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Re: gnus-parameters don't have an effect

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: Re: gnus-parameters don't have an effect
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2006 14:56:10 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/22.0.91 (gnu/linux)

Hi all,

I switched back to separated posting styles and grous parameters.

,----[ ~/.gnus.el ]
| (setq gnus-posting-styles
|       '((".*"
|          ("Face" (lambda ()
|                     (let ((file (th-random-file "~/.faces" "\\.jpg")))
|                       (message "Chose %s as Face file." file)
|                       (gnus-face-from-file file)))))
|         ("^infko\\..*"
|          (address ""))
|         ("^nnimap\\+Fastmail:INBOX"
|          (address ""))
|         ("^nnimap\\+Fastmail:INBOX\\.\\(emms-patches\\|FSF\\)$"
|          (address ""))))
| (setq gnus-parameters
|       '(("^nnimap\\+Fastmail:INBOX"
|          (gnus-use-scoring nil)
|          (gcc-self . t))
|         ("^nnimap\\+Fastmail:INBOX\\.D-BARF$"
|          (to-address . "")
|          (subscribed . t)
|          (gnus-use-scoring t)
|          (gcc-self . "nnimap+Fastmail:INBOX.Sent Items"))
|         ("^nnimap\\+Fastmail:INBOX\\.emms-patches$"
|          (to-address . "")
|          (subscribed . t)
|          (gnus-use-scoring t)
|          (gcc-self . "nnimap+Fastmail:INBOX.Sent Items"))))

Now the posting styles work flawlessly, but there's still a problem with
the `gnus-parameters'.

What works are gnus-use-scoring, to-address, subscribed. But there's
self-gcc-ing in all my Fastmail IMAP groups, although this shouldn't be
done in the 2 mailing list groups (D-BARF and emms-patches). I also
tried (gcc-self . none) and (gcc-self . nil) without any luck. Gnus
always generates a Gcc header with the current group.

What's wrong with it?

Bye and thanks,

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