GNU Shogi example from @display to 
-       @example so that it displays correctly in printed documentation.
-2003-01-23  Matt Grant  <address@hidden>
-       * using_gnuhurd.texi (Using): started a bash script section
-        Renamed some sections to be more clear.
-2003-01-17  Thomas Edward Hart  <address@hidden>
-       * using_gnuhurd.texi (Configuring): Corrected the DHCP workaround 
-       explanation's bit about getting the IP address of your gateway 
-       machine.
-       (Debugging with GDB): Began the section.
-2003-01-09  Thomas Edward Hart  <address@hidden>
-       * using_gnuhurd.texi (GNU General Public License): Removed "Next" 
-       pointer to Index so that the file will compile to Info format.
-2003-01-08  Thomas Edward Hart  <address@hidden>
-       * using_gnuhurd.texi (An Introduction to Texinfo): Applied Matt's 
-       patch that contained the section. Added a few small fixes, and a 
-       final paragraph talking about TeX and LaTeX.
-       (Top): Changed '@detailed menu' to '@detailmenu'.
-       (GNU General Public License): Made "Next" entry of node point to 
-       the Index.
-       (The info pages): Changed blank "@cindex" entry to "@cindex Texinfo".
-2003-01-06  Thomas Edward Hart  <address@hidden>
-       * using_gnuhurd.texi (PC Hardware Basics): Applied Matt's 
-       patch that contained the chapter.
-2002-12-09  Thomas Edward Hart  <address@hidden>
-       * using_gnuhurd.texi (Searching the web): Wrote the section.
-2002-12-06  Matt Grant  <address@hidden>
-       * using_gnuhurd.texi (Administration): fixed some grammar 
-       problems
-       (Accessing the cdrom): added a brief description of what
-       iso9660 means.
-       (Accessing FTP): fixed some grammar problems
-2002-11-26  Thomas Edward Hart  <address@hidden>
-       * using_gnuhurd.texi (The info pages): Wrote the section.
-       (The man pages): Wrote the section.
-       (Websites of interest): New title for node formerly called "The 
-       Linux Documentation Project"
-       (Searching the web): New title for node formerly called "The web"
-2002-11-18  Thomas Edward Hart  <address@hidden>
-       * using_gnuhurd.texi (History): Cleanups to new material.
-2002-11-16  Matt Grant  < address@hidden >
-       * using_gnuhurd.texi (History): Appended Roland McGrath's GNUmach
-       History Lesson to the History Section.
-2002-11-16  Matt Grant   < address@hidden >
-       * using_gnuhurd.texi (Hurd Today): Added text about other
-          similiar designed software.  
-2002-11-09  James A. Morrison  <address@hidden>
-       * using_gnuhurd.texi (An Introduction to Texinfo): Point the reader
-       to info info and info texinfo.
-       (Basic CVS Usage): Pass the reader to info cvs.
-       (Accessing FTP): Align text to 80 characters.
-       (Accessing FTP): Leave a space after each prompt.
-       (More Basics): Align text to 80 characters.
-       (Who Should Use the Hurd?): Reword some paragraphs to be more concise.

Index: gpl.texinfo
RCS file: gpl.texinfo
diff -N gpl.texinfo
--- gpl.texinfo 15 Jun 2002 15:46:09 -0000      1.1
+++ /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,396 +0,0 @@
address@hidden Version 2, June 1991
-Copyright @copyright{} 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-59 Temple Place -- Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
-Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
-of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
address@hidden display
address@hidden Preamble
-  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software---to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
-  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
-  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
-  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
-  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
-  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
-  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
-  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
address@hidden iftex
address@hidden ifinfo
-This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License.  The ``Program'', below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a ``work based on the Program''
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term ``modification''.)  Each licensee is addressed as ``you''.
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
-You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
-You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
address@hidden a
-You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
-stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
-You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
-whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
-part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
-parties under the terms of this License.
-If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
-when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
-interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
-announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
-notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
-a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
-these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
-License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
-does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
-the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
address@hidden enumerate
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
-You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
address@hidden a
-Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
-source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
-1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
-Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
-years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
-cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
-machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
-distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
-customarily used for software interchange; or,
-Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
-to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
-allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
-received the program in object code or executable form with such
-an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
address@hidden enumerate
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
-You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
-You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
-Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
-If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
-If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
-The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and ``any
-later version'', you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
-If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
address@hidden NO WARRANTY
address@hidden iftex
address@hidden NO WARRANTY
address@hidden ifinfo
address@hidden enumerate
address@hidden iftex
address@hidden ifinfo
address@hidden How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
-  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
-  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the ``copyright'' line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
address@hidden line to give the program's name and an idea of what it does.}
-Copyright (C) address@hidden  @var{name of author}
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
address@hidden smallexample
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
-Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) address@hidden @var{name of author}
-Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details
-type `show w'.  This is free software, and you are welcome
-to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `show c' 
-for details.
address@hidden smallexample
-The hypothetical commands @samp{show w} and @samp{show c} should show
-the appropriate parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the
-commands you use may be called something other than @samp{show w} and
address@hidden c}; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items---whatever
-suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a ``copyright disclaimer'' for the program, if
-necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
-Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright
-interest in the program `Gnomovision'
-(which makes passes at compilers) written 
-by James Hacker.
address@hidden of Ty Coon}, 1 April 1989
-Ty Coon, President of Vice
address@hidden group
address@hidden smallexample
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
-Public License instead of this License.

Index: using_gnuhurd.texi
RCS file: using_gnuhurd.texi
diff -N using_gnuhurd.texi
--- using_gnuhurd.texi  31 Jan 2003 18:25:48 -0000      1.15
+++ /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,3920 +0,0 @@
-\input texinfo  @c -*-texinfo-*-
address@hidden Get the Hurd version we are documenting.
address@hidden version.texi
address@hidden Unify all our little indices for now.
address@hidden sc
address@hidden sc cp
address@hidden fn cp
address@hidden vr cp
address@hidden tp cp
address@hidden pg cp
address@hidden Kernel
-* GNU/Hurd: (gnuhurd).  Using the Official GNU Operating System
address@hidden direntry
-Copyright @copyright{} 1994-2002  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
-this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
-are preserved on all copies.
-Permission is granted to process this file through TeX and print the
-results, provided the printed document carries a copying permission
-notice identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph
-(this paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual).
address@hidden ignore
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that
-the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
-permission notice identical to this one.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
-into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions.
address@hidden ifinfo
address@hidden none
address@hidden The GNU/Hurd User's Guide
address@hidden The GNU/Hurd User's Guide
address@hidden Thomas Bushnell BSG
address@hidden Gordon Matzigkeit
address@hidden Matthew S. Grant
address@hidden Thomas Hart
address@hidden 0pt plus 1filll
-Copyright @copyright{} 1994--2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
-this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
-are preserved on all copies.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that
-the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
-permission notice identical to this one.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
-into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions.
address@hidden titlepage
address@hidden Top, Introduction, (dir), (dir)
address@hidden node,   Next,   Prev , Top
address@hidden The GNU/Hurd User's Guide
-This file documents the usage of GNU/Hurd.  This edition of the
-documentation was last updated for version @value{VERSION} of the Hurd.
-* Introduction::                How to use this manual.
-* Installing::                  Setting up Hurd software on your computer.
-* Bootstrap::                   Turning a computer into a Hurd machine.
-* Using::                       Getting comfortable as a user.
-* PC Hardware Basics::          Learn a little about x86 hardware.
-* Networking::                  Getting connected.
-* Translators::                 Extending the Hurd filesystem hierarchy.
-* Troubleshooting::             Some troubleshooting help. 
-* Finding More Information::    Other sources of information.
-* Helping Out::                 Helping us improve the GNU system.
-* Copying::                     The GNU General Public License.
-* Index::                       Guide to concepts and files.
-* Audience::                    The people for whom this manual is written.
-* Overview::                    Basic architecture of the Hurd.
-* History::                     How the Hurd was born.
-* Who Should Use the Hurd?::    Pros and Cons of the Hurd for various groups.
-* Hurd Today::                  The status of the Hurd.                  
-* Conventions::                 How to read this manual.
-* Binary Distributions::        Obtaining ready-to-run GNU distributions.
-* Archive Method::              Installing a snapshot release.
-* Cross-Compiling::             Building GNU from its source code.
-* Bootloader::                  Starting the microkernel, or other OS's.
-* Installing GRUB::             Install GRUB into the Master Boot Record.
-* Server Bootstrap::            Waking up the Hurd.
-* Shutdown::
-* The Shell::                   Some basic knowledge you need.
-* Scripting with Bash::         An introduction to shell scripts.
-* File Archivers::              Basics on archiving and compressing files.
-* Administration::              Some basic Admin. things.
-* Accessing the cdrom::         Get your data from cdrom.
-* Accessing the floppy::        Get your data from floppy. 
-PC Hardware Basics
-* CPU::                            (Central Processing Unit)
-* Power Supply::                   (+-5volts,+-12volts)
-* Motherboard::                    (main board,system board, etc.)
-* RAM::                            (Random Access Memory)
-* Hard Drive::                     (IDE, SCSI, ATA, etc.) 
-* Floppy Drive and CDROM::         (Removable Storage)
-* Serial and Parallel Ports::      (for external devices)
-* Video Cards::                    (VGA, AGP, ISA)
-* PCI and EISA Slots::              (for internal devices)
-* BIOS::                           (Basic Input Output System)
-* Configuring::                 Configure your Network card.
-* Accessing FTP::               Using the FTP protocol.
-* Accessing NFS::               Using the NFS protocol.
-* Web Surfing::                 Surfing the web in text mode.
-* Invoking settrans::           Declaring how a node should be translated.
-* Invoking showtrans::          Displaying how nodes are translated.
-* Invoking mount::              Unix-compatible active filesystem translators.
-* Invoking fsysopts::           Modifying translation parameters at runtime.
-* Fscking the filesystem::      Repairing your disk after a crash.    
-* Booting and GRUB::          
-Finding More Information
-* The info pages::              GNU's documentation.
-* The man pages::               The traditional UNIX documentation.
-* HOWTOs::                      Help on specific tasks.
-* Websites of interest::        Websites supplying good Free documenation.
-* Searching the web::           Searching the Internet for information.
-* Mailing lists::               Getting help from other users.
-Helping Out
-* Basic CVS Usage::             Getting development files.
-* Using gcc::                   Compiling programs.
-* Makefiles::                   Compiling big programs.
-* An Introduction to Texinfo::  GNU's documentation format.
-* Debugging with GDB::          Using the GNU debugger.
-* Reporting Bugs::              How to report problems.
address@hidden detailmenu
address@hidden menu
address@hidden Introduction, Installing, Top, Top
address@hidden Introduction
address@hidden GNU Hurd
-The @dfn{GNU Hurd} is the GNU Project's replacement for
-the Unix kernel. The Hurd is a collection of servers that run on the
-Mach microkernel to implement file systems, network protocols, file
-access control, and other features that are normally implemented by the
-Unix kernel or similar kernels such as Linux.
address@hidden FIXME:  Might we want to define `server' and `Mach' in a
address@hidden glossary, and refer to those definitions here?
-* Audience::                    The people for whom this manual is written.
-* Overview::                    Basic architecture of the Hurd.
-* History::                     How the Hurd was born.
-* Who Should Use the Hurd?::    Pros and Cons of the Hurd for various groups.
-* Hurd Today::                  The status of the Hurd.                  
-* Conventions::                 How to read this manual.
address@hidden menu
address@hidden Audience, Overview, Introduction, Introduction
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Audience
address@hidden GNU/Hurd
-This manual is designed to be useful to everybody who is interested in
-using or administering a GNU/Hurd system.
-If you are an end-user and you are looking for help on running the Hurd,
-the first few chapters of this manual describe the essential parts of
-installing, starting up, and shutting down a @dfn{GNU/Hurd} workstation.  
-chapters describe day-to-day use of the system, setting up and using 
-networking, and the use of translators.  
address@hidden I'm including the explicit example for *absolute* newbies who 
address@hidden otherwise type ``program --help''.
-If you need help with a specific program, you can get a short explanation 
-of the program's use by typing @address@hidden --help} at the command 
-prompt; for example, to get help on grep, type @kbd{grep --help}.  
-More complete documentation is available if you type @kbd{info @var{program}}; 
-continuing with our example of grep, type @kbd{info grep}.
-This manual attempts to provide an introduction to the essential 
-topics for using a GNU/Hurd, or any free UNIX-like, system.  New 
-users of GNU/Hurd and GNU/Linux often spend time learning what skills 
-they must learn; for example, users must learn what tools are important, 
-and what sources of information are most useful.  We introduce the reader 
-to the skills and concepts that must be learnt, and tell the reader where 
-to find further information.
address@hidden Overview, History, Audience, Introduction
address@hidden node,  Next,  Prev,      Up
address@hidden Overview
address@hidden operating system
address@hidden kernel 
address@hidden GNU C Library 
address@hidden POSIX
-An operating system's @dfn{kernel} provides a framework for programs to 
-share a computer's hardware resources securely and efficiently.  This framework
-includes mechanisms for programs to communicate safely, even if they do
-not trust one another.
-The GNU Hurd breaks up the work of the traditional kernel, and
-implements it in separate programs.  The Hurd formally defines 
-the communication protocols that each of the servers understands, 
-so that it is possible for different servers to implement
-the same interface; for instance, NFS and FTP use the same TCP/IP
-communication protocol. NFS, FTP, and the TCP/IP servers are all 
-separate user-space programs (don't worry if these programs 
-are not familiar to you, you can learn about them if and when 
-you need to).
-The @dfn{GNU C Library} provides a @dfn{POSIX} environment on the Hurd, by
-translating standard POSIX system calls into calls to the
-appropriate Hurd server.
-POSIX stands for Portable Operating System Interface.  POSIX
-is a set standards defined by the IEEE.  Unix-like 
-operating systems aim to be compliant or partially-compliant. GNU/Hurd
-is as compliant as any other Unix-like operating system. That is why
-ported applications, implementations of protocols and other essential
-services have been available since the introduction of GNU/Hurd. But always 
-remember: GNU's Not Unix. GNU/Hurd complies with POSIX,  but is 
-constantly growing to address the limitations of Unix-like 
-operating systems.
address@hidden History, Who Should Use the Hurd?, Overview, Introduction
address@hidden node, Next, Prev,   Up
address@hidden History
address@hidden Richard Stallman (RMS)
address@hidden GNU
address@hidden Mach
address@hidden RMS
address@hidden Lites
address@hidden FIXME: Include some history of Unix and Mach.
-Richard Stallman @dfn{RMS} started @dfn{GNU}in 1983, as a project 
-to create a
-complete free operating system.  In the text of the GNU Manifesto, he
-mentioned that there is a primitive kernel.  In the first GNUsletter,
-Feb. 1986, he says that GNU's kernel is TRIX, which was developed at the
-Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
-By December of 1986, the Free Software Foundation (FSF) had ``started
-working on the changes needed to TRIX'' [Gnusletter, Jan. 1987].
-Shortly thereafter, the FSF began ``negotiating with Professor Rashid of
-Carnegie-Mellon University about working with them on the development of
-the Mach kernel'' [Gnusletter, June, 1987].  The text implies that the
-FSF wanted to use someone else's work, rather than have to fix TRIX.
-In [Gnusletter, Feb. 1988], RMS was talking about taking Mach and
-putting the Berkeley Sprite filesystem on top of it, ``after the parts
-of Berkeley address@hidden have been replaced.''
-Six months later, the FSF is saying that ``if we can't get Mach, we'll
-use TRIX or Berkeley's Sprite.''  Here, they present Sprite as a
-full-kernel option, rather than just a filesystem.
-In January, 1990, they say ``we aren't doing any kernel work.  It does
-not make sense for us to start a kernel project now, when we still hope
-to use Mach'' [Gnusletter, Jan. 1990].  Nothing significant occurs until
-1991, when a more detailed plan is announced:
-``We are still interested in a multi-process kernel running on top of
address@hidden The CMU lawyers are currently deciding if they can release Mach
-with distribution conditions that will enable us to distribute it. If
-they decide to do so, then we will probably start work. CMU has
-available under the same terms as Mach a single-server partial Unix
-emulator named Poe; it is rather slow and provides minimal
-functionality. We would probably begin by extending Poe to provide full
-functionality. Later we hope to have a modular emulator divided into
-multiple processes.'' [Gnusletter, Jan. 1991].
address@hidden display
address@hidden explains the relationship between the Hurd and Linux in @*
address@hidden://}, where he
-mentions that the FSF started developing the Hurd in 1990.  As of
-[Gnusletter, Nov. 1991], the Hurd (running on Mach) is GNU's official
-These announcements made it clear that the GNU Project was 
-getting a Mach microkernel as a component of the GNU System. 
-Once Lites, a single-server 4.4BSD user land environment, had been
-implemented on top of Mach, Mach-based systems became usable.
-Members of the GNU Project then began hacking Mach for use with 
-the GNU Project's multi-server kernel replacement.
-The individuals involved with making Mach work with 
-the GNU Project's multi-server kernel replacement were Thomas 
-Bushnell, BSG., and Roland McGrath. The Mach microkernel was 
-originally developed at Carnegie Melon University (CMU);  after 
-development subsided at CMU, the University of Utah took over and 
-continued adding  better drivers and fixing other critical 
-In the latest GNUmach release notes, kernel and glibc maintainer 
-Roland McGrath clarifies the development history of the GNUmach 
-"When maintenance of Mach 3.0 at CMU waned, the University of
-Utah's Flux Group took over in the form of the Mach4 project, 
-and revamped much of the i386 machine support code in the course 
-of their research. While at Columbia University, Shantanu Goel 
-worked on using Linux device drivers in Mach, and later continued 
-this work at the University of Utah.  Utah Mach4 became the seat 
-of Mach development on the 3.0-compatible line, and the microkernel 
-underlying the GNU/Hurd multiserver operating system.  When the Flux 
-Group's research moved on from Mach to other systems, they
-wanted to reuse the work they had done in hardware support and device
-drivers; this work (and a whole lot more) eventually evolved into the
-OSKit.  Meanwhile, when the Flux Group stopped maintaining Mach4, 
-the Free Software Foundation's GNU Hurd Project had taken it up and 
-produced the GNUmach release to go with the Hurd.  Since then, the 
-Hurd has become an all-volunteer project whose developers are not 
-paid by the FSF, and later GNUmach releases incorporating bug fixes 
-and updating the Goel/Utah encapsulation of Linux device drivers have 
-been made by volunteers including Okuji Yoshinori and Thomas Bushnell.
-This bit of history explains some of why it was so easy to replace a 
-lot of the GNUmach/Mach4 hardware support code with OSKit calls--in 
-many cases the OSKit code is a direct evolution of the code originally 
-in Mach4 that I was replacing, with the names changed and improvements 
-Utah has made since the Mach4 days."  
address@hidden display 
address@hidden Who Should Use the Hurd?, Hurd Today, History, Introduction
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Who Should Use the Hurd?
address@hidden GNU/Linux
address@hidden Debian
address@hidden BSDs
address@hidden GPL
address@hidden Mach
address@hidden microkernel
-Firstly, a note for end-users: if you do not consider yourself 
-``computer literate'', then you @emph{definitely} will not want to use 
-the Hurd.  No official release of the Hurd has yet been made in many years, 
-and the system 
-is currently unstable.  If you run the Hurd, you will encounter many bugs.  
-For those people who use their computers for web-surfing, email, word 
-processing, etc., and just want the infernal machine to work, the Hurd's 
-bugs would prove extremely annoying.
-For such people, a more stable system is preferable.  Fortunately, the GNU 
-system currently exists in a very stable state with Linux substituted for 
-the Hurd as the kernel, so it is possible for end-users to use a powerful, 
-stable, and Free Unix-like operating system. @dfn{Debian GNU/Linux}, a very 
-high-quality GNU/Linux distribution, is available; in addition, many 
-commercial companies sell boxed GNU/Linux distributions with printed 
-documentation, and, to various extents, take measures to hide the 
-complexity of the system from the user.  Keep in mind that the GNU/Hurd is 
-not the system you use for web-surfing, email, word processing, and other 
-such tasks @emph{now} @dots{} it is the system that you will use for these 
-tasks in the @emph{future}.
-Those who consider themselves computer-literate and are interested in the 
-Hurd, but do not have experience with Unix-like systems, may also wish to 
-learn the ropes using a more stable GNU/Linux system.  Unix-like systems 
-are quite different from other systems you may have used, and they 
-take some 
-getting used to.  If you plan to use the GNU/Hurd in the future, we 
-recommend you use Debian GNU/Linux. 
-If you consider yourself computer-literate, but are not a programmer, you can 
-still contribute to the Hurd project.  Tasks for non-programmers include 
-running GNU/Hurd systems and testing them for bugs, writing documentation, and 
-translating existing documentation into other languages. At present, most 
-GNU/Hurd documentation is available only in English and/or French.
-Anyone who might be interested in the Hurd: a student studying the system, a 
-programmer helping to develop the Hurd servers, or an end-user finding bugs 
-or writing documentation, will be interested in how GNU/Hurd is similar to, 
-and different from, Unix-like kernels.
-For all intents and purposes, the Hurd is a modern Unix-like kernel, like 
-Linux and the @dfn{BSDs}.  GNU/Hurd uses the GNU C Library, whose development 
-closely tracks standards such as ANSI/ISO, BSD, POSIX, Single Unix, SVID, 
-and X/Open.  Hence, most programs available on GNU/Linux and BSD systems 
-will eventually be ported to run on GNU/Hurd systems.
-An advantage of all these systems - GNU/Hurd, GNU/Linux, and the BSDs - 
-is that, unlike many popular operating systems, is that they are Free Software.
-Anybody can use, modify, and redistribute these systems under the terms of 
-the GNU General Public License (@pxref{GNU General Public License}) in the 
-case of 
-GNU/Hurd and GNU/Linux, and the BSD license in the case of the BSDs.  In fact, 
-the entire GNU System is a complete Unix-like operating system licensed under 
-the GNU GPL.
-Although it is similar to other Free Unix-like kernel projects, the Hurd has 
-the potential to be much more.  Unlike these other projects, the Hurd has an 
-object-oriented structure that allows it to evolve without compromising its 
-design. This structure will help the Hurd undergo major redesign and
-modifications without having to be entirely rewritten.  This 
-extensibility makes the Hurd an attractive platform for learning 
-how to become a kernel hacker or for implementing new ideas in 
-kernel technology, as every part of the system is designed to 
-be modified and extended.  For example, the MS-DOS FAT filesysetem  
-was not supported by GNU/Hurd until a developer wrote a translator that 
-allows us to access this filesystem. In a standard Unix-like environment, 
-such a feature would be put into the kernel.  In GNU/Hurd, this is 
-done in a different manner and recompiling the kernel is not necessary, 
-since the filesystem is implemented as a user-space program.
-Scalability has traditionally been very difficult to achieve in Unix-like 
-systems.  Many computer applications in both science and business require 
-support for symmetric multiprocessing (SMP).  At the time of this writing, 
-Linux could scale to a maximum of 8 processors.  By contrast, the Hurd
-implementation is aggressively multi-threaded so that it runs
-efficiently on both single processors and symmetric multiprocessors.
-The Hurd interfaces are designed to allow transparent network clusters
-(@dfn{collectives}), although this feature has not yet been implemented.
-Of course, the Hurd (currently) has its limitations.  Many of these 
-limitations are due to GNU Mach, the microkernel on which the Hurd runs.  
-For example, although the Hurd has the potential to be a great platform 
-for SMP, no such multiprocessing is currently possible, since GNU Mach has no 
-support for SMP.  The Hurd has supports less hardware than current versions 
-of Linux, since GNU Mach uses the hardware drivers from version 2.0 of the 
-Linux kernel.  Finally, GNU Mach is a very slow microkernel, and contributes 
-to the overall slowness of GNU/Hurd systems.
address@hidden is known as a 1st-generation @dfn{microkernel} - much work has 
-the much-improved 2nd-generation microkernels currently being developed.  
-A long-term goal is to port the Hurd to L4, a very fast 2nd-generation 
-microkernel.  This port will offer substantial imporvements to the system.  
-In the short term, the Hurd developers plan to move the Hurd to OSKit Mach, 
-an improved version of Mach being developed at the University of Utah.
-The Hurd is still under active development, and no stable release has been 
-made.  This means that the Hurd's code base is much 
-less mature than that of Linux or the BSDs.  There are bugs in system that 
-are still being found and fixed.  Also, many features, such as a DHCP 
-client, and support for several filesystem types, is currently missing.
-The deficiencies in the Hurd are constantly being addressed; for example,
-until recently, @emph{pthreads} (POSIX threads), were missing.  This 
-meant that several major applications, including GNOME, KDE, 
-and Mozilla, could not run on GNU/Hurd.  Now that the Hurd has a preliminary 
address@hidden implementation, we may soon see these applications running 
-on GNU/Hurd systems.
-The Hurd is a very modern design.  It is more modern than Linux or the BSDs, 
-because it uses a microkernel instead of a monolithic kernel.  It is also more 
-modern than Apple's Darwin or Microsoft's NT microkernel, since the it has a 
-multi-sever design, as opposed to the single-server design of Darwin and NT.  
-This makes the Hurd an ideal platform for students interested in operating 
-systems, since its design closely matches the recommendations of current 
-operating system theory.  In addition, the Hurd's modular nature makes it much 
-easier to understand than many other kernel projects.
address@hidden I'm making a bit of an assumption about the Hurd being 
address@hidden easy to understand. I can't say that I understand the Hurd 
sources, or
address@hidden those of Linux. But this _should_ be the case.
-GNU/Hurd is also an excellent system for developers interested in kernel 
-hacking.  Whereas Linux and the BSDs are quite stable, there is still much 
-work to be done on the Hurd; for example, among all the filesystem types 
-in use today, the Hurd only supports ext2fs (the Linux filesystem), ufs 
-(the BSD filesystem), and iso9660fs (the CD filesystem).  GNU/Hurd 
-offers a developer the opportunity to make a substantial contribution to 
-a system at a relatively-early point in its development.
address@hidden Hurd Today, Conventions, Who Should Use the Hurd?, Introduction
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Hurd Today
address@hidden Debian Project
-The GNU operating system is alive and well today.  In 1998 Marcus Brinkmann 
-brought the Hurd to the @dfn{Debian Project}.  This allowed GNU/Hurd
-to have a software management system(apt and dpkg), world wide access 
-to the latest free software, and a extreme increase of popularity.
-The original architect, Thomas Bushnell, BSG, is involved on the mailing lists
-helping the young hackers design and help with Hurd development.  There is 
-now a team of individuals from around the world.  They are constantly giving
-talks at conferences about the importance of design and implementation of 
-the Hurd's unique multiserver microkernel environment.  There is  also work
-on porting the Hurd to two other micro-kernels and another architecture.
-Debian GNU/Hurd has been Debian's most active non-Linux port.  The user 
-applications that are ported to GNU/Hurd are very current and are actively
-being improved.  Development of GNU/Hurd within the Debian project has also
-contributed to incremental development releases on sets of CDs.  Also,
-new developers are allowed to get the source code to the Hurd from anywhere
-on the planet via Debian's packaging tool apt, and can get an even-more 
-recent snapshot release from 
-the the GNU project's @uref{,} server. 
-As far as a multi-server microkernel based operating systems are 
-concerned: GNU/Hurd has had it's share of critisim.  Many people 
-have criticized the Hurd for its lack of a stable release,
-its design, which is unfamiliar to those used to monolithic kernels 
-such as Linux and the BSD kernels, and its connection to the strong 
-ideals of the GNU Project; however, GNU/Hurd is a cutting-edge 
-operating system. Other operating systems with designs similar to 
-GNU/Hurd are QNX and Sawmill.  QNX is meant for embedded systems and 
-many of the GNU Projects most famous programs are available for it .   
-Sawmill was a research project set up by IBM.  It was never released 
-outside the academic community.  Sawmill is a version of the Linux 
-kernel running as multi-server on top of the L4 microkernel.  It 
-used some of the same ideas as GNU/Hurd but with members of the 
address@hidden://,L4} Project influencing some of there 
-research in microkernel based technology.
address@hidden Conventions,  , Hurd Today, Introduction
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Conventions
address@hidden Conventions
-We often show command prompts in this manual.  When doing so, the command 
-prompt for the @dfn{root user} (System Administrator) includes a '#' 
-character, and the command prompt for a regular user includes a '$' 
-character.  For example, if we were discussing how to shut down the system, 
-which only the root user may do, the prompt may look like this:
-# halt @key{ENTER}
address@hidden example
-When discussing how to list the contents of a directory, which regular users 
-can do, provided they have read permission for the directory (more on this 
-later), the prompt may appear as:
-$ ls @key{ENTER}
address@hidden example
-Prompts may include additional characters, for example:
-bash-2.05# mke2fs -o hurd /dev/hda3 @key{ENTER}
address@hidden example
-Hyperlinks in this manual look like this: @uref{}.
-A @dfn{definiton} is typeset as shown in this sentence.
-There is a footnote at the end of this sentence. @footnote{This is a 
-The names of commands are appear like this: @command{info}.  Files are 
-indicated like this: @file{README.txt}.
-This document includes cross-references, such as this one to the 
address@hidden General Public License}, and this parenthetical one to the 
address@hidden General Public License}.
address@hidden Installing, Bootstrap, Introduction, Top
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Installing
address@hidden GNU/Hurd
address@hidden ported
address@hidden Porting
-Before you can use @dfn{GNU/Hurd} on your favorite machine, you'll 
-need to install its base software components.  Currently, the Hurd 
-only runs
-on Intel i386-compatible architectures (such as the Pentium), using the
-GNU Mach microkernel.
-If you have unsupported hardware or a different microkernel, you will
-not be able to run the Hurd until all the required software has been
address@hidden to your architecture. @dfn{Porting} is an involved 
-process which requires considerable programming skills, and is 
-not recommended for the faint-of-heart.  If you have the talent 
-and desire to do a port, contact @email{} in order 
-to coordinate the effort.
-* Binary Distributions::        Obtaining ready-to-run GNU distributions.
-* Archive Method::              
-* Cross-Compiling::             Building GNU from its source code.
address@hidden menu
address@hidden Binary Distributions, Archive Method, Installing, Installing
address@hidden node, Next, Prev, Up
address@hidden Binary Distributions
address@hidden binary distribution
address@hidden Free Software Fondation
address@hidden CopyLeft
-By far the easiest and best way to install GNU/Hurd is to obtain a Debian
-GNU/Hurd @dfn{binary distribution}.  Even if you plan on recompiling the Hurd 
-it is best to start off with an already-working GNU system so that you
-can avoid having to reboot every time you want to test a program.
-You can get GNU from a friend under the conditions allowed by the GNU
-GPL (@pxref{GNU General Public License}).  Please consider sending
-a donation to the @dfn{Free Software Foundation} so that we can continue 
-to improve GNU software.
-You can order Debian GNU/Hurd on a CD-ROM from 
-or you can also FTP the complete GNU system in iso format from your 
-closest GNU mirror,or @uref{}.  Again, please 
-consider donating to the Free Software Foundation.
-The format of the binary distribution is prone to change, so this manual
-does not describe the details of how to install GNU.  The @file{README}
-file distributed with the binary distribution gives you complete
-After you follow all the appropriate instructions, you will have a
-working GNU/Hurd system.  If you have used
address@hidden://, GNU/Linux} systems or
-other Unix-like systems before, GNU/Hurd will look quite familiar.  You
-should play with it for a while, referring to this manual only when you
-want to learn more about GNU/Hurd.
-If GNU/Hurd is your first introduction to the GNU operating system, then
-you will need to learn more about GNU in order to be able to use it.
-This manual will provide the basics for you to expand on and for you to 
-productively use your GNU/Hurd machine.  You should talk to your friends 
-who are familiar with GNU, in order to find out about classes, online 
-tutorials, or books which can help you learn more about GNU.
address@hidden *Personally*, I'm all for learning with books, but is non-Free
address@hidden documentation (K&R, Running Linux, Richard Stevens' books) 
address@hidden considered evil by GNU? 
address@hidden mg: I would think so, only because of the authors signing 
address@hidden deals and allowing the access to the material to be restricted. 
address@hidden out the reasoning for RMS's decision to make the GFDL  
-If you have no friends who are already using GNU, you can find some
-useful starting points at the GNU web site, @uref{}.
-You can also send e-mail to @email{}, to contact
-fellow Hurd users.  You can join this mailing list by sending a request
-to @email{}.  You may even want to chat with the
-developers yourself. You can reach some on in the 
-#hurd channel. 
address@hidden Archive Method, Cross-Compiling, Binary Distributions, Installing
address@hidden node, Next, Prev, Up
address@hidden Archive Method
address@hidden tarball
address@hidden GRUB
address@hidden module
-Another way to install the Hurd is to use an existing GNU/Linux 
-operating system.  This is the easiest method I have ever seen 
-at installing a working system.   What you need is:
-A @dfn{tarball} of a snapshot release.
-1 gb or less of free unpartitioned drive space.
-A GRUB bootdisk.
address@hidden enumerate
-Using your GNU/Linux system, you need to make a 1 gb partition with either 
-or cfdisk.  Then you have to format it for the Hurd. Let's say I made a 
-partition called /dev/hda3 I would format it this way:
-bash-2.05# mke2fs -o hurd /dev/hda3
address@hidden example
-After this is done you can mount the partition and extract your archived 
-snapshot into the directory in which the partition is mounted. In this 
-example, we mount the partition on @var{/mnt}, but you can mount your 
-partition anywhere you choose.
-bash-2.05# mount /dev/hda3 /mnt
-bash-2.05# cd /mnt
-bash-2.05# tar zxvpf ~/gnu-latest.tar.gz
address@hidden example
-After your done you should be able to reboot.  You must use the 
address@hidden boot disk to boot the Hurd.  Once you've booted, you 
-can finish the installation by running the @var{} 
-shell script.
address@hidden @b{Note: } When you are 
-booting the Hurd for the first time, you must give GRUB the single-user 
-option (-s), as in the following example.   Also note that the first 
-long @dfn{module} entry is all on one line. }
-title GNU/Hurd
-root (hd0,0)
-kernel /boot/gnumach.gz -s root=device:hd0s1
-module /hurd/ext2fs.static address@hidden@} address@hidden@} address@hidden@} 
address@hidden@} -T typed address@hidden@} $(task-create) $(task-resume)
-module /lib/ /hurd/exec $(exec-task=task-create)
address@hidden display
address@hidden Cross-Compiling,  , Archive Method, Installing
address@hidden node,next,prev,up
address@hidden Cross-Compiling
address@hidden cross-compiling
-Another way to install the Hurd is to use an existing operating system
-in order to compile all the required Hurd components from source code.
-This is called @dfn{cross-compiling}, because it is done between two
-different platforms.
address@hidden process is not recommended unless you are porting the Hurd to
-a new platform.}  Cross-compiling the Hurd to a platform which already
-has a binary distribution is a tremendous waste of address@hidden it is
-frequently necessary to repeat steps over and over again, and you are
-not even guaranteed to get a working system.  Please, obtain a GNU
-binary distribution (@pxref{Binary Distributions}), and use your time to
-do more useful things.  If you are capable of cross-compiling, then you
-are definitely skilled enough to make more useful (and creative)
-modifications to the GNU system.
-To emphasize this point: downloading the entire GNU system over a 9600
-baud modem takes @emph{much less time} than cross-compilation, and
-provides better results, too.
-If you are still sure that you would like to cross-compile the Hurd, you
-should send e-mail to the @email{} mailing list in
-order to coordinate your efforts.  People on that list will give you
-advice on what to look out for, and will help you figure out a way
-that your cross-compilation can benefit Hurd development.  After that,
-don your bug-resistant suit, and read the @file{INSTALL-cross} file,
-which comes with the latest Hurd source code distribution.  The
-instructions in @file{INSTALL-cross} are usually out-of-date, 
-but they contain some useful hints buried amongst the errors.
address@hidden Bootstrap, Using, Installing, Top
address@hidden node, Next, Prev, Up
address@hidden Bootstrap
address@hidden term @dfn{bootstrapping} refers to a Dutch
-legend about a boy who was able to fly by pulling himself up by his
-bootstraps.  In computers, this term refers to any process where a
-simple system activates a more complicated system.} is the procedure by
-which your machine loads the microkernel and transfers control to the
-Hurd servers.
-* Bootloader::                  Starting the microkernel, or other OS's.
-* Installing GRUB::             Install GRUB into the Master Boot Record.
-* Server Bootstrap::            Waking up the Hurd.
-* Shutdown::                    
address@hidden menu
address@hidden Bootloader, Installing GRUB, Bootstrap, Bootstrap
address@hidden node, Next, Prev,   Up
address@hidden Bootloader
address@hidden bootloader
address@hidden microkernel
-The @dfn{bootloader} is the first piece of software that runs on your machine.
-Many hardware architectures have a very simple startup routine which
-reads a very simple bootloader from the beginning of the internal hard
-disk, then transfers control to it.  Other architectures have startup
-routines which are able to understand more of the contents of the hard
-disk, and directly start a more advanced bootloader.
address@hidden GRUB
address@hidden GRand Unified Bootloader
-Currently, @address@hidden GRand Unified Bootloader, available
-from @uref{}.} is the GNU bootloader.
-GNU GRUB provides advanced functionality, and is capable of loading
-several different kernels (such as Linux, the *BSD family, and DOS).
-From the standpoint of the Hurd, the bootloader is just a mechanism to
-get the @dfn{microkernel} running and transfer control to the Hurd 
-servers.  You will need to refer to your bootloader and microkernel 
-documentation for more information about the details of this process. 
-However, you don't need to know how this all works in order to use GNU.
address@hidden Installing GRUB, Server Bootstrap, Bootloader, Bootstrap
address@hidden node,  Next,  Prev,  Up
address@hidden Installing GRUB
address@hidden menu.lst
address@hidden GRUB
-At the moment, you are booting the Hurd with a floppy disk.  Doing 
-so regularly is not a good idea, since floppy disks are prone to 
-failure.  This section will show you how to install GRUB into the 
-master boot record of your hard-disk.
-What you need are:
-A GRUB boot floppy.
-A copy of GRUB installed on your hard disk.
-Knowledge of which partition contains GNU/Hurd.
address@hidden enumerate
-First you will need to make a directory for GRUB.  Do this now (you must 
-be logged in as root).
-bash-2.05# mkdir /boot/grub
address@hidden example
-Now you must copy the contents of the GRUB installed loader files.  These 
-are usually located in /lib/grub/i386-unknown-pc/.  All the files in this 
-directory need to be copied to the boot directory.
-bash-2.05# cp /lib/grub/i386-unknown-pc/* /boot/grub/
address@hidden example
-Now, you have two more things to do.  You must construct a @file{menu.lst} 
-file to put in your @file{/boot/grub} directory.  This file is the file that 
-displays a menu at boot time.  Before you tackle this, you should read 
-the GRUB info pages to get a better understanding of the way GRUB works. 
-The reason I ask this of you is that the Hurd is constantly being worked 
-on to boot more effiecently and the syntax may change with the Hurd's 
-development releases.
-This is my sample @file{menu.lst} file
-timeout  10 
-color light-grey/black red/light-grey
-title Debian GNU/Hurd
-root (hd0,0)
-kernel /boot/gnumach.gz root=device:hd0s1
-module /hurd/ext2fs.static address@hidden@} address@hidden@} address@hidden@} 
address@hidden@} -T typed address@hidden@} $(task-create) $(task-resume)
-module /lib/ /hurd/exec $(exec-task=task-create)
-title Debian GNU/Linux
-root (hd0,1)
-kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/hda2 ro
address@hidden display
-Now that you have your @file{menu.lst} file in @file{/boot/grub}, 
-you are ready to install GRUB and make your machine bootable 
-from the hard disk.  You should write down what you wrote in your 
address@hidden file.  You must type this information 
-into the GRUB command line.  If you forget this information, your 
-GRUB boot floppy should be able to boot your system so that you 
-can write the relevant data down and continue with the installation 
-of GRUB.
-When the boot menu of your GRUB floppy appears, press @key{c} on 
-your keyboard.  This will put you at the GRUB command prompt.  
-You need to start with the @command{root} command:
-grub> root (hd0,0)
address@hidden example
-The @command{root} command in the above example tells 
-GRUB that my GNU/Hurd system is installed on the first partition 
-of the first drive.  After you press the @key{Enter} key, GRUB 
-should print out something along the lines as @code{<ext2} and a 
-bunch of numbers>.  This means that GRUB found your root filesytem. 
-Next you need GRUB to load the kernel.  This is the tricky part.  
-Heres what I have:
-grub> kernel /boot/gnumach.gz root=device:hd0s1 
address@hidden example
-Once you press @key{Enter} again, you will see some more info.  
-If you get an error, that just means you made a typing mistake, or 
-picked the wrong root device for GRUB. 
-There is no need to work: this will not make your machine explode.
-Next, you need to enter the modules for GRUB to use. This is probably 
-the trickiest part of booting the system.
-grub> module /hurd/ext2fs.static address@hidden@} address@hidden@} 
address@hidden@} address@hidden@} -T typed address@hidden@} $(task-create) 
address@hidden display
address@hidden this should be all on one line, do not press @key{Enter} 
-until the end.}
-Next, type:
-grub> module /lib/ /hurd/exec $(exec-task=task-create)
address@hidden example
-That first monster module line is a lot to type each time you want to 
-boot GNU/Hurd. We can save ourselves a lot of time and effort by 
-putting this information, along with all other relevant information, in 
-the @file{menu.lst} file, as shown in the example above.
-So, we open nano, type something similar to the example @file{menu.lst} 
-file shown above, reboot the system, and @enddots{} the system freezes 
-on boot. 
-What went wrong?
-The answer is that nano automatically inserts line breaks at the end 
-of long lines, so our big monster module line is broken up into a 
-form that GRUB cannot understand. 
-There are two easy ways to solve this problem. First, you could create 
-your @file{menu.lst} file using another editor, such as GNU Emacs, 
-that does not automatically insert line breaks. Another example is 
-to use the @key{\} character, which tells GRUB to read the next line 
-as if it were part of the current line; you could type, for example:
-module /hurd/ext2fs.static \
address@hidden@} \
address@hidden@} address@hidden@} \
address@hidden@} \
--T typed address@hidden@} $(task-create) $(task-resume)
address@hidden display
-GRUB would then interpret these five lines as one long line.
-To fully understand all our module commands, you can check the Hurd 
-Reference Manual, which should explain every detail.  These are very 
-important for developers, as these commands can do many interesting 
-things with the GRUB bootloader and the Hurd.  For instance the newest 
-gnumach microkernel can use GRUB to debug it through the serial port 
-on your computer.  GRUB can also boot your kernel and then fetch the 
-rest of your system over the network.  This is partially implemented 
-with GNU/Hurd but older Unix-like operating systems can do this easily.
address@hidden FIXME: I'm not sure how to interpret that last sentance.
address@hidden As soon as you start updating your system, by installing or 
address@hidden kernels and Hurd servers, the GRUB menus will get more complex.  
address@hidden mg: I sure hope it doesn't
-If you're still with me, then you should be able to safely install GRUB 
-on your hard disk.  If you're confused, then you should consult the GRUB 
-documentation.  You should be able to install GRUB by typing the 
-following command at your GRUB command prompt:
-:grub> setup (hd0)
address@hidden example
-If this is successful, you should be able to press the reset button on your 
-machine's case and remove
-the GRUB floppy.  You just installed GRUB to the master boot record of the hard
-disk! That's one task many people are scared to attempt.
address@hidden Server Bootstrap, Shutdown, Installing GRUB, Bootstrap
address@hidden Server Bootstrap
address@hidden serverboot
-The @code{serverboot} program has been deprecated.  Newer GNU Mach 
-kernels support processing the bootscript parameters and boot 
-the Hurd directly.
-The @code{serverboot} program is responsible for loading and executing
-the rest of the Hurd servers.  Rather than containing specific
-instructions for starting the Hurd, it follows general steps given in a
-user-supplied boot script.
-To boot the Hurd using @code{serverboot}, the microkernel must start
address@hidden as its first task, and pass it appropriate arguments.  
address@hidden has a counterpart, called @code{boot}, which can be invoked 
-while the Hurd is already running, and allows users to start their own complete
-sub-Hurds (@pxref{The Sub-Hurd}).
-* Invoking serverboot::         Starting a set of interdependent servers.
-* Boot Scripts::                Describing server bootstrap relationships.
-* The Sub-Hurd::                Running a Hurd under another Hurd.
-* Invoking boot::               How to use the boot program.
address@hidden menu
address@hidden Invoking serverboot, Boot Scripts, Server Bootstrap, Server 
address@hidden Invoking @code{serverboot}
-The @code{serverboot} program has the following synopsis:
-serverboot address@hidden address@hidden @var{device-port}] @var{root-name}]
address@hidden example
address@hidden FIXME: serverboot should accept --help and --version, for 
-Each @var{switch} is a single character, out of the following set:
address@hidden @samp
address@hidden a
-Prompt the user for the @var{root-name}, even if it was already supplied
-on the command line.
address@hidden d
-Prompt the user to strike a key after the boot script has been read.
address@hidden q
-Prompt the user for the name of the boot script.  By default, use
address@hidden table
-All the @var{switches} are put into the @address@hidden@}} script
address@hidden and @var{device-port} are integers which represent the
-microkernel host and device ports, respectively (and are used to
-initialize the @address@hidden@}} and @address@hidden@}} boot
-script variables).  If these ports are not specified, then
address@hidden assumes that the Hurd is already running, and fetches
-the current ports from the procserver, which is documented in the 
-GNU Hurd Reference Manual.
address@hidden There was a @FIXME: xref here for the proc server, but I think 
address@hidden that can wait until _much_ later.
address@hidden is the name of the microkernel device that should be
-used as the Hurd bootstrap filesystem.  @code{serverboot} uses this name
-to locate the boot script (described above), and to initialize the
address@hidden@address@hidden script variable.
address@hidden Boot Scripts, The Sub-Hurd, Invoking serverboot, Server Bootstrap
address@hidden Boot Scripts
address@hidden /boot/servers.boot
address@hidden servers.boot
-Boot Scripts are used to boot further Hurd systems in parallel to the
-first, and are parsed by @code{serverboot} to boot the Hurd.  See
address@hidden/boot/servers.boot} for an example of a Hurd boot script.
address@hidden The Sub-Hurd, Invoking boot, Boot Scripts, Server Bootstrap
address@hidden The Sub-Hurd
address@hidden NeighborHurd
address@hidden SubHurd
-The @code{boot} program can be used to start a set of core Hurd servers
-while another Hurd is already running.  You will rarely need to do this,
-and it requires superuser privileges to control the new Hurd (or allow
-it to access certain devices), but it is interesting to note that it can
-be done.
-Usually, you would make changes to only one server, and simply tell your
-programs to use it in order to test out your changes.  This process can
-be applied even to the core servers.  However, some changes have
-far-reaching effects, and so it is nice to be able to test those effects
-without having to reboot the machine.
-Here are the steps you can follow to test out a new set of servers:
address@hidden 1
-Create a pseudo-root device.  Usually, you would do this by creating a
-new partition under your old Hurd, and initializing it with your
-favorite filesystem format.  @code{boot} understands the regular
address@hidden options (FIXME xref), so you may use a file or other
-store instead of a partition.
-$ @kbd{dd if=/dev/zero of=my-partition bs=1024k count=400}
-400+0 records in
-400+0 records out
-$ @kbd{mke2fs ./my-partition}
-mke2fs 1.18, 11-Nov-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
-my-partition is not a block special device.
-Proceed anyway? (y,n) @kbd{y}
-Filesystem label=
-OS type: GNU/Hurd
-Block size=1024 (log=0)
-Fragment size=1024 (log=0)
-102400 inodes, 409600 blocks
-20480 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
-First data block=1
-50 block groups
-8192 blocks per group, 8192 fragments per group
-2048 inodes per group
-Superblock backups stored on blocks:
-        8193, 24577, 40961, 57345, 73729, 204801, 221185, 401409
-Writing inode tables: done
-Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done
address@hidden example
-Copy the core servers, C library, your modified programs, and anything
-else you need onto the pseudo-root.
- @example
-$ @kbd{settrans -c ./my-root /hurd/ext2fs -r `pwd`/my-partition}
-$ @kbd{fsysopts ./my-root --writable}
-$ @kbd{cd my-root}
-$ @kbd{tar -zxpf /pub/debian/FIXME/gnu-20000929.tar.gz}
-$ @kbd{cd ..}
-$ @kbd{fsysopts ./my-root --readonly}
- @end example
-Create a new boot script (FIXME xref).
-Run @code{boot}.
--$ @kbd{boot -D ./my-boot ./my-boot/boot/servers.boot ./my-partition}
address@hidden example
-Here is an example using a hard drive that already has a GNU/Hurd
-system installed on an ext2 filesystem on @file{/dev/hd2s1}:
-$ @kbd{settrans /mnt /hurd/ex2fs --readonly /dev/hd2s1}
-$ @kbd{boot -d -D /mnt -I /mnt/boot/servers.boot /dev/hd2s1}
address@hidden example
-See @pxref{Invoking boot} for help with boot.
address@hidden enumerate
-Note that it is impossible to share microkernel devices between the two
-running Hurds, so don't confuse your sub-Hurd with your main GNU/Hurd 
-system.  When you're finished testing your new Hurd, then you 
-can run the @code{halt} or @code{reboot} programs to return 
-control to the parent Hurd.
address@hidden FIXME: the `don't get any funny ideas' comment is confusing.  Am
address@hidden I genuinely in some sort of danger if I contemplate sharing
address@hidden microkernel devices between two running Hurds?
address@hidden  tb: not if you know what you are doing.  But there is no clever
address@hidden  device mediation going on.  Two hurds, with two filesystems 
address@hidden  the same partition, will wreak havoc.  Two hurds reading from 
address@hidden  same terminal device will not share nicely.
-If you're satisfied with your new Hurd, you can arrange for your
-bootloader to start it, and then reboot your machine.  You will 
-then be in a safe place to overwrite your old Hurd with the 
-new one, and reboot back to your old configuration 
-(with the new Hurd servers).
address@hidden Invoking boot,  , The Sub-Hurd, Server Bootstrap
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Invoking boot
address@hidden boot
-Usage: boot address@hidden@dots{}] @var{boot-script} @address@hidden
address@hidden @code
address@hidden address@hidden line}
address@hidden -c
-Simulated multiboot command line to supply.
address@hidden --pause
address@hidden -d
-Pause for user confirmation at various times during booting.
address@hidden address@hidden
address@hidden -D
-Root of a directory tree in which to find the files specified in
address@hidden address@hidden    
-Interleave in runs of length @var{blocks}.
address@hidden --isig
address@hidden -I
-Do not disable terminal signals, so you can suspend and interrupt the
-boot program itself, rather than the programs running in the booted
address@hidden --layer
address@hidden -L
-Layer multiple devices for redundancy.
address@hidden --single-user
address@hidden -s          
-Boot into single user mode.
address@hidden address@hidden
address@hidden -T
-Each @var{device} names a store of type @var{type}.
address@hidden table
-Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional
-for any corresponding short options.
-If neither @option{--interleave} or @option{--layer} is specified, multiple
address@hidden are concatenated.
address@hidden Shutdown,  , Server Bootstrap, Bootstrap
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Shutdown
address@hidden halt
address@hidden reboot
-You can shut down or reboot your GNU/Hurd machine by typing these commands:
-bash-2.05# reboot <ENTER>
address@hidden example
-bash-2.05# halt <ENTER>
address@hidden example
-In a matter of seconds it should tell you that it is in a type loop and
-pressing @key{ctrl}, @key{alt}, and @key{Delete} at the same time will 
-make the system reboot.  It is now safe to shut the computer off.
address@hidden Using, PC Hardware Basics, Bootstrap, Top
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Using
address@hidden command line
address@hidden Bash
-Now that you have GNU/Hurd installed and booting, you're probably wondering
-"What can I do with it?"  Well, GNU/Hurd is capable of being a console based 
-workstation.  The X Window System is known to work, but is not required in 
-order to learn how to use GNU/Hurd.  This chapter is intended to get you 
-acquainted to the @dfn{command line} of GNU/Hurd.  You should read the Hurd 
-and also have a working knowledge of @dfn{Bash}, the GNU shell.  
-If you are not familiar with this material, you can read @pxref{The Shell} 
-for a brief introduction.
-* The Shell::                  Some basic knowledge you need.
-* Scripting with Bash::        Introduction to shell scripts.
-* File Archivers::             Basics on archiving and compressing files.
-* Administration::             Some basic Admin. things.
-* Accessing the cdrom::        Get your data from cdrom.
-* Accessing the floppy::       Get your data from floppy.           
address@hidden menu
address@hidden The Shell, Scripting with Bash, Using, Using
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden The Shell
address@hidden login 
address@hidden cp
address@hidden mkdir
address@hidden cat
address@hidden ls
address@hidden cd
address@hidden mv
address@hidden rm
address@hidden rmdir
address@hidden df
address@hidden pwd
-If you successfully installed GNU/Hurd and you are in multi-user mode,
-you should have a login shell ready for you, which should look like this:
-GNU 0.3 (hurd)
-Most of the programs included with the Debian GNU/Hurd system are
-freely redistributable; the exact distribution terms for each program
-are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright
-Debian GNU/Hurd comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
-permitted by applicable law.
-Type Login:USER or type HELP 
address@hidden display
-You can go ahead and type @code{login address@hidden<ENTER>} to get started.  
-What you need to know for using GNU/Hurd is your basic Unix-like commands.
-The GNU Project has written a replacement for almost every Unix command.
-You need to learn how to copy, move, view, and modify files.  It also is 
-important to learn one of the many editors that are available for GNU/Hurd.
-The default editor is Nano, which is very simple and self explanatory yet
-not as powerful as Emacs or vi.  It is there because it's small,
-and easy on the memory of your computer.  I am not going to cover it here
-because it is quite self-explanatory.  This section hopes to get you started 
-with these necessity commands.  If you have knowledge of these already, you 
-can probably skip ahead.  Also, you might want to get comfortable with the 
-default editor first, then come back to this section to learn your basic 
-GNU/Hurd shell commands.
-The shell is the the program that interacts with the filesystem and the data
-on the filesystem.  This is called bash (Bourne again shell)@footnote{This is 
-a pun on the name of the original Unix shell, the Bourne shell, and the 
-Christian idea of being ``born again''.}.  Once you get 
-comfortable with the shell, you can happily sit at any Unix-like workstation 
-and get some work done.  It is very important that you get comfortable with 
-the shell.  It is also called the terminal, console, etc.  At this prompt you 
-should be ready to begin.  (Note: Shell variables cause your prompt to display 
-your current working directory.  Your prompt may look like this: 
address@hidden FIXME: Starting with ``At this prompt, ...'', the above paragraph
address@hidden becomes unclear (at least to me).
address@hidden example
-To make a directory for yourself, you would use the @command{mkdir} 
-(make directory)
-command.  You can make as many as you want as long as they are in your home 
-You may notice that many commands are abbreviations. The tradition of 
-Unix-like systems dictates that commands take this form. Since the user 
-is expected to type many commands into the shell, the commands are kept 
-succinct so that fewer keystrokes are required. The side effect, of course, 
-is many command names that are confusing at first sight.
-bash-2.05$ mkdir docs tmp sources <ENTER>
address@hidden example
-To change directories you would use the @command{cd} (change directory) 
-One thing to remember is that wherever you are in the filesytem, typing 
-alone will put you back in your home directory.  (Note:@emph{The bash shell 
-features command line completion, by pressing the first letter of the file 
-or directory plus @key{<TAB>} will do this.})
-bash-2.05$ cd /usr/local <ENTER> #this puts you in the /usr/local directory.
-bash-2.05$ cd <ENTER>            #this puts you back in the home directory. 
address@hidden example
-There is another short cut, @code{ cd ../} This puts you in the directory 
-above the one
-you're currently in.
-There are many ways to view a file, but we'll use the most common command 
-called @command{cat} @footnote{An abbreviation for @emph{concatenate}, since 
address@hidden can be used to concatenate files.}.
-bash-2.05$ cat README | less <ENTER>
address@hidden example
-You may wonder what @code{ | less} mean. We use the | (pipe symbol) to take 
-the output of @file{README} and feed it to the @command{less} command.  
address@hidden allows you to view 
-the documents one screen at a time and it allows you to go back to the 
-beginning of the document.  You have to type @key{q} to quit @command{less}. 
-To copy a file from one place to another you use the @command{cp} (copy) 
-command.  The @command{cp} command has many options such as 
address@hidden -f -v -r}.  
-Luckily for us, the @command{info }
-command will clarify many of the confusing commands and all three options. 
-bash-2.05$ cp README chapter1.txt foo1/ <ENTER>
address@hidden example
-will copy @file{README} and @file{chapter1.txt} to the @file{foo1} directory.  
-Here are a few good options to remember:
-bash-2.05$ cp -rfv foo1/ file2.txt tmp/ <ENTER>
-bash-2.05$ cp -rf /cdrom/* ~/ <ENTER>
address@hidden example
-The @code{-r} means ``recursive'', so @file{file2.txt}, the @file{foo1} 
-and all the contents of @file{foo1} are copied to the @file{tmp} directory.  
-The @code{-f} means ``force'', I have a habit of forcing things.  
-The @code{-v} means ``verbose'', It will show you on the screen what files are 
-copied.  In the second example, we have this @code{~/}, which is a short cut 
-your home directory.  So that command would copy the contents of @file{/cdrom} 
-your home directory.(Note:@emph{The asterik symbol '*' is called a wildcard
-character which means "anything"}.)
address@hidden FIXME: I'm for taking the -f out of the example. Passing -f to cp
address@hidden is a little esoteric for beginners, IMHO, and the explanation 
address@hidden doesn't add a lot of information.
-To rename or move a file or directory you would use the @command{mv} (move) 
-Be careful, because @command{mv} is a very powerful command.  You can lose 
-data if 
-you're not careful about what you do.  To rename a file or directory you 
-would type, for example:
-bash-2.05$ mv foo1/ foo2 <ENTER>
address@hidden example
-Now you no longer have a @file{foo1} directory, it's called @file{foo2} now.  
-The same thing can be done with plain files, too.
-I'll bet you're saying, "I'm doing all this work, but how do I view my 
-You answer would be the @command{ls} (list)command.  The @command{ls} command 
-has many options.
-bash-2.05$ ls -al <ENTER>
address@hidden example
-The two options I have here are used more often than any others.  The 
-will show us all hidden files in the current address@hidden 
-files are 
-often hidden, to prevent the user from accidentally deleting them.}  The 
address@hidden option tells us to display the directory in long format.  
-This means it shows us the date modified, file size, file attributes, etc. of 
-A user will also notice that there are files with dots 
-in front of some files in thier home directory.  The dotted files are
-typically hidden configuration files. The user will also notice a dot,
-followed by two dots. In the unix file system a dot represents the 
-current directory. The two dots represent the directory above your 
-current working directory. Examples of using these dots are common in
-building software.
-bash-2.05# ../configure # This runs configure from the directory above.
-bash-2.05# ./program    # This runs program from current directory.
address@hidden example
-Now that you have made all this mess in your home directory, I'll bet you're 
-wondering how you can get rid of things.  There are two important deleting 
-commands.  The @command{rm} (remove) command is convienent for removing files. 
address@hidden command can also remove directorys that the @command{rmdir} 
-can't. I'll show the you a basic @command{rm} example, then my favorite with 
-the extra options.  The @command{rmdir} command will only delete directories 
-that are empty.
-bash-2.05$ rm README <ENTER>
address@hidden example
-Now, @command{rm} with some options:
-bash-2.05$ rm -rf foo2/ <ENTER>
address@hidden example
-The second example is very powerful.  The @code{-r} means ``recursive'' and 
--f means ``force.''  This removes all the contents of @file{foo2}, without 
-prompting the user for confirmation.
-These are only the basic commands to get you address@hidden there are many, 
-two- and three-letter commands.  The more you use GNU/Hurd, the more options
-and commands you'll learn.  The more you learn, the more freedom you'll 
-And that is a very valuable thing.
-Now that you have been cruising around your filesystem, you might be wondering
-how much space you have left on your drive.  There is a simple command to 
-check this:
-bash-2.05$ df / <ENTER>
-Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
-/dev/hd0s1            1920748   1203996    619180  67% /
address@hidden example
-If you don't put a directory after the command such as @file{/} or 
-the @command{df} (diskfree) command will spit out some errors. 
-If your prompt is not telling you what directory you are in, you can use the 
address@hidden (present working directory) command:
-bash-2.05$ pwd <ENTER>
address@hidden example 
-As a final note, always remember: @address@hidden is your friend on 
address@hidden Scripting with Bash, File Archivers, The Shell, Using
address@hidden node , next , prev, up
address@hidden Scripting with Bash
-These next few paragraphs are to aquaint the user of GNU/Hurd with 
-extended shell capabilities. The bash shell is a very powerful program.
-You may have seen the term "Shell Programming", well that is what Bash
-can be used for. The shell can be used to write scripts to automate a 
-handful of commands into one file. The start of a typical shell script 
-will look like this:
-# The above line has to be the very first line of your
-# script. If it's not it is taken as a comment.
-# This is a comment
-uname -a ; df /
-echo This is a shell script
-uptime &&   
-cat /etc/fstab
address@hidden example
-The very first line is a interesting one. The @command{#!/bin/bash}
-is to notify the shell of what program to use to run the script.
-The next two lines are comments, the '#' character is used to allow
-us to type important information that the script won't execute.
-Finally we get to the command @command{uname -a} which will tell
-us the operating system we are using, with the -a option it tells
-us everything we need.  Following the first command is the ';' character
-which tells bash there is a compound command. The semicolon will 
-tell bash to execute the command on the left first, then the right.
-The '&&' symbols after "uptime" in the above script tell bash not to
-execute the next command until the uptime command is complete. The
-difference between the ";" and the "&&" is the first character will
-spit out a error and then continue to the next command. 
-In order to execute the above script the file 
-attributes need to be changed to an executable format. To change
-file attributes you use @command{chmod 755}.  The @command{chmod}
-command is pretty tricky, so read the info and/or man pages to
-fully understand the capabilities of @command{chmod}.
-Bash has other time saving features, for instance the @command{export}.
-You can export a couple of letters to represent a full path to a 
-directory. The export command is typically used for this, here is a 
-bash-2.05$ export SRC=/home/src
-bash-2.05# echo $SRC
address@hidden example
-In the above example we use the @command{echo} to tell us what the 
-value of 'SRC' is. Without the '$' character the @command{echo} 
-would just print out 'SRC'.  The @command{echo} is used extensively
-in shell scripts to place text on our screen either for debugging 
-purposes or to prompt the user for input. 
-The great thing about shell scripts is that they have the capability
-of doing things just as quickly as a compiled program.  A compiled
-program is written, compiled, and then run.  The benefit of using
-a script is it is written then interpeted by the shell.  When scripts
-get too large or complicated they are sometimes re-written in a compiled
-language. The reasoning behind this is that the shell script can slow
-the machine down the larger it gets, and take away resources that could
-be better used elsewhere on the computer.  To get a better understanding
-of "Shell Programming" there are numerous books and on-line documents
-to be used. 
-Your GNU/Hurd workstations is comprised of many shell scripts.  For
-instance when you login to the shell a couple scripts set up your
-enviroment for you.  The scripts .profile and .bashrc set things
-such as 
-PATH : This is typically ":/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin"
-       and can be modified to suit your needs. Generally you programs
-       will reside in "bin" or "sbin" directories. Instead of typing
-       /usr/bin/gcc you can just type gcc and the computer knows where
-       it is.
-PS1 :  This is a bash variable that sets the look of your prompt.
-       When the PS1 variable is not set you just see bash-2.05$ as
-       your prompt.
-MANPATH:  The MANPATH variable is used so that when man is evoked
-          It knows where all the man pages live.
-alias : The alias command is used you disguise a command with anything
-       your heart desires except another command. A user can alias
-       the 'ls -a' to 'l' so at a bash prompt typing 'l <ENTER>'
-       will evoke 'ls -a'
address@hidden enumerate
-As you get more comfortable with you GNU/Hurd workstation you will
-end up customizing some of these values to suit your needs.
address@hidden File Archivers, Administration, Scripting with Bash, Using
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden  File Archivers
address@hidden tar
address@hidden bzip2
address@hidden gzip
-In this section, I want you to learn some extra things that will make life 
-interesting.  You will need to learn about archives.  Archives come in 
-many different formats.  Archive is a general term for a software package.
-You may have heard of a @dfn{tarball}: this is a form of archive.  The file 
-extensions tell us what type of archive the file is.  Generally they come 
-in forms of .tgz, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .gz, etc.
address@hidden is a method of packaging files.  It has been around 
-since the early days of computing.  The @command{tar} command that we use 
-when working 
-with archives stands for ``tape archiver''. It was originally used to create 
-files for backup on large tape drives.
-Closely associated with archiving is the concept of @dfn{compressing}. Various 
-can be used to pack data into a smaller format. Archives are often compressed 
-before being 
-distributed; for example, a tarball may have the extension @file{.tar.gz}, 
-which means that 
-the tarball is a @code{tar} archive that has been compressed using 
address@hidden Most software 
-that you try and install from source-code will be packaged this way.  I will 
-try to give you 
-some examples; if you're confused, always consult the info pages.
-Let's say we get a @code{tar} file that has some documents you want to read.  
-sure that you are in your home directory, then type:
-bash-2.05$ tar xv docs.tar <ENTER>
address@hidden example
-After running this command, you would see the contents of the tar file 
-to your home directory.  The @code{x} stands for ``extract'' and the @code{v} 
-means ``verbose'', which shows us the contents of the archive as it's being 
-decompressed.  Compressing a file or directory is very similar.  You would use 
-bash-2.05$ tar -cv new.tar foo1/ foo2/ <ENTER>
address@hidden example
-The @code{-c} is to create the tar file.  We add the name of the tar file, 
-then the 
-contents that we want.  In the above example, we created a file called 
-and we added the directories @file{foo1/} and @file{foo2/} to the tar file.  
-the @code{-v} option we see what is being added.  
-The @command{gzip} compression format is commonly used in the GNU system.  
-Files with 
-the extionsion @file{.gz} are associated with @command{gzip}.  The utilities 
address@hidden and @command{gzip} work so well together that people 
-have patched the tar command so that it can compress and decompress 
-files.  Note, however, that @command{tar} cannot be used to decompress 
address@hidden files that are not @command{tar} archives. 
-bash-2.05$ tar -zxv file.tar.gz <ENTER> #This file was compressed once with 
-                                         then with gzip
-bash-2.05$ gzip -d file.gz <ENTER>     #notice no tar in filename means you 
-                                         gzip
address@hidden example
-In the first example, the @code{z} after the @command{tar} command is the 
-that tells @command{tar} that the file has been @command{gzip}ed.  The second 
-example is the @command{gzip} command, using the @code{d} option to decompress 
address@hidden  @command{gunzip} is a command that is equivalent to 
address@hidden -d}, but more intuitive.
-bash-2.05$ gunzip file.gz <ENTER>
address@hidden example
-To compress a @code{tar} files, or any file, using @command{gzip},
- you would type:
-bash-2.05$ gzip -9 file.tar <ENTER>
address@hidden example
-The @code{-9} means best compression.  There are many options available for 
address@hidden  A quick browse through the info pages will tell you 
-everything you need to know.
-Another common form of compression is the @command{bzip2} format. @code{tar} 
-compressed using @command{bzip2} usually have the extension @file{.tar.bz2}.  
-This format is known to be one of the best compression utilities.  
-To extract a bzip2 file you would type:
-bash-2.05$ bunzip2 file.bz2 <ENTER>
address@hidden example
-Like the @command{gzip} format, the @command{bzip2} format has many options.  
-You will probably see @command{bzip2} compressing @command{tar} files.  The 
-utility many other commands linked to it.  To extract a file that has been 
-archived with @command{tar} and compressed with @command{bzip2}, you would 
-do something similar to the following:
-bash-2.05$ bzcat file.tar.bz2 |tar -xv <ENTER>
address@hidden example
-The @command{bzcat} command is a combination of @command{bunzip2} and 
-We @command{bzcat} the file, then pipe(|) the file to the @command{tar} 
-Once again, I use @code{-x} to extract the file, and @code{-v} to see its 
-To compress a file using @command{bzip2} you would type:
-bash-2.05$ bzip2 -z file1.txt <ENTER>
address@hidden example
-This command compresses @file{file1.txt} to @file{file1.txt.bz2}.  You can 
-also use 
-the @code{'-9'} option for best compression.
-Hopefully, this little chapter has gotten you more interested in using 
-If you are still confused, please read the info pages for the command that's 
-giving you trouble.  The command @code{info} will give you a list of all the 
-programs on your Hurd machine that have documentation with them.  
-The best way to learn GNU utilities is to read and practice.  GNU/Hurd is 
-just like music or sports: you can never learn enough. 
-This chapter is meant to give you a stepping stone to freedom.
address@hidden Administration, Accessing the cdrom, File Archivers, Using
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Administration
address@hidden su
address@hidden root
address@hidden adduser
address@hidden passwd
-After the last chapter, you're probably wondering about this ``root user'' 
-everyone is so fond of.  The Hurd is trying to get all things root out 
-of the picture and allow you the freedom of doing things only root can do
-on legacy Unix systems.  The designers and developers want you, the user, 
-to be able to do things that you cannot do on a traditional Unix-like 
-For the time being, though, you will have to deal with the root user.  
-One reasonable request of the Unix-type gurus is making a normal user account. 
-normal user can only write to his or her home directory, and has limited 
-to system configuration.  The reasoning behind this is that a normal user can 
-not mess
-up the computer.  This is a decent compromise because the more we explore and
-play, the more likely we'll lose a important file or make some other fatal 
-So what we'll do is set up a user account for you.  You must be root to 
-do this.
-bash-2.05# adduser <ENTER>
address@hidden example
-That's it!  The computer will prompt you for a username and password, then you 
-can just answer yes or whatever you require to the rest of the requests.
-To change the password on your account you just created you would type:
-bash-2.05# passwd <USER_NAME> <ENTER>
-Please Enter a Password:
address@hidden example
-There is a command that helps you become root while logged in as a normal 
-This command is called @command{su}.  When you type @command{su}, you are 
-required to enter a password (if you have one) for the root account. If a 
@command{ssh} (Secure Shell) server doesn't allow root logins, as root
-you can @command{su} to a another user that has an access to that server.
-When you are done being another user you type @command{exit} and your 
-back as root.
address@hidden FIXME: From ``This command works the other way ...'' on, this 
paragraph has 
address@hidden me confused.
address@hidden mg: I see what you mean
-bash-2.05$ su <ENTER>
address@hidden example
-There are many commands related to the Administering Unix-like operating
-systems.  As a normal user, much is unneeded.  Making a new user and giving
-him/her a password is enough for now.  If you are interested in becoming a 
Administrator there are plenty of books and classes out there.
address@hidden Accessing the cdrom, Accessing the floppy, Administration, Using
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Accessing the cdrom
address@hidden settrans 
address@hidden iso9660
address@hidden cdrom
address@hidden Joliet
-Traditionally, Unix-like systems have used a command called @command{mount} 
-to merge removable storage devices, such as CDs and floppy disks, into the 
-file system. On GNU/Hurd, we don't @command{mount} anything.  The Hurd has 
-a similar mechanism for accessing devices called "setting a translator".  
-We use the @command{settrans} command to do this.  @command{settrans} is a 
-program that aligns a type of Hurd server called a @dfn{translator} to a 
-device supported by the kernel.  For instance, 
-on my GNU/Hurd system my cdrom device was detected as hd2.  To get to my data 
-on a iso9660 CD, I first had to make the device.  Then I had to run the 
address@hidden command.  This had to be done as the root user (root is the only 
user that has these privileges). 
-The term iso9660 is a standard set by the Industry Standards Organization.The 
ISO has set the universal access to CDROM media as standard number 
-9660. Some systems use an extension to this standard called Joliet.  
-The Joliet extension is typical of Microsoft Windows.  It is also 
-supported on GNU/Hurd, GNU/Linux, and the BSDs.
address@hidden FIXME: We should add more detail. If I were coming fresh from a 
diet of 
address@hidden Windows beer, this would confuse the heck out of me.
address@hidden mg: The brief iso description helps ?
-bash-2.05# cd /dev <ENTER>
-bash-2.05# ./MAKEDEV hd2 <ENTER>
-bash-2.05# settrans -ac /cdrom /hurd/isofs /dev/hd2 <ENTER>
address@hidden example
-This isn't too hard, is it?  Those options after @command{settrans} are very 
-The @code{-a} makes the @command{/hurd/isofs} translator active. The @code{-c} 
-creates the translator, and is only needed the first time.
-Now you can type @command{cd /cdrom} and see the data on your CD.
address@hidden Accessing the floppy,  , Accessing the cdrom, Using
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Accessing the floppy
address@hidden floppy
address@hidden fat
-This section will help you get some data off of your floppy disk. I note that
-the @code{vfat (fat32)} and @code{msdos (fat16)} filesystems are currently 
-not supported. The support will come eventually, but for now you can only 
-GNU/Linux floppies. You must be root to get to your floppy.
-joe@@hurd# settrans -a /floppy /hurd/ext2fs /dev/fd0 <ENTER>
address@hidden example
-Now you can head to the @code{/floppy} directory and see your data.
address@hidden PC Hardware Basics, Networking, Using, Top
address@hidden node, next, prev,  top
address@hidden PC Hardware Basics
address@hidden dmesg
address@hidden hardware
-On Unix-like operating systems, it has always been a struggle for new
-users to get their hardware configured.  Unix-like systems have a 
-command called @command{dmesg} that allows users to view what hardware 
-the kernel has detected.
-The command @command{dmesg} spits out all that data that we see at boot to your
-terminal. Unfortunately, the @command{dmesg} command has not been ported to 
-GNU/Hurd. It should be ported in the near future. For now
-we have to use a couple of GNU programs to get equivalent information: 
-bash-2.05# cat /dev/klog > dmesg & <ENTER>
-bash-2.05# less dmesg <ENTER>
address@hidden display  
-As a user gets used to Unix-like systems, they should have
-a decent idea what they have in their systems.  This section
-should help new users discover some things, and hopefully educate 
-to some extent.
address@hidden >> Last I checked, dmesg hadn't been ported to GNU/Hurd yet!
address@hidden >> Probably OK to leave in if we mention that it *will* be 
address@hidden mg: ok I hope it comes soon.
-A typical computer has many common pieces of hardware regardless 
-of vendor.  A computer has these things in common:
-* CPU::                            (Central Processing Unit)
-* Power Supply::                   (+-5volts,+-12volts)
-* Motherboard::                    (main board,system board, etc.)
-* RAM::                            (Random Access Memory)
-* Hard Drive::                     (IDE, SCSI, ATA, etc.) 
-* Floppy Drive and CDROM::         (Removable Storage)
-* Serial and Parallel Ports::      (for external devices)
-* Video Cards::                    (VGA, AGP, ISA)
-* PCI and EISA Slots::             (for internal devices)
-* BIOS::                           (Basic Input Output System)
address@hidden menu
address@hidden This menu should follow the structure of the nodes! =)
-Some systems have some of these pieces missing for certain reasons.
-Typically the missing pieces are omitted because of cost, the hardware
-being unneccesary, or other specialized reasons. 
address@hidden >> You mean "unneededness", which isn't a word! How about 
address@hidden "... because of 
address@hidden >> cost, the hardware being unneccessary (sp?), or ...".
address@hidden mg: I see
address@hidden Motherboard, Floppy Drive and CDROM, PC Hardware Basics, PC 
Hardware Basics
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Motherboard 
-If your computer came with a printed manual, that manual will be 
-very helpful; however, it will probably not tell you everything that 
-you need to know. A person with 
-their very own screwdriver can open up a computer and view some of the 
-hardware. Just by looking at a certain card, you can get a lot of
-important information.  On modern computer hardware, vendors are doing
-a better job at labeling their products. This is a great thing now 
-that we have the Internet and search engines. Now, a person can write
-down some things that they see on a certain computer card, type
-that information into a search engine, and, in a matter of seconds, 
-find out everything they need to know.
-The @dfn{motherboard} lies at the heart of your computer's hardware.  The name 
- ``motherboard'' comes from the fact that all other pieces of hardware are 
- connected to this board.
-The motherboard is a large circuit board.  It will have slots in which you 
-may add other chips, such as a video card or a network card.  When you see 
-a computer advertised, and the advertisement mentions the number of 
-expansion slots the motherboard has, it is referring to these slots.
-The motherboard also has slots for RAM (memory) chips and CPUs.  The number 
-of slots for RAM chips determines the extent to which the computer's memory 
-is upgradeable.  As for CPUs, if your friend tells you that her computer is 
- a dual-processor machine, that means that the machine's motherboard has slots 
- for two CPUs, and that there is a CPU in each slot.
-Other pieces of hardware that connect to the motherboard are power supplies, 
-cooling fans, and disk drives.  Together, your computer's hardware provides 
-you with a platform on which you can run a complete operating system.
-The motherboard has many chips all connected by SMT(surface mount 
-technology) wiring.  SMT is a technology that is used to connect 
-tiny wires, transistors, diodes, capacitors, etc.  The components
-collectively communicate with the CPU, Devices, and the BIOS. 
-The Motherboard uses a IRQ(Interrupt ReQuest) controller to know
-which devices can interrupt the CPU to send of receive data.  
-For instance a Harddisk will have lower IRQ number than a keyboard.
-The reasoning behind this is the keyboard is constantly being used
-whereas the harddisk only gets written to or read from periodically.
-A typical motherboard has 14 IRQ's, newer ones are giving the user
address@hidden >> First sentence is awkward. Perhaps, "If your computer came 
with a 
address@hidden >> printed manual, that manual will be very helpful; however, it 
address@hidden >> will probably not tell you everything that you need to know." 
address@hidden mg: Ok I used your sentence.
address@hidden Floppy Drive and CDROM, PCI and EISA Slots, Motherboard, PC 
Hardware Basics
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Floppy Drive and CDROM
-Users need not be afraid of working on their computer. In the 
-modern computer age manufacturers have made it very
-easy for us. Everything is like a puzzle piece. Almost no piece 
-of hardware can be put in upside down or reversed. The hardest 
-part of it all is the cabling that goes from the motherboard
-to the disks( Hard-drive, Floppy, Cdrom ). 
address@hidden >> Watch "their" -- it is plural, and "a user" is singular. 
address@hidden >> "Users need not be afraid of working on their computers.", or 
address@hidden >> "You should bot be afraid to work on your computer." =)
address@hidden mg: Thanks, you'd think english was my second language.
-When taking apart your computer for the first time, it is always
-good to have a magic marker or some sort of writing utensil handy.
-It is a good idea to mark your cables as you pull them out just
-in case you have to stop working ,for example, to take out the dog. 
-When you get back to to what you are doing you'll have some idea of 
-what that cable belongs to. Another important thing to remember
-is on the cables that go to your internal devices always have a 
-red line representing pin one. You should never try to do two
-things at the same time, this could make things more confusing.
address@hidden >> Remember ","'s when appropriate.
address@hidden >> RE: "in case you get sent off to take the dog out", how 
address@hidden >> about, "in case you have to stop working, for example,  
address@hidden >> to take the dog out"
address@hidden mg: Thanks again, makes more sense now.
address@hidden PCI and EISA Slots, Video Cards, Floppy Drive and CDROM, PC 
Hardware Basics
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden PCI and EISA Slots
-An internal device is usually a hard disk drive, floppy disk drive,
-CD drive, video card, network card or other important add-on.  
-The disk drives are connected to the motherboard with
-ribbon cables. The video card, network card, and possibly a 
-modem are inserted in slots on the motherboard. Slots are called 
-PCI, EISA, and AGP.
address@hidden Video Cards, Hard Drive, PCI and EISA Slots, PC Hardware Basics
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Video Cards
-The AGP (advance graphics port) slot is for video cards only. EISA
-(Enhanced Industry Standard Architecture) slots are for older 16-bit 
-devices. You won't see that many EISA slots on todays motherboards.
-More favorable are PCI(Peripheral Component Interconnect) slots these 
-are the most abundant on todays motherboards because they are for 
-32bit devices. The PCI slots are usually beige in color and are 
-smaller than the longer black near obsolete EISA slots. 
address@hidden Hard Drive, CPU, Video Cards, PC Hardware Basics
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Hard Drive
-The cabling connecting the disks to the motherboard are considered
-IDE(Intergrated Drive Electronics) ribbon cables.  The motherboard
-also has a special cable for your floppy disk drive. Both the ide
-and floppy controllers should be labeled in very small print on 
-your motherboard. The controllers should also have very small numbers
-on the ends to tell us where pin one is. The cables will have a red
-line to match pin one on the controller to pin one on the disk drives.
-If your lucky your disk drives and cables will be brand new so none
-of this will matter and they will only be allowed to connect the
-right way.
-Each IDE controller will allow you to connect two devices. The two
-devices are considered master and slave. The master is always the
-first or only drive on a IDE controller. Master drives are usually
-bootable and contain the operating system's bootloader and kernel.
-A slave drive can be a CDROM or another Hard disk. Some operating
-systems are fussy about where they reside. It is generally a good
-idea to have a operating system booting off of a master harddrive.
-This isn't written in stone, Alot of software developers will have
-multiple operating systems on a single computer.  Yet they usually
-put there bootloader on the master ide drive along with a couple of
-operating systems.   
address@hidden >> Some explanation of "master" and "slave" would be helpful to 
the re
address@hidden der.
-The motherboard usually has two IDE controllers; a primary and 
-secondary. We are allowed a total of four IDE devices cabled off 
-of our motherboards. Some
-of the newer motherboards are being manufactured with up to four
-ide controllers.  A typical machine might have one cable connecting
-a hard disk off of the primary ide contoller.  The machine could
-have the cdrom drive connected with a cable to the secondary ide
-controller.  The machine might even have the cdrom drive connected
-as a slave on the primary ide controller. A very important way
-of connecting these devices this way are small jumpers on the
-disk drives. There should be clear instructions on the disks drives
-on how these jumpers should look for a certain configuration. The
-jumper selection area on the hardisk should look similar to the 
-figure below.
-    |----------|
-    | o  o  o  |  
-    | o  o  o  |
-    |----------|
address@hidden display
address@hidden  I have to figure out how to add this without texinfo squashing 
address@hidden >> I know what you mean here, but only because I once had to 
address@hidden >> with master/slave settings. I think we should either have some
address@hidden >> further explanation of what the labelling would look like, or 
address@hidden >> an illustration (I was looking at the @image Texinfo command; 
address@hidden >> inserts a PDF/EPS into HTML/PS/PDF output, and ASCII art into 
address@hidden  >> info files. This probably wouldn't be too hard a thing to 
address@hidden >> do some ASCII art of.)
-If your new disk is going to be a master on the secondary ide
-controller **,** you need to make sure these jumpers are set correctly.
-If the jumpers are wrong and your cables are backwards you computer
-will not work the way you expect it too.
address@hidden >> [1] Need a "," or ":".
address@hidden CPU, RAM, Hard Drive, PC Hardware Basics
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden CPU
-The devices connected through slots, and disks connected to the 
-controllers all end up communicating with the CPU. These devices
-communicate via the ``bus''. The term ``bus'' comes from the 
-fact that the data is sent down wires on the motherboard
-to the CPU all at once. You sometimes hear the term "I have a hundred
-megahertz bus"; this is the speed the data is traveling down
-the bus to the CPU. Megahertz(MHZ)is also the measurement of speed 
-of a CPU. A CPU can be found in a slot on the motherboard. The
-CPU is either in slot form or in a ZIF(Zero Insertion Force)socket.  
-Their are different types of ZIF configurations for certain 
-CPUs. The ZIF sockets are usually labeled socket 8, socket 7,
-socket 3, etc. The slot based CPU are primarily for Pentium II and
-Pentium III CPUs. The very new CPUs use a new ZIF configuration
-called PGA(Primary Grid Array). The PGA sockets are usually
-for the Athlon and Pentium 4 processors. A ZIP socket makes it 
-very easy to replace the CPU.  With a little lever on the side
-of the socket a CPU can easily be replaced.  All of these 
-configurations regardless of CPU have heat sinks with fans built
-into them.  The fan and heat sink play an important role. The 
-heat sink keeps the CPU from burning up and overheating your 
-computer.  If you try and use a computer with out a working 
-fan or without a heat sink your likely to run into sporadic errors.
-The errors can range from software errors to the computer restarting 
-by itself.
address@hidden >> [2] They don't use the *term* bus to communicate, they use 
address@hidden >> a thing called a bus. How about, "... via a bus.  The term 
address@hidden >> "bus" comes from ..." ?
address@hidden mg: ok sounds good
address@hidden I think we need pictures for the CPU section. I have a bit of an 
address@hidden idea of what you mean from my brief forays into the inside of my 
address@hidden box, but not a great one. Do you have a digital camera? I could 
address@hidden use a quickcam to take some pictures of hardware, but the 
address@hidden would be nothing to write home about. =)
address@hidden RAM, BIOS, CPU, PC Hardware Basics
address@hidden node next, prev, up
address@hidden RAM
-While data is being worked on by the CPU the machine also uses
-RAM to store temporary data that the machine needs. RAM is one
-important component that allows us to use a computer that multi-tasks.  
-The term multi-tasking is simply doing more than one thing at the same 
-time.  We should also know that if we don't have
-enough RAM for what we need to do, a computer will not multi-task
-efficiently. RAM is mounted on the motherboard in DIMM and/or SIMM
-slots. The RAM can only go in one way.  A typical problem a person
-can have with RAM is not putting it in completely. Another problem
-is pushing the RAM too hard and cracking the motherboard. If either
-situation happens, when you start your computer you will get no
-picture, beeps, or any response at all. A DIMM stands for Dual 
-Inline Memory Module. The DIMM is the most typical of newer mother-
-boards. The SIMM which stands for Single Inline Memory Module is 
-not seen as much as the DIMM. The SIMM has a slower speed than the 
-DIMM. The SIMM is seen on most older motherboards but they can both
-coexist together. The problem with the two different RAM Modules
-coexisting is the SIMM can only work with 66MHZ bus systems.  If
-you have a DIMM that is rated for 100MHZ systems they will default
-to 66MHZ to live peacefully with the other RAM. When the bus speed
-is defaulted to 66MHZ, this can actually change the CPU speeds on
-some motherboards. Other differences between memory modules are the
-pins. A DIMM should have 168 pins while the SIMM will only have 72 pins. 
address@hidden >> [3] I don't know if "RAM" is a term we can/should use; I 
address@hidden that 
address@hidden >> "RAM" is more the Windows term, and UNIX types say "memory" 
address@hidden "core".
address@hidden >> I'm not completely sure of this, though. 
address@hidden >> mg:In the hardware world RAM is RAM we have DRAM, SDRAM, 
address@hidden    mg:DDR RAM, EDO RAM. To be OS independant I'll use the term 
RAM to
address@hidden    mg:indicate a RAM MODULE.
address@hidden >> Also, RAM is only of thing that makes us able to multi-task. 1
address@hidden    We also 
address@hidden >>need interrupts, and a multi-tasking operating system
address@hidden mg: You are right I just need to find a clear way to explain
address@hidden >> [4] Reading this, I find myself waiting for a "; for example, 
". Is 
address@hidden this 
address@hidden >>a dig at DOS 6.22/Win3.1 for having co-operative multi-tasking?
address@hidden mg: It's not really a dig, I'm just trying to explain that RAM 
address@hidden one of
address@hidden the very important things or system performance regardless  of 
address@hidden BIOS, Power Supply, RAM, PC Hardware Basics
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden BIOS 
-The BIOS is another good place to find information about the computer's
-hardware. The BIOS is the motherboard's little brain. It holds the data
-in the machine's CMOS (Complimetary Metal Oxide TranSistor) which is
-sort of like long term storage.  The programming in the CMOS of the
-BIOS holds data such as hard disk information (Primary or Secondary,
-Master or Slave, Heads, Sectors,etc). It also holds the date, time,
-and some RAM-related information.  A user can access the BIOS only
-at boot time. Usually there is a message telling us to hit F1,F2 or
-possibly Delete to enter setup. There are many confusing options in 
-the BIOS. A good idea is to have the manual for your motherboard when
-dealing with any unknown features of the board. If a user changes some
-thing that causes havoc on the machine there is always a option to
-restore the settings to factory default.  This can be a savior if we
-change too many things and forget what we did.
address@hidden Power Supply, Serial and Parallel Ports, BIOS, PC Hardware Basics
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Power Supply
-A computer's power supply has one connector that powers the mother-
-board. The motherboard's power connector is a large white block with 
-yellow, black, and red wires. The other connectors from the power 
-supply are smaller D-shaped, with the same colored wires. The yellow
-wires are rated +-13 volts.  The red wires are +-5 volts and the 
-black ones are ground(0 volts).  Both the motherboard and internal 
-device connectors cannot be put in backwards or upside down.  
-One common problem is not pressing the power connectors in completely. 
-The floppy disk drive has it's very own power connector that is also 
-keyed (think key and keyhole) to go in correctly.  If your 
-power supply is running hot or overheating, this can cause your 
-machine to reboot and occasionally lock up.  To figure out if this 
-is the case one can simply touch the back of computer, right above 
-the power supply.  If it is hot to the touch this may be the clue you need.  
-Power Supplies are also coming in different watt(240 thru 400)
-ratings.  CPU's from different manufacturers require specific power 
-requirements related to power supply and motherboard.  These 
-requirements can sometimes add confusion when upgrading your system. 
address@hidden >> [5] I don't know if you mean that it's impossible to 
accidently put 
address@hidden >> these in incorrectly, or that if you put them in incorrectly, 
address@hidden >> things will happen.
address@hidden >>
address@hidden >> Also "put in wrong" isn't proper English. "put in" is a verb, 
so we 
address@hidden >> need an adverb, ie. "wrongly" or "incorrectly". =)
address@hidden >>
address@hidden >> [6] This clarifies the first part of [5].
address@hidden Serial and Parallel Ports,  , Power Supply, PC Hardware Basics
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Serial and Parallel Ports
-On the back of your computer there are D-shaped connectors. The
-D shaped connectors are for connecting external devices. Typically
-a motherboard could have two serial ports and one parallel port.
-The twenty-five pin parallel port is typically used for a printer 
-or an iomega zip disk drive. The serial ports are the smaller fifteen 
-pin ports. The serial ports are typically used for connecting external 
-modems, palm devices, and possibly another computer. The uses of these 
-ports are endless because they have been included with computers since
-the beginning of the computer age.
address@hidden This is preliminary, only the info file should contain ASCII 
art. =)
-               _____          _____________
-              /::::.\        /::::::::::::.\
-              -------        ---------------
-            Serial Port       Parallel Port
address@hidden verbatim
-A few technologies that haven't been mentioned so far are USB
-(Universal Serial Bus), FireWire, and SCSI(Small Computer Systems 
-Interface), which are beyond the scope of this text. The reason being 
-is that they are technologies that are currently evolveing. The
-oldest of the three mentioned is SCSI. SCSI has undergone many
-revisions, we have SCSI-1, SCSI-2, Fast SCSI, Fast Ultra-Wide SCSI,
-and others. SCSI is a very versitile technology. We see SCSI in
-servers, high performance work stations and many other places.
-If you plan to make a profession out of hardware support, SCSI
-is a very important technology to learn.
-When dealing with computer hardware it is always good to have as
-much documentation as possible. The previous text is by no means
-extensive, it is just an introduction.  The more work you do with
-hardware, the easier troubleshooting becomes. Your natural senses
-help alot with dealing with computer hardware. Smell is a very good
-way of telling yourself that something is wrong. If you smell burning
-semi-conductor this is a sure sign that some part in your system has
-overheated to a point of failure. Vision is another good sense to 
-use. If you see no picture on your monitor that could give a clue
-as to what maybe wrong, such as a 
-unplugged monitor, unseated RAM,
-or other possibilities. Hearing is another sense that can be helpful.
-If you hear more than one or two beeps at boot, this can tell you 
-that you computers BIOS is warning you that something is wrong. Again
-the more you get your hands dirty with computer hardware the more
-comfortable and educated you will be.
address@hidden Networking, Translators, PC Hardware Basics, Top
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Networking
address@hidden pfinet
address@hidden ethernet
address@hidden nic
-In this chapter, you'll learn about the Hurd's networking features.  The 
-networking is a work in progress.  The services that the Hurd now has should 
-be sufficient for the average user.  Available now are @command{ftp}, 
address@hidden, and, of course, web-surfing and e-mail.
-* Configuring::                 Configure your Network card.
-* Accessing FTP::               Using the FTP protocol.
-* Accessing NFS::               Using the NFS protocol.
-* Web Surfing::                 Surfing the web in text mode.
address@hidden menu
address@hidden Configuring, Accessing FTP, Networking, Networking
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Configuring
address@hidden network card
address@hidden settrans 
address@hidden ifconfig
address@hidden eth0
address@hidden hosts
address@hidden resolv.conf
address@hidden route
address@hidden DHCP
-Before we get to the outside world, we need to configure the
address@hidden card}.
-This is done with the @command{settrans} command, yet it can be a little 
-tricky.  First you have to pay attention when you boot to see if the 
-microkernel detected your card as @code{eth0}.  Once you are sure that your 
-network card has been detected, you can give it the translator that it needs.
-bash-2.05# settrans -fgcap /servers/socket/2 /hurd/pfinet -i eth0 \
--a -m -g <ENTER>
address@hidden example
-In this example, the @command{settrans} command uses the following options:
address@hidden'f', 'g', 'c', 'a'}, and @code{'p'}.  The @code{-fg} forces 
-that is attached to @file{/servers/socket/2} and @file{/hurd/pfinet} to go 
-Next, the @code{-c} tells @command{settrans} to create 
address@hidden/servers/socket/2} if it doesn't exist.  The 
-tells the @file{/server/socket/2} and @file{/hurd/pfinet} 
-to be both active and passive. The passive option will make the
-configuration remain valid even after the reboots and shutdowns.  Here are the 
-rest of the options:
--i eth0 = The interface that we are configuring.
--a = This is the ip address of my machine.
--m = This is the netmask of my machine.
--g = This is the gateway machine on the network.
address@hidden example
-If you have more than one network card that you want configured you must
-provide the options for each network interface on the same line.
-bash-2.05# settrans -fgcap /servers/socket/2 /hurd/pfinet \
--i eth0 -a -m -g \
--i eth1 -a -m <ENTER>
address@hidden example
-Unfortunately, GNU/Hurd currently has no @dfn{DHCP} client (DHCP stands for 
-Host Configuration Protocol, its used by many computers to attach themselves 
-to a network). There is, however, a workaround if you have another operating 
-system, such as Debian GNU/Linux, installed on your GNU/Hurd machine. In 
-this workaround, I'll assume that you are using a GNU/Linux system.
-Boot GNU/Linux and log in as root. Type the following two commands, and 
-observe their outputs:
-# ifconfig
-eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:E0:4C:E1:C0:6D  
-          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
-          RX packets:16187 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
-          TX packets:438 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
-          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 
-          RX bytes:2235054 (2.1 MiB)  TX bytes:59122 (57.7 KiB)
-          Interrupt:11 Base address:0xe400 
-lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
-          inet addr:  Mask:
-          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:3924  Metric:1
-          RX packets:366 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
-          TX packets:366 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
-          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
-          RX bytes:18916 (18.4 KiB)  TX bytes:18916 (18.4 KiB)
-# route
-Kernel IP routing table
-Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
-     *        U     0      0        0 eth0
-default         MYrouter.Domain         UG    0      0        0 eth0
address@hidden example
-Note the @code{inet addr} and @code{Mask} from @command{ifconfig}, and the 
address@hidden field from @command{route}. In our example, the values 
-are for the former two are and; these are 
-your IP address and netmask, respectively.
-To get the value for your gateway machine, use the @command{ping} program 
-on the host name corresponding to the @emph{default} destination from 
-the output of @command{route}; in our example, we would type 
-$ ping @key{ENTER}
address@hidden example
-Note the IP address that @command{ping} reports; this is the IP address 
-of your gateway machine. Reboot 
-into GNU/Hurd, and use these three values to set your network translator as 
-described above.
-The next items to configure are our @file{resolv.conf} file and our 
address@hidden file.  
-These are located in the @file{/etc} directory.  In fact, all GNU/Hurd's 
-files are located in the @file{/etc} directory.  The @file{resolv.conf} file 
-is the first 
-file to edit.  It only consists of 2 to 3 lines but it is one of the most 
-important networking files.  Here is an example:
-search mydomain            #This should be your networks domain name
-nameserver #These should be the primary and secondary 
-nameserver #ip addresses of your isp's nameservers(aka DNS 
address@hidden example
-If you used the DHCP workaround described above, just copy your 
address@hidden/etc/resolv.conf} (in GNU/Linux) to @file{/etc/resolv.conf} (in 
-After this is all set up, you should be able to use the @command{ping} 
-is a small program that we use to test whether or not we can talk to another 
-machine.} program
-on any host on the Internet and recieve a response. The next file to setup is 
address@hidden/etc/hosts} file.  This 
-file is used for machines you access frequently.  Instead if typing ip 
-addresses for computers on your network, you edit @file{/etc/hosts} to allow 
you to just type the name of the computer you want to access.
address@hidden FIXME: I think this could be a little clearer, but I don't know 
enough about
address@hidden Unix networking to suggest a good solution at the moment.
-      hurd localhost
- hurd
- jojo
- mojo 
address@hidden example
-Now I can access by simply using its name, @emph{jojo}.  The same 
is true with @emph{mojo} also. For instance if I wanted to @command{telnet} 
into @emph{jojo}, I would type @command{telnet jojo}.
address@hidden the proliferation of mischief on the Internet 
-it is recommended you use the @uref{,OpenSSH} 
-suite to access remote computers.} 
address@hidden Accessing FTP, Accessing NFS, Configuring, Networking
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Accessing FTP
address@hidden ftpfs
-FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol.  This protocol has been around since 
-the beginnings of GNU and Unix.  It is a easy and fast way of sending files 
-to friends, family, and colleagues.  The Hurd has two methods of using ftp.
-One is setting a translator with the Hurds @code{ftpfs} server.  The other way 
-the traditional client-server method in which you login and use @command{get} 
-and @command{put} commands.
-The @command{ftpfs} translator is quite unique.  It allows you to have a 
-FTP server accessible on a local directory.  You would then begin 
-copying files to and from it as if it were a directory on your machine.
-bash-2.05# settrans -ac /mnt /hurd/ftpfs /
address@hidden example
-This command will set a translator for @command{ftpfs}.  The @command{ftpfs} 
-translator places the root directory of's anonymous ftp server 
-on the @file{/mnt} directory. Now one can access the data as if it were a 
-The FTP protocol is traditionally accessed using a client program.
-GNU/Hurd currently can use the one that comes with the GNU projects 
address@hidden package.   The traditional method 
-of ftp is pretty much a standard for Unix-like operating systems. If you learn 
-this method you should be able to comfortably sit at any Unix-like workstation 
-and send and retrieve files. I will give you a start but, there are many more 
-options, so read the info pages for some more complex operations.
address@hidden FIXME: I don't understand (The Hurds... and many others).
address@hidden mg: yup me too ;o/
-bash-2.05$ ftp <ENTER>
-ftp> open
address@hidden example
-You should then be prompted for a username and password.  You can log into
-servers on the Internet who offer anonymous ftp access.  A anonymous ftp 
-server is a server that allows anyone access to its files.  You would 
-simply type anonymous at the user prompt then type your e-mail address as
-the password.
-The standard commands that are used are @code{get}, @code{put}, @code{mget},
- @code{mput}, @code{ls}, @code{pwd}, and @code{cd}.  These will work with any
-standard ftp client.  The commands themselves are fairly self-explanatory.  
address@hidden and @code{mput} are for multiple files.  An example would be:
-ftp> mget *.tar.gz
address@hidden example
-This would try to download any files in the current directory with a 
-extension.  Don't worry if you say @code{mget} instead of @code{get} by 
-because it will prompt you at every file.  It will allow you to say 
address@hidden, no, all, abort} and @code{quit}.  The ftp protocol and 
-are fairly simple to learn, you just have to practice.  Trying it a handful of 
-will get you very familiar with it, very quickly.
address@hidden Accessing NFS, Web Surfing, Accessing FTP, Networking
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Acessing NFS
address@hidden nfs
address@hidden exports
-The NFS protocol is a standard method for sharing files between Unix-like
-workstations.  The server allocates directories that it wants to make
-sharable through exporting.  Traditionally, the workstation mounts the 
-shared directory onto the local filesystem.
-For instance, Server1's @file{/etc/exports} file it says:
address@hidden/usr/src           mojo(rw,insecure)}
-This would allow the workstation known as @emph{mojo} read and write access to 
address@hidden/usr/src} directory.  The workstation would then type 
address@hidden Server1:/usr/src /mnt}.  The workstation (@emph{mojo}) can 
address@hidden /mnt} 
-and see all the files in @emph{Server1}'s @file{/usr/src} directory.  
-(Note: The @file{/etc/hosts} file on both server and workstation 
-must have appropriate ip address in order for things to work.)
-On GNU/Hurd, we access a network share by setting the @code{nfs} translator.  
-This is done like so:
-bash-2.05# settrans -ac /mnt /hurd/nfs hostname:/shared/directory
address@hidden example
-The remote shared directory is now visible on our @file{/mnt} directory.
-We can then start copying, reading, and writing files as if the directory was 
on our own workstation.
-This is just the basics of the NFS protocol.  If you are very interested in
-NFS there is limitless amounts of documentation on the Internet.  It is well
-known to be insecure, so be very careful what you do with it.
address@hidden Web Surfing,  , Accessing NFS, Networking
address@hidden node,next, prev,up
address@hidden Web Surfing
address@hidden lynx
-On GNU/Hurd, we can surf the web on the console.  The program that we use is
-a text-mode web browser called Lynx.  The benefits of using a 
-text-mode web browser are speed and simplicity.  In text-mode, you don't have 
-to load any graphics, and you don't get those annoying pop-ups and other 
-that are involved with the World Wide Web.  To use Lynx, you type the command
address@hidden, then a URL like this example:
-bash-2.05$ lynx <ENTER>
address@hidden example
-This starts us out with @file{}.  To go to another URL, you type 
-the letter, @key{g}, meaning ``Go.''  Lynx then prompts you for a address. To 
-a link on a web page, press the @key{->} key.  To go back, press the @key{<-} 
-Pressing the @key{h} key gives us a
-big section of help topics.  You can even download information by placing
-the cursor over the item you want, and pressing the @key{p} key.  Lynx then 
-prompts us to "Save to File" or "Print".  Lynx is very addictive, and once you
-get used to it you might not want any other browser.
address@hidden Translators, Troubleshooting, Networking, Top
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Translators
address@hidden translators
address@hidden settrans
address@hidden fsysopts
address@hidden showtrans
-The Hurd filesystem allows you to set translators on any file or
-directory that you own.  A @dfn{translator} is any Hurd server which
-provides the basic filesystem interface.  Translated nodes are somewhat
-like a cross between Unix symbolic links and mount points.
-Whenever a program tries to access the contents of a translated node,
-the filesystem server redirects the request to the appropriate
-translator (starting it if necessary).  Then, the new translator
-services the client's request.  The GNU C library makes this behavior
-seamless from the client's perspective, so that standard Unix programs
-behave correctly under GNU/Hurd.
-Translators run with the privileges of the translated node's
address@hidden, so they cannot be used to compromise the security of the
-system.  This also means that @emph{any} user can write their own
-translators, and provide other users with arbitrary
-filesystem-structured data, regardless of the data's actual source.
-Other chapters in this manual describe existing translators, and how you
-can modify them or write your own.
-The standard Hurd filesystem servers are constantly evolving to provide
-innovative features that users want.  Here are a few examples of
-existing translators:
address@hidden @bullet
-Disk-based filesystem formats, such as @code{ext2fs}, @code{ufs}, and
-Network filesystems, such as @code{nfs} and @code{ftpfs}.
-Single files with dynamic content, such as FIXME: we need a good
address@hidden FIXME: reword
-Hurd servers which translate rendezvous filesystem nodes in standard
-locations, so that other programs can easily find them and use
-server-specific interfaces.  For example, @code{pflocal} implements the
-filesystem interfaces, but it also provides a special Unix-domain socket
-RPC interface (FIXME xref).  Programs can fetch a port to this
-translator simply by calling @code{file_name_lookup} (FIXME xref) on
address@hidden/servers/socket/address@hidden number 1 corresponds to the
address@hidden C library socket domain constant.}, then use Unix
-socket-specific RPCs on that port, rather than adhering to the file
address@hidden itemize
-This section focuses on the generic programs that must understand
-in order to use existing translators.  The Hurd Hacking Guide and 
-the GNU Hurd Reference Manual describe how you can write your own 
-* Invoking settrans::           Declaring how a node should be translated.
-* Invoking showtrans::          Displaying how nodes are translated.
-* Invoking mount::              Unix-compatible active filesystem translators.
-* Invoking fsysopts::           Modifying translation parameters at runtime.
address@hidden menu
address@hidden Invoking settrans, Invoking showtrans, Translators, Translators
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Invoking @code{settrans}
address@hidden settrans
-The @code{settrans} program allows you to set a translator on a file or
-directory.  By default, the passive translator is set (see the
address@hidden option).
-The @code{settrans} program has the following synopsis:
-settrans address@hidden@dots{} @var{node} address@hidden @address@hidden
address@hidden example
-where @var{translator} is the absolute filename of the new translator
-program.  Each @var{arg} is passed to @var{translator} when it starts.
-If @var{translator} is not specified, then @code{settrans} clears the
-existing translator rather than setting a new one.
address@hidden accepts the following options:
address@hidden @samp
address@hidden -a
address@hidden --active
-Set @var{node}'s active translator.  @dfn{Active translators} are
-started immediately and are not persistent: if the system is rebooted
-then they are lost.
address@hidden -c
address@hidden --create
-Create @var{node} as a zero-length file if it doesn't already exist.
address@hidden -L
address@hidden --dereference
-If @var{node} is already translated, stack the new translator on top of
-it (rather than replacing the existing translator).
address@hidden --help
-Display a brief usage message, then exit.
address@hidden -p
address@hidden --passive
-Set @var{node}'s passive translator.  @dfn{Passive translators} are only
-activated by the underlying filesystem when clients try to use the
address@hidden, and they shut down automatically after they are no longer
-active in order to conserve system resources.
-Passive translators are stored on the underlying filesystem media, and
-so they persist between system reboots.  Not all filesystems support
-passive translators, due to limitations in their underlying media.
-Consult the filesystem-specific documentation to see if they are
-If you are setting the passive translator, and @var{node} already has an
-active translator, then the following options apply:
address@hidden @samp
address@hidden -g
address@hidden --goaway
-Tell the active translator to go away.  In this case, the following
-additional options apply:
address@hidden @samp
address@hidden -f
address@hidden --force
-If the active translator doesn't go away, then force it.
address@hidden -S
address@hidden --nosync
-Don't flush its contents to disk before terminating.
address@hidden -R
address@hidden --recursive
-Shut down all of the active translator's children, too.
address@hidden table
address@hidden -k
address@hidden --keep-active
-Leave the existing active translator running.  The new translator will
-not be started unless the active translator has stopped.
address@hidden table
address@hidden -P
address@hidden --pause
-When starting an active translator, prompt and wait for a newline on
-standard input before completing the startup handshake.  This is useful
-when debugging a translator, as it gives you time to start the debugger.
address@hidden -t @var{sec}
address@hidden address@hidden
-If the translator does not start up in @var{sec} seconds (the default is
-60), then return an error; if @var{sec} is 0, then never timeout.
address@hidden --version
-Output program version information and exit.
address@hidden -x
address@hidden --exclusive
-Only set the translator if there is none already.
address@hidden table
address@hidden Invoking showtrans, Invoking mount, Invoking settrans, 
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Invoking @code{showtrans}
-The @code{showtrans} program allows you to show the passive translator
-setting on a file system node.
-The @code{showtrans} program has the following synopsis:
-showtrans address@hidden@dots{} @address@hidden
address@hidden example
address@hidden accepts the following options:
address@hidden @code
address@hidden -p
address@hidden --prefix
-Always display @var{filename}: before translators.
address@hidden -P
address@hidden --no-prefix
-Never display @var{filename}: before translators.
address@hidden -s
address@hidden --silent
-No output; useful when checking error status.
address@hidden -t
address@hidden --translated
-Only display files that have translators.
address@hidden table
address@hidden Invoking mount, Invoking fsysopts, Invoking showtrans, 
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Invoking @code{mount}
address@hidden Invoking fsysopts,  , Invoking mount, Translators
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Invoking @code{fsysopts}
-The @code{fsysopts} program allows you to retrieve or set command line
-options for running translator @var{filesys}.
-The @code{fsysopts} program has the following synopsis:
-fsysopts address@hidden@dots{}] @var{filesys} address@hidden@dots{}]
address@hidden example
address@hidden accepts the following options:
address@hidden @code
address@hidden -L
address@hidden --dereference
-If @var{filesys} is a symbolic link, follow it.
address@hidden -R
address@hidden --recursive
-Pass these options to any child translators.
address@hidden table
-The legal values for @var{fs_option} depends on @var{filesys}, but
-some common ones are:
address@hidden @code
address@hidden --readonly
address@hidden --writable
address@hidden --remount
address@hidden address@hidden
address@hidden --nosync
address@hidden table
-If no options are supplied, @var{filesys}' current options are
address@hidden Troubleshooting, Finding More Information, Translators, Top
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Troubleshooting
address@hidden e2fsck
address@hidden GRUB
address@hidden fsysopts
address@hidden ext2fs
-In this chapter, we'll describe some basic troubleshooting steps to
-recover from a system crash.  These sections are only the basics to
-get you up and running in multi-user mode after a lock-up or some other
-minor catastrophe.
-* Fscking the filesystem::      Repairing your disk after a crash.    
-* Booting and GRUB::           
address@hidden menu
address@hidden This is a start, we need to gather more info on this subject for 
address@hidden newbies
address@hidden Fscking the filesystem, Booting and GRUB , Troubleshooting, 
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Fscking the filesystem
-Occasionally, a mistake we make, or a bug in a program, causes
-the machine to lock up. Usually, you have to shut the machine down with
-the power button, or reset it.  Your filesystem on which GNU/Hurd resides
-does not like this at all. GNU/Hurd uses the @command{e2fsck} tool to 
-repair the damage done. When something happens, GNU/Hurd will invoke 
-this at boot if the file system is marked unclean. 
-Occasionally, the system cannot do this automatically, and you must repair 
-the filesystem manually. First of all, you cannot repair a filesystem
-that is read-only; you need the @command{fsysopt} command that we learned 
-from the previous chapter. 
-To begin, you must be in single-user mode.  If you boot your machine after 
-a crash and the system cannot recover automatically, you will be in 
-single-user mode by default after booting. At the prompt, enter the 
-following commands (of course, substitute the device name of your 
-root filesystem for @file{/dev/hd0s1}):
- sh-2.05# fsysopts / --writable <ENTER>
- sh-2.05# e2fsck /dev/hd0s1 <ENTER>
address@hidden display
-The first command makes root filesystem writable, and the second runs 
-the @kbd{e2fsck} program on the device where the filesystem resides. As 
-this command runs, it will ask the user to repair certain things, always 
-defaulting to YES. You should be able to just sit there and press 
address@hidden until it tells you that the filesystem is clean.
-You can then either type @kbd{reboot} and have a normal, clean 
-startup, or you can type @kbd{exit} to leave single user mode and boot
-into multi-user mode.
address@hidden Booting and GRUB ,  , Fscking the filesystem, Troubleshooting
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Booting and GRUB
address@hidden Booting
address@hidden GRUB
-If your having problems getting your system to boot using the pre-made
-Grub boot disk please take a look at this section.
-You should try and remember(and write down) where you installed GNU/Hurd
-regardless of which method of installation you chose. For instance if
-you installed from the CDs and the Hurd was placed on /dev/hda2 you need
-to know that your Hurd install is on /dev/hd0s2
-You need to remember that Grub's root is one down from your installation
-root whether your using GNU/Linux of GNU/Hurd. When I mention 
address@hidden down} I mean if you have a Hurd install on hd0s1 your 
-Grub's root should be ``root (hd0,0)'' and if your Hurd's install is on 
-hd0s2 your Grub's root should be ``root (hd0,1)''.
-You should remember that Grub ignores your cdrom drive. So if your
-second harddrive is the primary drive on the second ide bus the Hurd
-sees it as hd2s1 whereas Grub's root would be (hd1,0).. (Confusing
-for us LiLO converts isn't it?)
-Most importantly you need to make sure the syntax is correct on your
-module lines; Brackets, Spaces, Etc.  have thier meannings and cannot 
-be interchanged. If your editor is a pain you can put a forward slash
-to seperate the commands on seperate lines. This will still be seen
-as one module line to Grub.For instance:
-module /hurd/ext2fs.static \
address@hidden@} \
- address@hidden@} \
address@hidden@} \
address@hidden@} -T typed address@hidden@} \
- $(task-create) $(task-resume)
address@hidden display
-If nothing is going your way you can try the out-dated serverboot method.
-root (hd0,0)
-kernel /boot/gnumach.gz root=hd0s1
-module /boot/serverboot.gz
address@hidden display
-Makeing sure you replace Grub and the Hurd's root with the appropriate
address@hidden enumerate
address@hidden Finding More Information, Helping Out, Troubleshooting, Top
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Finding More Information
-* The info pages::              GNU's documentation.
-* The man pages::               The traditional UNIX documentation.
-* HOWTOs::                      Help on specific tasks.
-* Websites of interest::        Websites supplying good Free documenation.
-* Searching the web::           Searching the Internet for information.
-* Mailing lists::               Getting help from other users.
address@hidden menu
address@hidden The info pages, The man pages, Finding More Information, Finding 
More Information
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden The info pages
address@hidden info
address@hidden GNU
address@hidden Texinfo
-The info pages contain complete manuals for GNU software.  The GNU Project 
-uses Texinfo (@pxref{An Introduction to Texinfo}) to produce manuals as 
-info pages, web pages, and printed documents.
-An info file is simply a file on your machine.  To access an info file, you 
-will need an info reader.  The default info reader is called @command{info}, 
-others are @command{pinfo} and the GNOME Help Browser.  In our examples, we 
-will assume that you are using @command{info}.
-Info pages are hierarchally-structured documents.  Each info page consists 
-of a set of nodes, which typically correspond to chapters and sections in a 
-printed manual.  Each node contains pointers to other nodes, which behave 
-similarly to hyperlinks on web pages.  Minimally, each node has three 
-pointers: @emph{Next}, @emph{Prev} (Previous), and @emph{Up}.  Nodes may 
-contain other pointers that are cross-references to other nodes.
-If you are reading 
-this manual as an info file, this node's name is ``The info pages,'' its 
address@hidden pointer points to ``The man pages,'' and its @emph{Prev} and 
address@hidden pointers both point to ``Finding More Information.''  In a 
-printed version of this manual, ``Finding More Information'' is a chapter, 
-and ``The info pages'' and ``The man pages'' are sections of that chapter.  
-In addition, the first paragraph of this chapter contains a cross-reference 
-to a node called ``An Introduction to Texinfo.''
-Info pages show us how to use GNU software.  As an example, suppose that we 
-have GNU Shogi @footnote{Shogi is the Japanese version of chess.} installed 
-on our GNU system, and we want to know how to play it.  Typing 
address@hidden gnushogi} at our command prompt, we are presented 
-with the following:
-File:,  Node: Top,  Next: (dir),  Prev: (dir),  Up: (dir)
-GNU Shogi (Japanese chess)
-* Menu:
-* Introduction::         What is GNU shogi?
-* License::              The GNU General Public License.
-* About shogi::          General information, rules, etc.
-* gnushogi::             How to play GNU shogi (gnushogi).
-* xshogi::               The X interface to GNU shogi.
-* References and links:: Where to go for more information.
-* Acknowledgements::
-* Bugs::                 Where and how to report bugs.
-* Index::
address@hidden example
-This menu presents us with a list of pointers to nodes in the GNU Shogi 
-manual.  If we move our cusor to, for example, the ``gnushogi::'' entry 
-and press @key{Enter}, we will move to a new node of the GNU Shogi 
-There are a few keys that you will use repeatedly when using @command{info}; 
-for further information, type @command{info info} at your 
-command prompt.
address@hidden @bullet
address@hidden : Follow this node's @emph{Next} pointer.
address@hidden : Follow this node's @emph{Prev} pointer.
address@hidden : Follow this node's @emph{Up} pointer.
address@hidden : Return to the previously-visited node (like hitting ``Back'' 
-a web browser).
address@hidden : Quit @command{info}.
address@hidden itemize
address@hidden The man pages, HOWTOs, The info pages, Finding More Information
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden The man pages
address@hidden man
address@hidden UNIX
address@hidden man pages
-The man pages, short for manual pages, are the traditional source of 
-documentation for UNIX and 
-UNIX-like systems.  In a UNIX system, each command, such as @command{cat} 
-or @command{cp}, would have its own man page.  Manual pages would also exist 
-for the system calls used by @emph{C} programmers, such as @command{mmap}.
-As with the GNU system's info pages, man pages are files stored on your disk, 
-and you need a man page reader in order to view them.  On GNU systems, the 
-man page reader is called @command{man}.  To view, for example, the man 
-page for @command{rm}, we would type @command{man rm} at our command 
-The man pages have several deficiencies when compared to the info pages; 
-for example, 
-they have no hyperlink-like mechanism for navigation, and often assume that 
-the reader has a great deal of technical knowledge.  These, and other 
-problems, make the man pages a poor source of documentation for beginners.  
-Nevertheless, many GNU users who come from a UNIX background are very used 
-to the man pages, so the man pages are available on GNU systems.
-Since the man pages do not provide any hyperlink-like mechanism, we must find 
-another way to search a long manual page for information.  The solution 
-to this problem is the the @key{/} key.  Pressing @key{/} while viewing a 
-manual page causes the @command{man} program to prompt us to enter a 
-string, followed by the @key{Enter} key.  @command{man} will then jump to 
-the first occurence of the string we enter, and highlight all occurences of 
-the string.  Pressing @key{/} again, followed by @key{Enter}, will tell 
address@hidden to jump to the next occurence of the string.
-The @key{/} key allows us to search within documents, but we still need a way 
-to find out which man pages to consult on a particular topic.  The command 
-that helps us do this is @command{apropos}.  For example, if we did not 
-know the command for copying files, we would type @command{apropos copy}.  
-The @command{apropos} program would then present us with a list of man 
-pages for which ``copy'' is a keyword.
-More information on the man pages can be obtained by typing @command{man man} 
-or @command{man apropos} at your command prompt.
address@hidden HOWTOs, Websites of interest, The man pages, Finding More 
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden HOWTOs
address@hidden HOWTOS
-A HOWTO provides help on a specific subject, such as:
address@hidden @bullet
address@hidden Using software RAID
address@hidden Printing
address@hidden Programming @command{bash}
address@hidden Using APT
address@hidden itemize
-You will find HOWTOs to be extremely useful.  A good example HOWTO that should 
-be of interest to you is the @emph{APT HOWTO} at 
address@hidden Websites of interest, Searching the web, HOWTOs, Finding More 
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Websites of Interest
address@hidden www
address@hidden on-line help
-There are several websites that you will find extremely useful as you learn 
-how to use Free UNIX-like systems such as GNU:
address@hidden @bullet
address@hidden @b{ - @uref{}}: 
-offers @emph{Newbieized Help Files (NHFs)}, which are like HOWTOs, but 
-aimed specifically at beginners.  Despite the name,, most 
-of the information provided is applicable to non-Linux-based GNU systems, and 
-to *BSD systems also.
address@hidden @b{The Linux Documentation Project - 
address@hidden Linux Documentation Project} makes HOWTOs, in-depth guides, 
-FAQs, and man pages.  In fact, many of the man pages available on GNU systems 
-come from the Project.  As with, most 
-of the Project's documentation is applicable to non-Linux-based GNU systems, 
-and to *BSD systems also.
address@hidden @b{Debian Documentation - @uref{}}: 
-Debian provides manuals, HOWTOs, FAQs, and other documents with information 
-specific to Debians distribution of GNU systems.
address@hidden @b{Documentation of the GNU Project - 
address@hidden://}}: Provides online versions of the 
-GNU info pages, along with other Free Documentation.
address@hidden @b{GNU's Hurd Page - @uref{}}: 
-official web site of the GNU Hurd.
address@hidden @b{Debian GNU/Hurd - @uref{}}: 
-Debian's GNU/Hurd web pages.
address@hidden @b{The Hurd Wiki - @uref{}}: A 
-wiki is a forumn for online discussion and collaboration that is browsable 
-as a web page.  To a user, it is essentially a web page that is editable by 
-its users.  The Hurd Wiki is a wiki for GNU/Hurd, and it contains a wealth 
-of insights by other GNU/Hurd users; it is an excellent resource.
address@hidden itemize
address@hidden Searching the web, Mailing lists, Websites of interest, Finding 
More Information
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Searching the web
address@hidden search
address@hidden google
address@hidden Mozilla
address@hidden lynx
-When we have a specific problem, and cannot easily find a solution in the 
-documentation, searching the web will often help us solve our problem.  
-Currently, the most popular search engine is @emph{Google}, available at 
-We will present a real-life example.  Suppose that I am using the Galeon 
-web browser on a Debian GNU system.  I visit @uref{}
-When we have a specific problem, and cannot easily find a solution in the 
-documentation, searching the web will often help us solve our problem.  
-Currently, the most popular search engine is @emph{Google}, available at 
-We will present a real-life example.  Suppose that I am using the Mozilla 
-web browser on a Debian GNU system, and I visit a web site that contains a 
-Java applet, but Mozilla does not launch the applet.  To find out how to 
-fix this problem, I visit Google:
- sh-2.05$ lynx @key{Enter}
address@hidden display
-Google presents me with a text box into which I can enter @emph{search terms}. 
- Into this text box, I type @emph{debian java mozilla}.  Google will then 
-search the web for pages containing these three terms.  I look through 
-the web pages that it gives me, and find one that tells me to make a 
-symbolic link from Mozilla's plugin folder to the Java plugin provided 
-by my Java installation:
- # cd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins @key{Enter}
- # ln -s /usr/j2sdk1.4.0_01/jre/plugin/i386/ns610/ 
address@hidden display
-I then re-start Mozilla, and am able to use Java applets.
address@hidden Mailing lists,  , Searching the web, Finding More Information
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Mailing lists
address@hidden mailing lists
address@hidden email
-Many free software projects offer mailing lists for support, inter-project 
-communications, and significant announcements.  The mailing lists are 
-essential sources of information.
-Mailing lists for GNU/Hurd are served to us by the GNU Project.  The Debian 
-GNU/Hurd port also has a mailing list hosted by the Debian Project.
-New GNU/Hurd users have three mailing lists to help them on thier way:,, and
address@hidden @bullet
address@hidden @b{} : This is the primary list for new users 
-need help installing, booting, and using GNU/Hurd.  If you are a programmer, 
-this list is also the appropriate place to for help developing programs that 
-use Hurd-specific features.
address@hidden @b{} : This list is used to 
-about issues regarding the Debian distribution (currently the only 
-distribution) of GNU/Hurd. Much information is replicated on the 
-help-hurd list.
address@hidden @b{} :  This is a list to report bugs and to 
see if 
-you are experiencing some side effect of a bug.  Hurd developers also use 
-this list to discuss the design and implementation of the Hurd servers.  If 
-you subscribe to the Bug-Hurd list, you will receive many such emails.  Do 
-not worry, users are not expected to understand all the technical details 
-discussed on this list.
address@hidden itemize
-There are two other GNU/Hurd lists that will be of lesser interest to a new 
-user:, on which people discuss a planned port of the 
-Hurd servers to the L4 microkernel, and, on which peopole 
-discuss the Hurd's web pages.
-You can sign up for the Help-Hurd, Bug-Hurd, and Debian GNU/Hurd mailing 
-lists at the following URLs:
address@hidden @bullet
address@hidden @b{} : 
address@hidden @b{} : 
address@hidden @b{} : 
address@hidden itemize
-Mailing list archives are kept for many years. If you search for some 
-information on a topic, you might get data from years ago. This old 
-information might be of some help to you, or it may be outdated. 
-Mailing list archives are so heavily-used that 
-a search on the web will give you many hits from different lists. To 
-narrow things down, you need to find out where the list in question resides 
-and search the server hosting the list. The lists mentioned above are 
-currently archived at the following locations:
address@hidden @bullet
address@hidden @b{} : 
address@hidden @b{} : 
address@hidden @b{} : 
address@hidden itemize
-Most hackers hate repeating publicly-available information.  
-Before asking for help with a certain issue on a mailing list, 
-a user should search the GNU/Hurd documentation and the mailing list archives 
-for an answer to the question.  People who post to the Help-Hurd mailing
-list asking questions that are answered in the Hurd FAQ, for example, 
-will usually be ignored, or at least told to consult the relevant 
-Before leaving the subject of mailing lists, we should discuss the topic of 
-mailing list etiquette.  We have already mentioned that it is impolite to 
-ask questions that are answered in the documentation or the mailing list 
-archives.  There are a number of rules of thumb that, if followed, will make 
-your life much easier:
address@hidden @bullet
address@hidden @b{Be polite and respectful, and refrain from insulting others.} 
: This 
-is a good rule of thumb in all social interactions, but it can be easy to 
-forget when the other person is half-way across the world, and unable to 
-give you a dirty look.  Now, if you follow the mailing lists for any free 
-software project, you will notice people who violate this rule.  This 
-behaviour may be tolerated if it comes from a great hacker, but it does not 
-make the person more popular.
address@hidden @b{Stay out of flame wars.} : A @dfn{flame war} is an emotional, 
-often irrational, argument between people who hold vastly different views 
-on a subject.  Flame wars on mailing lists usually only annoy the list's 
-subscribers, who have joined the list in hope of sharing @emph{useful} 
-information.  There are people in this world who will get into flame wars 
-on just about everything, from choice of kernel, to text editor, to 
-desktop environment.  Ignore them.
address@hidden @b{Respect the terminology and values of the GNU Project and 
Debian. } : 
-Users of Debian GNU/Hurd are not in any way required to share the views of 
-GNU or Debian; however, it is polite to realize that these projects have 
-social goals, and to respect those goals while participating in disucssions 
-on the mailing lists.  For example, promoting proprietary software on 
-and GNU mailing lists is discouraged.  Similarly, it is in good taste to use 
-the terminology used by the GNU and Debian projects; for example, say 
address@hidden/Linux} when referring to the GNU system running on the Linux 
-instead of referring to the entire system as simply @dfn{Linux}, and 
-say @dfn{free software}, not @dfn{open source}.  Again, 
-following this rule of thumb is not a requirement, but a courtesy which will 
-make your life easier.
address@hidden @b{Be prepared to help solve problems. } : If you report a 
problem on a 
-mailing list, it is likely that you are not the only user experiencing that 
-problem.  It is impolite to report your problem, but ask that no one reply 
-to you.  GNU/Hurd users and developers want to fix problems in the GNU/Hurd 
-system.  When reporting a new problem, you may be asked for more information, 
-or asked to try different solutions to the problem.  In the next chapter, 
-we will provide you with an introduction to the skills you will need in 
-order to help track down the sources of these problems, and otherwise help 
-contribute to the development of GNU/Hurd.
address@hidden itemize
address@hidden Helping Out, Copying, Finding More Information, Top
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Helping Out
address@hidden contribute
-In this chapter, we'll be describing the basic skills you need in order 
-to help develop the GNU system. You do not need to be a hot-shot 
-programmer capable of writing incredibly-obscure code to help with 
-GNU's development; users willing to test the system for bugs and 
-suggest improvements are valuable, as are writers of documentation, 
-promoters, and others.
-Although this chapter is intended to give you an introduction to the 
-skills you will need in order to help develop GNU, much of this material 
-will also be of interest to users who want to tweak their system, and 
-compile bleeding-edge address@hidden'' is a pun 
-on ``leading-edge''; leading-edge products often have had very little 
-testing, and may contain serious bugs.}
-* Basic CVS Usage::             Getting development files.
-* Using gcc::                   Compiling programs.
-* Makefiles::                   Compiling big programs.
-* An Introduction to Texinfo::  GNU's documentation format.
-* Debugging with GDB::          Using the GNU debugger.
-* Reporting Bugs::              How to report problems.
address@hidden menu
address@hidden Basic CVS Usage, Using gcc, Helping Out, Helping Out
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Basic CVS Usage
address@hidden CVS
address@hidden Repository
address@hidden module
address@hidden pserver
-Web pages for Free Software often state something along the lines of, ``The 
-source for this program is available through CVS.'' A reasonable question 
-upon seeing this statement is, ``What the heck is CVS?''
-CVS stands for Concurrent Versions Systems. It is a very important tool for 
-Free Software developers. CVS stores the files in a project in a centralized 
-location called the @emph{Repository}, which will usually be connected to 
-a server. @footnote{In general, the term @emph{server} refers to a program 
-or a computer that provides a service to others; in this case, the server 
-is a computer connected to the Internet, coupled with software that allows 
-people store and retreive files through CVS.} 
-In the GNU system, we access CVS repositories using a program called 
address@hidden Your first introduction to CVS will probably be getting files 
-for a bleeding-edge program using @emph{anonymous CVS}. This means that you 
-will contact a CVS server, tell it that you are an anoymous user, and ask it 
-for the files you want. When using anonymous CVS, you typically have 
-permission to get files, but no permission to store files in the Repository.
-As an example, let's look at some example CVS commands from the 
address@hidden Hacking Guide}:
-cd $HOME
-mkdir hurd-cvs
-cd hurd-cvs/
-# Use the empty string password:
-cvs login
-for module in hurd gnumach
-  cvs -z3 \
-      co $module
address@hidden display
-This simple shell script makes a directory in our home directory called 
address@hidden, and places the source code for GNU Mach and the Hurd 
-in that directory.
-We'll translate these @command{cvs} commands into English to help you get 
-started with CVS. As the CVS manual (available on the GNU system through
address@hidden cvs}) states, the structure of CVS commands is:
-cvs [ cvs_options ] cvs_command [ command_options ] [ command_args ]
address@hidden display
address@hidden and @code{co} (checkout) are both @code{cvs_command}s. So, 
-our @code{cvs_options} in the above commands are}, for both 
-commands, and @code{-z3} for the second command.
address@hidden is simple to understand: it specifies the level of compression 
-the files we're checking out. In this case, the files have been compressed 
-at compression level three.
-} is slightly 
-complicated. The @code{-d} stands for @emph{directory}; it tells @command{cvs} 
-that the remainder of this string specifies the location with which we are 
-communicating. @code{:pserver:} stands for @emph{password-authenticated 
-server}; @code{} is a server that uses passwords to 
-authenticate its users. @file{/cvsroot/hurd} is a directory on 
address@hidden So, the whole string says, ``I want to interact 
-with a password-authenticated server called}, and the files that interest me are 
-in a directory on it called @file{/cvsroot/hurd}.''
-This should give you a basic idea of what CVS is. Don't be intimidated by it; 
-although its syntax may seem cryptic, you will probably not need to use the 
-full range of its abilities, and what you do need to know can be easily 
-learned when you need it.
-More advanced CVS usage is beyond the scope of this document; however, 
-the CVS manual is quite good and can be accessed locally by typing 
address@hidden cvs} in your shell on any GNU system. The manual is also 
-available online at @uref{}.
address@hidden Using gcc, Makefiles, Basic CVS Usage, Helping Out
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Using gcc
address@hidden gcc
address@hidden hello.c
address@hidden compiled
-GCC stands for ``GNU Compiler Collection.'' The acronym originally stood for 
-``GNU C Compiler.'' GCC is one of the cornerstones of Free Software.
-GCC is a @dfn{compiler}: a program that takes as input a file in a high-level 
-computer language, and produces a set of machine-readable instructions that 
-form an executable program. The input file is called the @dfn{source code}; 
-the availablility of this code to all for modification and improvement is 
-a hallmark of the Free Software and Open Source movements.
-To see how compilers such as GCC work, we will use a common example program 
-called @emph{Hello World}. Any book that describles a computer language 
-begins by showing a variation of this program written in that language, since 
-it shows the minimum functionality required to let the user know that the 
-program has been run. Our version of Hello World is written in @dfn{C}, the 
-language in which GNU Mach and the Hurd servers are written.
-Type the following text into your favourite text editor:
-#include <stdio.h>
-  printf(``Hello, Welcome to the GNU/Hurd Community!\n'');
-  return 0;
address@hidden example
-We will not delve into the meaning of this code, as a discussion of @emph{C} 
-is beyond the scope of this book. There are, however, many excellent books 
-on @emph{C} available; the official @emph{GNU C Programming Tutorial} is 
-available at @uref{}.
-Save this file as @file{hello.c}. Then, type the following command at your 
-command prompt:
- sh-2.05$ gcc hello.c @key{<ENTER>}
address@hidden display
-The command @command{gcc} invokes gcc. @command{gcc} will create an 
-executable program called, by default, @file{a.out}. Now, at your command 
-prompt, type:
- sh-2.05$ ./a.out @key{<ENTER>}
address@hidden display
-You should see the text ``Hello, Welcome to the GNU/Hurd Community!'' appear 
-on your screen.
-Congratulations! You have just compiled a program.
-The @command{gcc} program has many options that are useful to programmers. 
-Whether you are a programmer or not, this basic knowledge of compilers will 
-help you understand your GNU System.
-To learn more about GCC, type @code{info gcc} at your command 
address@hidden Makefiles, An Introduction to Texinfo, Using gcc, Helping Out
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Makefiles
address@hidden make
-In the previous section, we describled the use of @command{gcc}, the GNU 
-System's compiler. You may have guessed that building complex software 
-packages such as the Hurd using only @command{gcc} is much too difficult a 
-task for the average end-user. Acutally, even developers would find such a 
-task extremely complex.
-To alleviate this difficulty, we introduce @dfn{makefiles}. Makefiles are 
-used by the GNU System, as well as many other systems, as a way of automating 
-the process of building programs.
address@hidden An Introduction to Texinfo, Debugging with GDB, Makefiles, 
Helping Out
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden An Introduction to Texinfo
address@hidden texinfo
-The Texinfo documentation language was invented by Richard M. Stallman.
-He devised the system from a MIT project called Bolio (combined with @TeX{}
-to form address@hidden) and a CMU project called Scribe.   Robert J. Chassell, 
-Brian Fox, and Karl Berry have also helped developed Texinfo into
-the mature, robust, and well-documented format we have today.
-The purpose of Texinfo is to be able to create one document that can
-be transfered to another document format.  A user can make a document
-that can be viewed in a terminal's info viewer, a web browser, or 
-as a Postscript, PDF, or DVI file.  The latter formats can be printed 
-to product hard-copies of GNU manuals.
-The Texinfo syntax has many @@ symbols. These @@ symbols
-precede Texinfo commands that manipulate the text. The greatest thing 
-about the official GNU documentation format is that
-it is well-documented.  The Texinfo manual can be invoked with the
-command @command{info texinfo}.  The Texinfo manual has sample documents,
-tips, suggestions, and tutorials (the Emacs text editor works great 
-with Texinfo and is covered in the manual).
-Some readers may have had previous experience with @TeX{} or address@hidden, 
-latter of which is used for most mathematical typesetting.  If you 
-have used either of these typesetting languages, you will notice that 
-Texinfo has a similar flavour, which is different from the languages 
-in the SGML/HTML/XML family.  Texinfo is quite easy to learn, however, 
-and is an excellent tool for producing documentation.
address@hidden structure of Info documents, why @TeX{}/Texinfo is good, etc.
address@hidden More complete information on using @command{info} is available 
by address@hidden g 
address@hidden @command{info info} at your shell prompt.  Typing @command{info 
address@hidden } 
address@hidden will give you access to the complete Texinfo manual.
address@hidden Debugging with GDB, Reporting Bugs, An Introduction to Texinfo, 
Helping Out
address@hidden node, next, prev, up
address@hidden Debugging with GDB
address@hidden debugging
-A @dfn{bug} is any problem with a program that results in the program 
-crashing, or otherwise behaving incorrectly.  If you follow the 
-mailing lists of any software project, you will see people discuss bugs, 
-and how to fix them.
-Finding and fixing bugs in programs is primarily the responsibility of the 
-programs' developers.  Bugs, however, can be devious, and may only show 
-up under certain conditions.  Sometimes, these conditions do not occur 
-on any developer's system, and the users of a program are the first to 
-find a bug.  An advantage of Free Software is that when users with 
-programming skills find bugs, they can often fix the bugs themselves, and 
-send the fixes to the project's core developers.  Even when users cannot 
-fix the bug in question themselves, they can often find the cause of the 
-bug, enabling the project developers to fix the bug more quickly.
-A @dfn{debugger} is a program that helps you debug another program.  The 
-GNU debugger is called GDB, and is invoked using the @command{gdb} 
-We will introduce you to GDB with a small example; for more complete 
-documentation, consult the GDB manual (available, of course, by typing 
address@hidden gdb} at the command prompt of any GNU system).  
-In this section, we assume that you are familiar with the @emph{C} programming 
-language.  Consider the following small @emph{C} program, which accepts a 
-list of numbers on the command line, and outputs their sum:
-/* sum.c
- *
- * Outputs the sum of the numbers entered on the command line.
- */
-sum(int n, int index, char** vector)
-  if (index == n)
-    return 0;
-  else
-    return atoi(vector[index]) + sum(n,index++,vector);
-main(int argc, char* argv[])
-  printf("sum is %d\n", sum(argc,1,argv));
-  return 0;
address@hidden example
-Observe that we have implemented the @code{sum()} function as a recursive 
-function.  We could have implemented @code{sum()} iteritavely, but this 
-implementation is useful for our example.
-Also note that we add the contents of the argument vector (@code{argv}) 
-starting at position 1; this is because @code{argv[0]} contains the name 
-of the program, and @code{argv[1]} through @code{argv[argc-1]} are the 
-actual command-line arguments.
-We can compile this program using @command{gcc} and run it:
-$ gcc -o sum sum.c @key{ENTER}
-$ ./sum 1 2 3 4 5 @key{ENTER}
address@hidden display
-Running this program on my system produces no output (hence the prompt on 
-the next line).  The program should, however, print ``sum is 15''.
-We can use GDB to find the cause of this problem.  To help 
-GDB do its job, we will recompile our program with 
address@hidden symbols}, which will provide GDB with extra 
-information.  We do this by passing the @command{-g} option to @command{gcc}:
-$ gcc -g -o sum sum.c @key{ENTER}
address@hidden display
-To debug this program using GDB, we type:
-$ gdb sum @key{ENTER}
-GNU gdb 2002-12-19-cvs (cygwin-special)
-Copyright 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and 
-you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under 
-certain conditions.
-Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
-There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" 
-for details.
-This GDB was configured as "i686-pc-cygwin"...
address@hidden display
-We are given a @emph{(gdb)} prompt for running @command{gdb} commands.  
-GDB includes a builting command, @command{help}, that provides help on 
-GDB commands.  Typing @command{help} on its own causes GDB to print a 
-list of commands, while typing @command{help command} produces help on the 
-command @command{command}.
-The first command we will use is the @command{list} command, which shows 
-us the part of the code for the program we are debugging (this is some 
-of the information we get by compiling with debugging symbols):
-(gdb) list @key{ENTER}
-11        if (index == n)
-12          return 0;
-13        else
-14          return atoi(vector[index]) + sum(n,index++,vector);
-15      @}
-17      int
-18      main(int argc, char* argv[])
-19      @{
-20        printf("sum is %d\n", sum(argc,1,argv));
address@hidden display
-Notice that each line of the program source starts with a number.  These 
-numbers are important, since they are one of the means by which we tell GDB to 
-examine different parts of the program.  For example, we can type 
address@hidden 1} to have GDB list the program source around line 1. Line 
-numbers, however, are not the only means by which we can refer to parts of our 
-program; we can also type @command{list sum} to have GDB list the program 
-source around the beginning of the @code{sum()} function.
-Now, on to the actual debugging.  We can examine the @code{main()} function, 
-and observe that its contents are fairly trivial; we thus guess that the 
-error must be in our @code{sum()} function.  We can set a @dfn{breakpoint} 
-at the beginning of the sum function like so:
-(gdb) break sum @key{ENTER}
-Breakpoint 1 at 0x401097: file sum.c, line 11.
address@hidden display
-We can then insturct GDB to begin running our program with the inputs 1, 2, 3, 
-4, and 5:
-(gdb) run 1 2 3 4 5 @key{ENTER}
address@hidden display
-GDB stops when it hits the breakpoint we set:
-Breakpoint 1, sum (n=6, index=1, vector=0xa041eb0) at sum.c:11
-11        if (index == n)
address@hidden display
-This seems all right.  We tell GDB to continue execution:
-(gdb) continue @key{ENTER}
address@hidden display
-GDB stops the next time we hit our breakpoint:
-Breakpoint 1, sum (n=6, index=1, vector=0xa041eb0) at sum.c:11
-11        if (index == n)
address@hidden display
-Now @emph{that} is odd.  The value of @code{index} is unchanged, but it 
-should have been incremented.  As a sanity check, we can tell GDB explicitly 
-to print out the value of @code{index}:
-(gdb) print index @key{ENTER}
-$1 = 1
address@hidden display
-As expected, @code{index} is still 1.  We tell GDB to go to the next line 
-of code:
-(gdb) next @key{ENTER}
-14          return atoi(vector[index]) + sum(n,index++,vector);
address@hidden display
-That is normal.  We continue to the next line of code:
-(gdb) next @key{ENTER}
-Breakpoint 1, sum (n=6, index=0, vector=0xa041eb0) at sum.c:11
-11        if (index == n)
address@hidden display
-We are back at our breakpoint, and, again, index is unchanged.
-GDB has been very helpful, and we now must use another debugging tool - our 
-minds - to complete the job.  We know that @code{index} is not being 
-incremented, and that the only line of code in our problem area that should 
-modify @code{index} is:
-14          return atoi(vector[index]) + sum(n,index++,vector);
address@hidden display
-We then see our little mistake.  In our function call 
address@hidden(n,index++,vector)}, our use of @code{index++} causes index 
-to be incremented @emph{after} the call to @code{sum()}.  Hence, we use the 
-same value of @code{index} at each invocation of @code{sum()}.
-In theory, this creates infinite recursion; however, since each call to 
address@hidden()} requires the use of a stack frame, we quickly run out of 
-on the stack, causing the program to crash.  We can see the exact error 
-message by clearing the breakpoint in our program, and telling GDB 
-to continue execution:
-(gdb) clear sum @key{ENTER}
-Deleted breakpoint 1
-(gdb) continue @key{ENTER}
-Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
-0x610ac933 in _libkernel32_a_iname ()
address@hidden display
-To finish our debugging session, we use the @command{finish} command to 
-stop the program being debugged, and the @command{quit} command to 
-quit GDB:
-(gdb) finish @key{ENTER}
-Run till exit from #0  0x610ac933 in _libkernel32_a_iname ()
-Cannot insert breakpoint 0.
-Error accessing memory address 0x0: I/O error.
-(gdb) quit @key{ENTER}
address@hidden display
-We can fix our program by changing @code{index++} to @code{++index}, so that 
-the value of @code{index} is incremented @emph{before} the call to 
address@hidden()}.  We then recompile the program, and run it again:
-$ ./sum 1 2 3 4 5
-sum is 15
address@hidden display
-The program now works correctly.
-In our example, we have only scratched the surface of what GDB can do.  We 
-can also @emph{attach} gdb to a process that is already running, using 
-GDB's @command{attach} command; this is often necessary when debugging 
-the Hurd servers.  To learn all the details of using GDB, consult the 
-GDB manual - again, this is accessible via the command @command{info gdb}.
address@hidden Reporting Bugs,  , Debugging with GDB, Helping Out
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address@hidden Reporting Bugs
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-when to use bug-hurd versus Debian BTS, how to file a *good* bug report
address@hidden Copying, Index, Helping Out, Top
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address@hidden Copying
address@hidden GPL
-The GNU Hurd and this manual are distributed under the terms of the GNU 
-General Public License.  The GNU @dfn{GPL} protects your right to 
-use, modify, and distribute all parts of the GNU system.
-* GNU General Public License::  Protecting your rights.
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Index: version.texi
RCS file: version.texi
diff -N version.texi
--- version.texi        15 Jun 2002 15:45:10 -0000      1.1
+++ /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
address@hidden VERSION 0.3

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