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Re: Migrating mail from MS Outlook to Gnus

From: Rodolfo Medina
Subject: Re: Migrating mail from MS Outlook to Gnus
Date: Sat, 01 Oct 2005 19:52:23 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

I worked the problem out, but in a quite laborious way:
I had to re-compose by hand the messages, extracting them from
Outlook one by one. There are tools that allow to do so
automatically, but I tried 'out2unix' and was not satisfied with it
because the original headers are not preserved but replaced by new
fictitious ones. I also heard about 'Outport', but haven't tried it
because don't know how to install it.
The problem is to extract information from the damned mailbox.pst
file where Outlook stores its mail.
I'm reporting the manual procedure I've been following.


MS Outlook 2000

I saved the body and the headers of each single message,
one by one:
I started Outlook and opened the message. From the menu,

        View > Options > Internet Headers

, and copied and pasted the headers into a file created
with Notepad and named 'message.txt' (the '.txt' extension
is automatically put by Windows, you must not put it and
won't see it until you go into Linux), located at:
'C:\rodolfo\mail-old'. Again, from the message menu,

        Edit > Select All

, and copied and pasted the message body into 'message', after
the headers. Attention:

1) at the beginning of 'message' I did one empty space, then RET,
   then one empty line, then RET and then the headers;
2) one empty line between the headers and the body;
3) one empty line at the end.

I rebooted the PC and entered Linux. In
'/mnt/windows/rodolfo/mail-old' there was the file 'message.txt'.
I did:
        $ cd /mnt/windows/rodolfo/mail-old
        $ emacs message.txt
, then cut and pasted its content into a new file named 'message'
with no extension at all. Some encoding problems might arise,
with symbols encoded by MS Windows and not recognized by emacs,
i.e. the euro sign, that appears in emacs as: '\200'
and the three dots: '\205'. I had to find them in 'message' buffer
and rewrite them. I saved 'message'. I deleted 'message.txt'.
. Then, within emacs, 'M-x gnus-unplugged', and from the group buffer:

        G f message

. This way a new nndoc group was created. I entered this group and:

        B c

, and the message was copied into the group I wanted.
I killed the nndoc group that had been created, quitted gnus and
restarted it.

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