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Re: Trigger spell checking before sending

From: Pietro
Subject: Re: Trigger spell checking before sending
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2016 10:11:23 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.4 (gnu/linux)

Emanuel Berg <> writes:

> Pietro <> writes:
>> Alternatively I am thinking of writing a function
>> which asks the user for the language the ispell
>> function should check for, it does not need to
>> accept all the languages and for instance I would be
>> more than happy to have something like that :
>> Mini-buffer says: [Which language ?[e : English, i:
>> Italian]
> I still don't like the idea of having this complicated
> a thing in a hook; on the other hand, I just realized
> that the code I provided isn't compatible with the
> hook solution, so it isn't of any help if you are set
> on that idea.
> OK, try this, only change the Swedish stuff for
> Italian, no?
> (defun message-spell-before-send (lang-char)
>   (interactive "s(e)nglish or (s)wedish: ")
>   (let ((lang (pcase lang-char
>                 ("e" "american-insane") ; these has to be added outside of 
> Emacs
>                 ("s" "svenska") )))
>     (if lang
>         (progn
>           (ispell-change-dictionary lang) ; N.B. side-effect - this isn't 
> reset
>           (ispell-message) )
>       (message "Spelling not done - no support for: %s" lang-char) )))
> If you don't want to spell, just hit RET.
sorry for my late reply, I was busy ... working! Ouch!

Thanks a lot for your answers guys, much appreciated :-)

I would like to implement one of the previous follow up which explained how to 
detect the buffer's language but for now I would be more than happy with
this simple and good solution, the function works fine when I call it
from M-x "name-function" but something strange happens when that is
called by the message-send hook:

run-hooks: Wrong number of arguments: (lambda (lang-char) (interactive
"s(e)nglish or (s)wedish: ") (let ((lang (cond ((equal lang-char "e")
(let nil "british")) ((equal lang-char "i") (let nil "italiano")) (t
nil)))) (if lang (progn (ispell-change-dictionary lang)
(ispell-message)) (message "Spelling not done - no support for: %s"
lang-char)))), 0

This is what I get in my mini-buffer when I send my email, any thoughts ?
I am new to Emacs Lisp therefore I could some  silly mistake.

Thanks a lot.

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