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Re: Slashdot RSS feed.

From: Bruno Hertz
Subject: Re: Slashdot RSS feed.
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 02:25:44 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

David Hansen <> writes:

> On Tue, 26 Apr 2005 21:22:07 +0200 Bruno Hertz wrote:
>> Anybody else having problems with the Slashdot RSS feed
>> today?
>> nnrss hangs with message "Saw end of trailers" and consumes almost
>> 100% CPU here.
>> Happened just this afternoon. Their feed broke at some point, even
>> Firefox reported an error, but then they somehow fixed it. At least
>> for Firefox it's OK again.
>> In Emacs still no luck though (No Gnus v0.3).
> Do M-x toggle-debug-on-quit RET and then try to abort with C-g
> and send the backtrace to the gnus developer list (M-x gnus-bug
> RET should be fine).

Thanks David

I did some investigation myself already, posted the details to
gnus.ding without getting response and finally fixed it myself.

As it turned out, a temporarily bad Slashdot feed apparently hosed
News/rss/Slashdot.el, and nnrss (or whatever) couldn't cope with that.

Cleaning out the cruft in News/rss/nnrss.el (which has a tendency to
accumulate it btw., e.g. killing a nnrss group doesn't remove the feed
from that file) and moving Slashdot.el out of the way made Gnus happy

Regards, Bruno.

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