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[igraph] 3d plot

From: Davide Setti
Subject: [igraph] 3d plot
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 16:54:57 +0200

Hi all,
i'm playing with the plot method and i don't understand what's the
meaning of the 3d layout algorithms (like fr3d and kk3d). Can i plot
on a PNG? Or can i play with them (e.g. rotate) in a "3d window". If i
try to plot i get:

In [28]: ig.plot(g, layout='kk3d')
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)

/nfsmnt/sra0/sra/setti/<ipython console>

in plot(obj, target, bbox, *args, **kwds)
    739     cw, ch = bbox.width/60., bbox.height/60.
    740     result.add(obj, bbox.contract((cw, ch, cw, ch)), *args, **kwds)
--> 741     if target is None: result.show()
    742     if isinstance(target, basestring): result.save()
    743     return result

in show(self)
    396             sur=self._surface
    397             ctx=self._ctx
--> 398             if self._is_dirty: self.redraw(ctx)
    400         self._create_tmpfile()

in redraw(self, context)
    344                 if opacity < 1.0: ctx.push_group()
    345                 else: ctx.save()
--> 346                 plotter(ctx, bbox, palette, *args, **kwds)
    347                 if opacity < 1.0:
    348                     ctx.pop_group_to_source()

in __plot__(self, context, bbox, palette, *args, **kwds)
   1747             layout = Layout(layout)
-> 1749         sl, st, sr, sb = layout.bounding_box()
   1750         sw, sh = sr-sl, sb-st
   1751         if sw == 0 and sh == 0: sw, sh = 1, 1

ValueError: too many values to unpack

I think igraph is using a 3d bbox (6 dim), so it can't unpack the
array on 4 variables.


Davide Setti
blog: http://blog.flatlandia.eu
home: http://www.flatlandia.eu

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