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Re: [igraph] Robustness of networks

From: Tamás Nepusz
Subject: Re: [igraph] Robustness of networks
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2012 22:07:56 +0200


There are several formulae and quantities defined in that paper and most of 
them are implemented in igraph, including the betweenness centrality that you 
have explicitly mentioned. However, the removal strategies themselves are not; 
you have to implement them on your own. They are not too complicated; in the 
case of ID and IB removal, you simply calculate the degrees or the 
betweennesses of the vertices, sort them in decreasing order, and then start 
removing the vertices one by one in the order provided by the sorted list. In 
the case of the RD and RB removal, you have to find the vertex wth the largest 
degree (or betweenness), remove it, find the vertex with the largest 
degree/betweenness again, remove it, and so on, until there are no more 
vertices. All of this should not require more than a few lines of code in 
either R or Python using igraph.

On Monday, 30 April 2012 at 13:29, Delphine Faugaret wrote:

> Hi, 
> I would like to damage a networks. Is there a formula in igraph to test the 
> robustness using betweenness centrality like in the article of Petter holme 
> called "Attack vulnerability of complex networks" published in 2002 in Phys. 
> Rev. E 65, 056109.
> Thanks
> Delphine
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