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Re: [igraph] Python3 igraph import error on Cygwin

From: Stephen J. Gaffigan
Subject: Re: [igraph] Python3 igraph import error on Cygwin
Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 23:47:21 -0500


Unfortunately it's still giving the same ImportError on imp.load_dynamic(...). I've attached a patch file containing the changes. Note initially this created igraph_core.cpython-32m.dll and igraph_core.py. Because of the apparent naming conflict issue mentioned earlier, I had to rename igraph_core.py to _igraph.py.

Thanks for all your suggestions on this. Again, this issue is no longer holding me up, but let me know if you have any other suggestions to try.


On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 4:05 PM, Tamás Nepusz <address@hidden> wrote:
> In the call, __name__ is "igraph._igraph" and __file__ is "/usr/local/lib/python3.2/site-packages/python_igraph-0.6.5-py3.2-cygwin-1.7.18-i686.egg/igraph/igraph_core.cpython-32m.dll". The file is there. I've tried calling imp.load_dynamic manually from within the directory containing the DLL (e.g. "imp.load_dynamic('igraph._igraph','igraph_core.cpython-32m.dll')"). I tried adding the directory to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Same result in all cases.
Okay, I think the problem here is that imp.load_dynamic is looking for a specific symbol within the loaded DLL file and the name of this symbol is derived from the filename. This is what the Python docs say about the issue [1]:

"The initialization function must be named PyInit_name, where name is the name of the module, and should be the only non-static item defined in the module file:"

[1]: http://docs.python.org/3.0/extending/extending.html#the-module-s-method-table-and-initialization-function

It does not matter what name you pass to imp.load_dynamic in the first argument, it will always use the second argument. So, the problem is that by renaming _igraph.cpython-32m.dll to igraph_core.cpython-32m.dll, Python will look for a symbol named PyInit_igraph_core in the DLL instead of PyInit__igraph. I think that you have to edit igraphmodule.c in the source code of the Python interface, replace the single occurrence of PyInit__igraph to PyInit_igraph_core (and also replace every occurrence of "igraph._igraph" with "igraph.igraph_core" while you are at it), replace "igraph._igraph" in setup.py with "igraph.igraph_core" as well, and recompile the Python interface. Hopefully this will create a "proper" igraph_core module within igraph that will not confuse Cygwin.

Please keep me posted; if it works, I will definitely fix it in the next release.


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Attachment: python-igraph-0.6.5.cygwin.patch
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