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changing smtp server?

From: someusernamehere
Subject: changing smtp server?
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 17:31:26 -0000
User-agent: G2/1.0

Hey I have this on my .gnus file:
;; function that change between smtp servers

(defun fs-change-smtp ()
  "Change the SMTP server according to the current from line."
    (let ((from
             (message-fetch-field "from"))))
      (message "From is `%s', setting `smtpmail-smtp-server' to `%s'"
                ((string-match "" from)
                  ;; Use stmp-auth
                  (message "Using smtp-auth")
                   ;; Sending mail
                   ((string-match "" from)
                  ;; Use other server
                  (message "Using other server")
                     (concat "Don't know which mail server to use for

(add-hook 'message-setup-hook 'fs-change-smtp)

For change among smtp servers depending the "from" header, but.....
what abou when I want to send News????, I want to send news with the
from, but this is not defined in the function fs-
change-smtp then I get an "Don't know which mail server to use for ",

how I can fix this?


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