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Re: [Info-gnuprologjava] GPJ gives different results than GNU-Prolog

From: John Cheung
Subject: Re: [Info-gnuprologjava] GPJ gives different results than GNU-Prolog
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2012 03:00:35 +0200


first thank you for your answer. You could be right.
There could be a problem with dynamic(hasCert/2),
but does GPJ not supports the dynamic command?

John C.

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- From: Burak Emir
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 11:49 PM
To: John Cheung
Cc: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [Info-gnuprologjava] GPJ gives different results than GNU-Prolog

P.S. I have reduced it to the following.
I guess one can reduce it further.
Could it be that something is wrong with the dynamic(hasCert/2) ?

-- Burak

/// code:

msg(2, subs, subsender, 'subscriptionConfirmation', [cert(subs)] ).
msg(3, subsender, sender, 'create', [cert(subs)] ).

:- dynamic(hasCert/2).

sendCert(Sender, Receiver, Cert):-
       hasCert(Sender, Cert),
       assertz(hasCert(Receiver, Cert)),
       write(Sender), write(' can send '), write(Cert),
    write(' to '), write(Receiver), write('\n').

sendCert(Sender, Receiver, cert(Sender)):-
       assertz(hasCert(Receiver, cert(Sender))),
       write(Sender), write(' is able to create '),
       write(' and to send it to '), write(Receiver), write('\n').

sendAllCerts(_, _, _, []).

sendAllCerts(Step, From, To, [F_Cert|Rest]):-
       sendCert(From, To, F_Cert),
       sendAllCerts(Step, From, To, Rest).

sendAllCerts(Step, From, To, [F_Cert|Rest]):-
       \+(sendCert(From, To, F_Cert)),
       sendAllCerts(Step, From, To, Rest),
       write('ERROR: '),
       write(From), write(' is not able to send '),
       write(F_Cert), write(' to '),
       write(To), write('\n').

run(Step, MaxSteps):- Step < MaxSteps,
       msg(Step, Sender, Receiver, Name , C_List),
       sendAllCerts(Step, Sender, Receiver, C_List),
       write(Sender), write(' can send message '),
       write(Name), write(' to '), write(Receiver), write('\n'),
       IPlus1 is Step + 1, run(IPlus1, MaxSteps).

run(Step, MaxSteps):-
       Step < MaxSteps,
   \+(msg(Step, _, _, _, _,_ )),
       IPlus1 is Step + 1, run(IPlus1, MaxSteps).

run(MaxSteps, MaxSteps).


/// GPJ output:
subs is able to create cert(subs) and to send it to subsender
subs can send message subscriptionConfirmation to subsender
ERROR: subsender is not able to send cert(subs) to sender
subsender can send message create to sender

/// GNU Prolog output:
subs is able to create cert(subs) and to send it to subsender
subs can send message subscriptionConfirmation to subsender
subsender can send cert(subs) to sender
subsender can send message create to sender

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 7:33 PM, Burak Emir <address@hidden> wrote:
Hey John,

Looks interesting, probably a bug!

Your example is still quite long though - is it possible to find a
smaller program that still produces two different results?

At the risk of stating the obvious, having the shortest program
possible makes it much easier to debug.

-- Burak Emir

On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 3:19 PM, John Cheung <address@hidden> wrote:

i'm trying to run my prolog programm from Java with GPJ.

The programm gives the correct result in GNU-Prolog, but GNU Prolog for Java
gives another
result. Can it be that GNU Prolog supports more or other commands than GPJ?
I don't see what's causing this problem.

I've attached the program and the different results for you. You can start
the Programm by
invorking "run." .

I need this for my thesis, so I would be very grateful if you could help me.

Thank You,

John C.

Burak Emir

Burak Emir

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