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splitting and nnimap-split-fancy

From: Richard Riley
Subject: splitting and nnimap-split-fancy
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2009 22:28:28 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.0.90 (gnu/linux)

The following split works, but why does "root@" not work below marked by
"***" ? The Gnus manual is pretty heavy going in the splitting section
and I feel I must have overlooked something obvious.

"@" is not part of regexps special characters is it?

| (setq nnimap-split-inbox
|         '("INBOX"))
| (setq nnimap-split-predicate "UNDELETED")
| (setq nnimap-split-crosspost nil)
| (setq nnimap-split-rule 
|       '(
|       ("mymail" ("INBOX" nnimap-split-fancy)))
|       nnimap-split-fancy 
|       '(| 
|       ("List-id" "unison" "DevelopmentEmail.apps.general")
|         (from "mailer-daemon" "daemon-errors")
|       (to "xmonad" "DevelopmentEmail.haskell.xmonad")
|       (to "emacs-orgmode" "")
|       (to "root" "root") ;; ***
|       (to "rileyrgdev" "DevelopmentEmail.mail")
|       "INBOX.mail.NOT-FILED"))

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