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How to add files to a Branch

From: Fabio Fracassi
Subject: How to add files to a Branch
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 17:37:00 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3


I have some problems in updateing my current branch.
The repository has two branches, the HEAD one, and a branch called MERGE, 
where i did a merge. There where a couple of tags on the HEAD (like VER1, 
VER2, ...), and any time I completed and successfully tested a merge on the 
branch, I tagged the branch something like VER1_MERGED.

Now sadly the HEAD branch was incomplete, and I had to do the last merge step 
manually, which lead to several files which are not in the repository, and 
the cvs-information in the workdir might be inconsistent. 

My question is how can I update the MERGE branch with the latest version I 

if I do a cvs add it says:
cvs add: cannot add file on non-branch tag VER2_MERGED



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