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[igraph] working with weighted networks (from pajek .net)

From: Martin Tomko
Subject: [igraph] working with weighted networks (from pajek .net)
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2010 10:44:15 +0200
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Hi all,
I am trying to adapt my code to work with weighted networks, in igraph - R.
I have created a test pajek file with an identical graph as I used before, just added some weights as a third column to the Edges (that is my understanding of the handling of the .net format), as follows:
1 2 0.000528
1 6481 0.001632
2 709 0.00243
2 100 0.000134

When I list the graph object, the weights do not appear:
>g<-read.graph(file=f, format="pajek")
> g
Vertices: 8705
Edges: 9785
Directed: FALSE

[0]       0 --    1
[1]       0 -- 6480
[2]       1 --  708

What am I doing wrong?
I assume that once I get that running, I can access the edge weight with something like
edges <- E(g);

Am I right?


Martin Tomko
Postdoctoral Research Assistant

Geographic Information Systems Division
Department of Geography
University of Zurich - Irchel
Winterthurerstr. 190
CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland

email:  address@hidden
site:   http://www.geo.uzh.ch/~mtomko
mob:    +41-788 629 558
tel:    +41-44-6355256
fax:    +41-44-6356848

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