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[igraph] Sneppen-Maslov Randomization

From: Lorenzo Isella
Subject: [igraph] Sneppen-Maslov Randomization
Date: Thu, 08 Oct 2009 18:24:51 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

Dear All,
I saw on the documentation that igraph is able to generate a random graph with a given degree distribution P(k). However, I would like to know if there is already an implementation (in particular for igraph under R) of the Sneppen-Maslov algorithm, a randomization technique that preserves P(k). The idea is relatively simple: given the edges i--j and k--l, I change them into i--l and k--j. It should not be terribly difficult to implement from scratch, but I know there are a few tricky issues e.g.:
(1) i, j, k and l must be 4 distinct nodes
(2) there should not be any existing i--l or k--j edge, otherwise I would destroy a former link an re-create an existing link. (3) Given e.g. a graph with 1000 edges, how many i--j and k--l ----> i--l and k--j valid edge transformations should I perform
before I can consider the graph randomized?

Many thanks


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