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[igraph] Calculating Q-Spa modularity for spatially embedded networks

From: T.O. Richardson
Subject: [igraph] Calculating Q-Spa modularity for spatially embedded networks
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2011 11:22:12 +0100

Dear List,
I am relatively new to network analysis, and the networks I have are not simple: weighted, dynamic, undirected, and spatially-embedded.

According to this 2010 paper <http://arxiv.org/abs/1012.3409>, the classic Newman-Girvan modularity provides misleading community detection classifications when applied to spatially-embedded networks, because focus constraint and homophily are confounded in space.

So I was wondering (hoping) how easy it would be to implement the Q-spar modularity measure (equations5-6 in that paper) in R generally (e.g. using igraph or tnet).

I am no mathematician, but can code OK in R. From the look of equations, I am guessing that practically it will mean creating another matrix containing the pairwise distances between nodes, then.. well that's when it gets fuzzy.

Anyway, all pointers appreciated,

Tom Richardson

Dept. of Maths and Stats, UWE and Ant Lab, Bristol

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+44 (0)117 928 8443

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