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[Info-gnuprologjava] How to instance a Term with a functor?

From: Carlos-Manuel LÓPEZ-ENRÍQUEZ
Subject: [Info-gnuprologjava] How to instance a Term with a functor?
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2011 13:57:48 +0200

Good morning,

I just started using the API gnuprologjava-0.2.6.jar. I have a parser of a language written in prolog and implemented by defining new operators with 'op/3'. Therefore, I take advantage of natural treatment of functors already built in prolog.  This parser works well and I want to use it from a java program. 

I made a first exercise for referencing a simple _expression_ (a+b) to a variable term A by using the  '=/2' operator (i.e., A=(a+b) ) in the same way as in the gprolog interface: gprolog.png

This is a basic requirement for parsing the language expressions. I have coded a simple method parser(String) which constructs the terms and execute a goal. I have tried to use AtomTerm and VariableTerm classes to unify with an _expression_ but I don't get the same result as in gprolog.

In the case of the code using AtomTerm:
public void parser(String exp){
exp = "("+exp.trim()+")"
AtomTerm t_exp = AtomTerm.get(exp);
VariableTerm at_A = new VariableTerm("A");

Term[] args =  {at_A,t_exp};
CompoundTerm goalTerm = new CompoundTerm("=", args);

System.out.println("? "+goalTerm.toString());

Goal goal = interpreter.prepareGoal(goalTerm);
try {
int rc=-1;
System.out.println("! "" = "+at_A.value);

} catch (PrologException e1) {

I get the output:
? A = '(a+b)'
! A = '(a+b)'
… but AtomTerm instances my _expression_ as an atom in quotes.

I tried also with VariableTerm class:
public void parser(String exp){
exp = "("+exp.trim()+")"
Term t_exp = new VariableTerm(exp);
VariableTerm at_A = new VariableTerm("A");

Term[] args =  {at_A,t_exp};
CompoundTerm goalTerm = new CompoundTerm("=", args);

System.out.println("? "+goalTerm.toString());

Goal goal = interpreter.prepareGoal(goalTerm);
try {
int rc=-1;
System.out.println("! "" = "+at_A.value);

} catch (PrologException e1) {

with the output: 
? A = (a+b)
! A = _A0
…but it doesn't works either.

Do you know if I can instance some gnu.prolog.term.* with an _expression_ (actually a functor) and how? or maybe you have another alternative? 

Best regards and thanks in advance,

PhD Student at
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