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Re: cvs 1.11.2 and pserver on Linux

From: Aaron Kynaston
Subject: Re: cvs 1.11.2 and pserver on Linux
Date: Tue, 07 May 2002 16:01:08 -0600

Moises, as lots of the documents out there suggest, that rights are a major source of problems, and it looks like you're using some form of Unix.
Did you login with your password? (can't tell with your example)
I'm guessing your repository top is /src?
have you checked your rights to CVSROOT? (ls -l?)
The 'File exists' is kinda screwy. . it's almost as if you have a CVS database that someone's been moving stuff around in it . .
Either way, when you get your awsner, would you post it here?
Aaron Kynaston
office: (801) 861-6709
cell: (801) 368-8633
fax: (801) 861-6778
Novell Inc., the leading provider of Net Business Solutions.

>>> "Zanabria, Moises" <address@hidden> 05/07/02 03:02PM >>>
I've setup a new machine with the new version of cvs:

$ cvs version
Client: Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11.2 (client/server)
Server: Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11.2 (client/server)

everything looks fine with EXT method access, I can checkout, checkin,etc..

but when I tried to check out a module with pserver I got this:

export CVSROOT=:pserver:address@hidden:/myrepository/src

$cvs login
Logging in to :pserver:address@hidden:2401/myrepository/src
CVS password:

cvs co module
Cannot access /local/p4cvs/src/CVSROOT
File exists

My /etc/xinetd.d/cvspserver:

# default: off
# description: The cvspserver system \

service cvspserver
        disable         = no
        socket_type     = stream
        protocol        = tcp
        wait            = no
        group           = p3cvsg
        user            = root
        server          = /usr/bin/cvs
        passenv         = PATH
        server_args     = -f --allow-root=/local/p4cvs/src pserver

my /etc/services:
cvspserver      2401/tcp                        # CVS client/server
cvspserver      2401/udp                        # CVS client/server
cvsup           5999/tcp        CVSup           # CVSup file transfer/John
cvsup           5999/udp        CVSup           # CVSup file transfer/John

I've a Linux 2.4.18.

any ideas ??
any help would be great.

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