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mailing list changes

From: David R. Linn
Subject: mailing list changes
Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2001 16:43:10 -0500 (CDT)

At the request of the lead developers of Lilypond, I have transferred
all of the subscriptions for bug-gnu-music, help-gnu-music and
info-gnu-music to bug-lilypond, lilypond-user and info-lilypond,
respectively.  You are receiving this message because you were
subscribed to one or more of the older lists.  Due to my lack of
familiarity with Mailman, I chose to transfer the subscription
information by a manual process.  There is a good chance that, in 337
transfers, I made at least one mistake so I encourage you to check
your subscription status flags (e.g. plain/mime, hidden/visible,
mail/nomail, digest/non-digest) for the *new* lists to be sure that
they are what you want them to be.

Also, if you were already subscribed to one of the new lists by an
address different from that of the corresponding older list, you will
probably want to unsubscribe one of the two addresses by which you are
now subscribed to that new list.

Finally, I have redirected the old lists addresses to the new lists
for the moment but you should retrain your hands to type the new list
addresses as soon as you can.  At some point, the older lists may
silently disappear.

David R. Linn - list manager for the GNU Music mailing lists - address@hidden

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